18.02. Teacher Training Programme: "Psychology and Philosophy"
§ 57.1 Psychology (First and Second Stage of the Degree Programme)
§ 57.1.1. General Psychology I
§ 57.1.2. General Psychology II
- 200147 VO Elective Course: General Psychology II
§ 57.1.3. Developmental Psychology I
§ 57.1.4. Developmental Psychology II
§ 57.1.5. Social Psychology I
§ 57.1.6. Social Psychology II
- 200149 VO Elective Course: Social Psychology II
§ 57.1.7. Depth Psychology I
§ 57.1.9. Experiments in Psychology Classes
- 180704 VO Introduction to Psychoanalysis - Depth psychology II
- 200150 VO Elective Course: Clinical Psychology and Health Psychology II
§ 57.1.10. Psychological Research Methods
- 180564 PS Experiments in Psychology Classes
- 180616 PS Experiments in Psychology Classes
- 180647 PS Experiments in Psychology Classes
§ 57.1.11. Introduction to Psychology for Prospective Teachers
- 180649 PS Psychological Methods of Investigation
- 180650 PS Psychological Methods of Investigation
- 180709 PS Psychological Methods of Investigation
§ 57.1.8 Depth Psychology II
- 180610 VO Introduction to Psychology (PP)
§ 57.2. Philosophy: First Stage of the Degree Programme
§ 57.2.1. Introduction to Philosophy for Prospective Teachers
- 180646 PS Introduction to Philosophy PP
§ 57.2.2. History of Philosophy
- 180425 VO History of Philosophical Ideas
- 180556 VO-L Introduction to Practical Philosophy - Man - mind - liberty
- 180594 VO-L History of Philosophy III (Classical Modernity through the 19th Century) - Kant and German Idealism
- 180600 VO-L History of Philosophy III (Classical Modernity through the 19th Century) - Kant and German Idealism
- 180630 VO-L History of Philosophy II (Middle Ages and Early Modernity) - Mediaeval Islamic Philosophy, Theology and Mysticism in comparison to their coeval Christian counterparts.
§ 57.2.3. Logics and Theory of Argumentation
- 180552 VO-GKL Basic Logic - (1. Teil: BA und PP)
- 180623 UE Beginning Logic
- 180676 UE-GKL Exercise in Logic
§ 57.2.4. Epistemology and Philosophy of Science
- 180496 VO Introduction to the Philosophy of Science II
- 180579 VO Basic Concepts of Philosophy of Mind. The Mental and the Physical
- 180602 VO Introduction to Philosophy of Science
§ 57.2.5. Basics of Ethics
- 180430 VO-L Kant - Moral Philosophy
- 180519 VO-L The evil
- 180652 VO [ en ] Being a Citizen of the World - A Historical and Conceptual Introduction to Cosmopolitanism
§ 57.2.6. Greek Terminology for Students of "Psychology and Philosophy" or with Proof of Knowledge in Greek, Proseminar "Basic Problems in Philosophy"
Greek Terminology
- 180632 VO-L History of Philosophy I (Antiquity)
PS Basic Questions in Philosophy
- 180601 PS History of Epistemology - René Descartes
- 180619 PS Introduction into Ethics - Aristotelian, Kantian and Utilitarian Approaches and their Topicality
§ 57.3. Philosophy Second Stage of the Degree Programme
§ 57.3.1. History of Philosophy II
- 180557 VO Contemporary Philosophy - Analytical Philosophy/Continental Philosophy
- 180594 VO-L History of Philosophy III (Classical Modernity through the 19th Century) - Kant and German Idealism
- 180630 VO-L History of Philosophy II (Middle Ages and Early Modernity) - Mediaeval Islamic Philosophy, Theology and Mysticism in comparison to their coeval Christian counterparts.
- 180644 VO-L History of Philosophy II (Middle Ages and Early Modernity)
§ 57.3.2. Interpretation of Philosophical Texts
- 180588 SE Seminar for comparative Thought - Zen and Philosophy
- 180595 SE Metaphysics and Ontology - Heidegger und die Gottesfrage
- 180622 SE Schopenhauer
§ 57.3.3. Applied Ethics
- 180592 SE Aging-Disease-Dying - Philosophical, medical and ethical problems in geriatrics
- 180614 SE Ethics of the Belly - Zum philosophischen Interesse der "Gastrosophie"
- 180639 PS Busines Ethics
§ 57.3.4. Philosophical Problems of the Present
- 180463 VO-L To Have an Idea
- 180574 VO-L Limited Inc.: Derrida - Luhmann - Pro and Contra
- 180578 VO-L Distributed Intelligence - Swarms, networks, forms
- 180605 VO Introduction to Philosophy of language - Aspects from Wittgenstein to Brandom
- 180612 VO Andine philosophy - Zur Genealogie des "guten Lebens"
- 180615 VO Philosophy of Language - Problems of Meaning
- 180621 VO-L Intercultural Philosophy
- 180642 SE The Epistemology of Metaphor
- 180643 SE [ en ] Feminist Aesthetics - Philosophy, Art and Gender
- 180653 SE Power in Foucault
§ 57.3.5. Interdisciplinary Seminar
- 180550 SE Philosophy and Economics - Marxismus
- 180592 SE Aging-Disease-Dying - Philosophical, medical and ethical problems in geriatrics
- 180618 SE The atheistic advancement of religion as a consequence of the collapse of hegelian philosophy
- 180625 SE Nietzsche's Philosophy and the Aesthetics of Richard Wagner
- 180643 SE [ en ] Feminist Aesthetics - Philosophy, Art and Gender
- 180683 SE Lacans Machinery II - Eine Einführung in die Technikgeschichte
§ 57.4. Teaching Methodology
- 180606 SE How to teach Ethics
- 180607 SE Psychology as a Teaching Discipline
- 180608 SE Interdisciplinary Didactics - Wissenschaft und Wahrheit (e-Learning)
- 180611 SE Philosophy as a Teaching Discipline
- 180617 SE Interdisciplinary Didactics
- 180627 SE Didactic of psychology - eine praxisorientierte Anwendung
- 180628 SE Philosophie as a Teaching Discipline
- 180640 SE Interdisciplinary Didactics
- 180641 SE Interdisciplinary Didactics
- 180645 SE Psychology as a Teaching Discipline
§ 57.5. Pedagogy
- 190136 VO The Early Years of Life. - Development of the Body-Ego, the development of affects, metallization and the psychosexual development in the first three years of life
- 190191 VO Principles and Developments in the field of "Psychoanalysis in Education"
- 190238 VO General Didactics
- 190244 VO History of Education, with Special Consideration of Austria - and teh Development of Special Education
- 190269 VO Biography and Age - Development and education 2: Developmental stimulation and developmental problems of children in preschool as topics of development pedagogics
- 190486 VO Special Needs and Inclusive Education
- 190487 VO Consultation and Personality Development - psychoanalytic perspective
- 190488 VO Consultation and Personality Development - person-centered and humanistic perspective
- 190880 VO Individual and development - Personality Development and Self-Actualization
- 190887 VO Concepts and Constructions of Humans - Self determination and Utility of Man
- 190889 VO BM 14 Modelle und Methoden international vergleichender Schul- und Bildungsforschung - School systems in international comparison - An introduction to Comparative Education with special attention to the upper secondary stage of education
§ 57.6. Elective Courses
- 180547 VO The aesthetical system of Thomas Bernhard
- 180550 SE Philosophy and Economics - Marxismus
- 180567 SE The foundations of TCM I - Metaphor and science
- 180568 SE The foundations of TCM II - Metaphor and science
- 180572 VO Open Concepts of Bodies in Indian Philosophies - Cosmic bodies
- 180576 PS Neighborhood - Nearness against will?
- 180577 SE Dwelling
- 180587 VO The Genealogy of Zen Spirit - The Source of the Zen in China
- 180591 SE The concept of freedomm in the diskussion
- 180603 SE Logic and Metaphysics
- 180618 SE The atheistic advancement of religion as a consequence of the collapse of hegelian philosophy
- 180625 SE Nietzsche's Philosophy and the Aesthetics of Richard Wagner
- 180626 PS Penis Envy and the Question of the Phallus - A critical Approach to the psychoanalytic Concept of the Body
- 180635 PS Philosophy in Latin America (Colombia, Venezuela, Brazil) - Identity, Comparison, Interaction between Latin American and European thinking.
- 180651 LPS The Power of Gender Norms
- 180666 SE The Value of Utility and problems of Ethical Theorie
- 180680 VO Introduction to the Phenomenology of Law
§ 57.6. Elective Courses
- 010099 SE Kants lectures on Rational Theology
- 180545 UE Marxism and "Superstructure"
- 180549 VO Philosophy and Economies - Economics as an exact science
- 180550 SE Philosophy and Economics - Marxismus
- 180567 SE The foundations of TCM I - Metaphor and science
- 180568 SE The foundations of TCM II - Metaphor and science
- 180569 SE Intercultural Philosophy - Beyond the alternative of universalism and relativism
- 180572 VO Open Concepts of Bodies in Indian Philosophies - Cosmic bodies
- 180576 PS Neighborhood - Nearness against will?
- 180577 SE Dwelling
- 180583 VO Television Aesthetics
- 180587 VO The Genealogy of Zen Spirit - The Source of the Zen in China
- 180591 SE The concept of freedomm in the diskussion
- 180603 SE Logic and Metaphysics
- 180618 SE The atheistic advancement of religion as a consequence of the collapse of hegelian philosophy
- 180625 SE Nietzsche's Philosophy and the Aesthetics of Richard Wagner
- 180626 PS Penis Envy and the Question of the Phallus - A critical Approach to the psychoanalytic Concept of the Body
- 180635 PS Philosophy in Latin America (Colombia, Venezuela, Brazil) - Identity, Comparison, Interaction between Latin American and European thinking.
- 180651 LPS The Power of Gender Norms
- 180675 VO Introduction to Chinese Thought - From Moti at Zhuangzi
- 180506 SE Myself in the Practice of psychotherapy and counseling
- 200150 VO Elective Course: Clinical Psychology and Health Psychology II
- 200151 VO Elective Course: Research Projects in Economic Psychology II
- 200152 VO Elective Course: Educational Psychology II
- 190136 VO The Early Years of Life. - Development of the Body-Ego, the development of affects, metallization and the psychosexual development in the first three years of life
- 190159 VO Education and Policy - Education as Social Value and Institutional Order
- 190238 VO General Didactics
- 190244 VO History of Education, with Special Consideration of Austria - and teh Development of Special Education
- 190266 VO [ en ] 5.7.2 Rehabilitation, Education and Therapy I
- 190269 VO Biography and Age - Development and education 2: Developmental stimulation and developmental problems of children in preschool as topics of development pedagogics
- 190276 VO The Theory of psychoanalytic psychotherapy - a theory of education?
- 190486 VO Special Needs and Inclusive Education
- 190487 VO Consultation and Personality Development - psychoanalytic perspective
- 190488 VO Consultation and Personality Development - person-centered and humanistic perspective
- 190880 VO Individual and development - Personality Development and Self-Actualization
- 190887 VO Concepts and Constructions of Humans - Self determination and Utility of Man
- 190889 VO BM 14 Modelle und Methoden international vergleichender Schul- und Bildungsforschung - School systems in international comparison - An introduction to Comparative Education with special attention to the upper secondary stage of education
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:35
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