Studies Programme 2 - Protestant Theology
Bei Lehrveranstaltungen, für die eine persönliche Anmeldung - "(p. A.)" - vorgeschrieben ist, haben sich die Studierenden am jeweiligen Institut anzumelden. Die für die Lehrveranstaltung geltenden Anmeldebedingungen sind auf den jeweiligen Institutstafeln der Fakultät angeschlagenen Kundmachungen zu entnehmen (die Institutstafeln befinden sich im Vorraum der Fakultätsbibliothek). Vor allem Erstsemestrige werden eingeladen, die Studienberatung in Anspruch zu nehmen.
2.01. Protestant Theology
1. Philosophy
- 020001 VU Introduction to Philosophy - Introduction into Philosophy
- 020002 SE The Philosophy of F.W.J. Schelling
2. Old Testament Studies and Biblical Archaeology
- 020008 UE Exercises in Exegesis
- 020009 VO Old Testament Theology II (Pentateuch)
- 020011 VO-L Introduction to the Old Testament
- 020012 SE Themes of Old Testament research - The mountain as holy place in the Old Testament
- 020013 UE Bible Survey
- 020014 UE Reading of biblical Hebrew - The prophet Jonah
3. New Testament Studies
- 020015 VO Theology of the New Testament
- 020016 VO-L Introduction to the New Testament
- 020020 UE Exegetical Exercise Course "Christology of the New Testament"
- 020063 SE The Social Sciences and New Testament Interpretation
4. Ecclesiastical History, Christian Archaeology and Ecclesiastical Art
- 020021 SE Byzance-Constantinople-Istanbul
- 020023 VO Christians in the Middle Ages
- 020025 SE Tertullian
- 020026 VO Introduction to the History of Protestantism in Austria and the Habsburg-Monarchy
- 020027 VO-L History of Christiantity and Christian Thought since the Reformation
- 020028 VO Sources of the History of Christianity since the Reformation - including the History of Protestantism in Austria and the Habsburg-Monarchy
5. Systematic Theology
- 020030 VO Ethics I: Introduction to theological ethics
- 020031 VO Ecumenical Introduction to Christian Churches
- 020032 SE Theological hermeneutics
6. Practical Theology and Religious Psychology
- 020037 VO Introduction to Pastoral Care / Pastoral Psychology
- 020038 VO Homiletics
- 020039 SE Homiletics I
- 020040 VU Intoduction to Practical Theology
- 020053 SE Homiletics II
7. Religious Education
- 020046 UE Exercises in Subject Didactics
- 020047 VO Didactics of Religious Education
- 020049 UE+PR Practical Course in Education
- 020050 VU Parish Education - Confirmation Work
- 020057 UE Diaconia - theory and practice
- 020058 SE Exercises in Subject Didactics
8. Church Law
- 020042 SE Church Law Seminar
9. Religious Science
- 020005 VO Introduction to the Comparative Study of Religions
- 020006 SE The Portrayal and Perception of Jesus Christ in other religions
10. Women's Research/Gender Studies
- 020004 VO Introduction to Islam
- 020007 SE Muslim invitation for dialogue - Comments on the letter of 138 Muslim scholars to the heads of all Christian denominations
- 020018 EX Archaeological field research: Jerusalem
- 020019 VO Biblical Archaeology - OT Motives in the Interpretation of the Verduner Altar, Klosterneuburg
- 020033 VO The Ethics of Martin Luther
- 020034 VO Introduction into Biblical Archaeology
- 020035 VO+UE Biblical Archaeology: issues of field research in Jerusalem
- 020041 SE Psychology of Religion
- 020043 UE Compulsory Optional Subject: Personal Growth and Self-Experience IV
- 020044 UE Introduction Group Dynamics
- 020045 UE Rhetorical Communication II: From Talking to speaking in Public
- 020054 EX The World of the Bible in Museums of Europe: London
- 020055 UE Free Compulsory Optional Subjekt - Biblical Texts in Religious Education
- 300073 SE Current topics in philosophy, theology and biology - Interdisciplinary discussions of current topics in Philosophy, Theology and Biology
- 020059 SE Jewish Sources on Revelation and Reason within the Tension between Tradition and Modernity"
11. Doctoral Degree Programme
- 020010 PV Old Testament Privatissimum
- 020024 PV Texts and Monuments of Late Antiquity - The Greek and Latin Inscriptions in the Burdur Archaeological Museum
- 020029 PV Exclusive tutorial: Current discussion and issues of Systematic Theology
- 020036 PV Privatssimum
- 020048 SE Research Seminar Religious Education
- 020056 PV Privatissimum: Research Religious Education
11. Ethics and Law in Medicine
2.01. Protestant Theology
EC1: The Bible: History and Interpretation
Module 1: The History of Biblical Times
Module 2: The Bible
EC2: The Bible: Book and Text
- 020013 UE Bible Survey
- 020055 UE Free Compulsory Optional Subjekt - Biblical Texts in Religious Education
Modul 1: Die Bibel als Buch
Modul 2: Die Entstehung der Bibel
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:35