3. Elective Modules
M-09 Mind and Language
- 180215 SE Introduction to the Analytical Philosophy of Language
- 180267 VO Philosophy of Mind: An Introduction - Consciousness, Cognition and the Brain-Mind-Problem
- 180278 SE Intentionality and Consciousness
- 180296 PS Introduction to Modal Logic - (Minicurriculum Logic I)
- 180380 SE Language and Mind
M-10 Art, Culture, Religion
- 010120 SE Seminar
- 180019 SE The Question of God - God or Mammon
- 180107 SE Phenomenological aesthetics
- 180115 SE Classical texts on aesthetics - From Aristotle to Zizek
- 180211 VO Beauty - A concept and its reality
- 180347 SE Augustine, Confessiones
M-11 Contemporary Thought
- 010053 SE Philosophy of modernity in Europe and Latinamerica - (Habermas, Foucault, Dussel, Echeverria)
- 180215 SE Introduction to the Analytical Philosophy of Language
- 180278 SE Intentionality and Consciousness
- 180338 VO Types of reception of German Idealism in the 20th century
- 180373 SE The machines of Docteur Lacan - Eine technikhistorische Einführung
M-12 Applied Ethics
- 020058 VO Clinical Rounds - from medical, ethical and legal view
- 020060 SE Medicine beyond Therapy
- 180203 SE Aging-Disease-Dying - Philosophical, medical and ethical problems in geriatrics
- 180209 SE Abortion - Part 2
- 180255 VO People with dementia - people without mind?
- 180261 VO Biology and Ethics: Arguments, Trends, Controversies
- 180363 SE Enviromental ethics - Klima, Wasser, Nahrung
- 190348 VO Compulsory Module: Advanced Psychoanalytic Theory and Its Relevance for Various Disciplines - Psychoanalysis and Ethics
M-13 Gender and Society
- 180221 UE Marxism as a Theory of Social Conflict
- 180224 VO Philosophy and Economies - Money talks
- 180225 SE Philosophy and Economics - Epistemology
- 180307 SE Body and Sexuality - Phänomenologische und diskurstheoretische Perspektiven (Waldenfels, Foucault)
- 180370 SE Gender and Alterity - Spivak and Butler
M-14 Human and Nature
- 180261 VO Biology and Ethics: Arguments, Trends, Controversies
- 180275 VO From Early Atomism to Modern Elementary Particles - Philosophical Aspects of microphysical Concepts
- 180303 PS [ de fr ] The human nature in French philosophy - Textfragmente zur französischen Philosophie
- 180363 SE Enviromental ethics - Klima, Wasser, Nahrung
- 260104 SE [ de en ] Quantum physics for Non-physicists
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:35