7. Ecology
7.1. ABCM (1) Limnology
- 300120 UE Quantitative methods in freshwater ecology
- 300295 VO+UE Field course "Aquatic Habitats" - advanced level
- 300659 SE Limnology Seminar - Current research and ecological concepts
- 300731 VO Concepts of Limnology - Structure and Function of Freshwater Ecosystems
7.2. ABCM (2) Marine Biology
- 300162 VO+UE [ en ] Advanced Marine Ecology I
- 300180 VO+UE [ en ] Biogeochemistry of the ocean
- 300314 UE [ en ] Fauna and flora of marine habitats - Voraussetzung ist eine positive Prüfung über die Vorlesung "Einführung in die Meereskunde" oder "Einführung in die Meeresbiologie"
7.3. ABCM (3) Microbial, Molecular and Chemical Ecology
- 300114 SE [ en ] Current Topics in Molecular Microbial Ecology and Evolution
- 300347 VO+UE Phylogeny of prokaryotes - (1h lecture and 2 parallel 2h laboratory course)
7.4. ABCM (4) Ecophysiology and Ecosystem Ecology
- 300207 VO+UE Plant Ecophysiology Field Course
- 300236 VO Ecophysiology of plants
- 300483 SE+UE [ en ] Structure and Function of Terrestrial and Aquatic Ecosystems
7.5. ABCM (5) Community and Landscape Ecology
- 300081 EX+VO Vegetation Ecology: Concepts and Methods
- 300094 PP Plant population biology
- 300635 VO+UE Ecosystems and Vegetation of natural Landscapes - Fieldcourse Ötschgräben
7.6. ABCM (6) Human Ecology
- 300160 SE SE: Specific Human Ecology
- 300184 VO Applied Human Ecology: transitions and possible interventions in developing societies - Investigative methods in transition societies on food security, climate change and regional development
- 300189 SE Participatory Research in Human Ecology
- 300281 SE Inter- and transdiciplinary work-methods in human ecology research
- 300316 EX+VO Ecological research fororganic farming - Examples from the practice
- 300357 VO Specific Human Ecology
- 300406 VO Natural environment and the energy sector - a human ecological perspective
- 300612 UE Environmental Health Interactions - Molecular Epidemiology and Epigenetics
7.7. Block of Elective Modules: Ecology
- 300007 UE Microscopical course on freshwater algae - Microscopical course on freshwater algae in lakes aimed at EC Water Framework Directive
- 300033 VO+UE+EX Limnetic ostracods from Austria - Biodiversity, systematics, zoogeography and bioindication
- 300041 VO+UE Macrophyte survey and Water Framework Directive and European Standards - Assessing the ecological status of waterbodies in Europe
- 300088 VO+SE Marine Viral Ecology
- 300106 UE Ecological Field Methods: Animals - The course presents collecting and sampling strategies (e.g. nets, pitfall traps, mark-release-recapture methods, light traps, transects) of terrestrial animal ecology in practical exercises. Design and execution of a field study from the coice of the study area to the interpretation of the collected data for scientific work will be demonstrated.
- 300175 VO+SE [ en ] Microbial Oceanography
- 300177 VO+SE [ en ] Molecular mechanisms of Symbiosis
- 300181 SE New methods in fish ecology
- 300218 SE [ en ] Advances in Marine Biology, part 2 - Seminars for MS and PhD students in Dept. Marine Biology
- 300230 VO Microbiology at the University of Vienna
- 300234 VO Introduction to Planktonecology
- 300266 UE Aquatic microbial Ecology - Introduction to methods
- 300268 UE Excursions on vegetation ecology - Excursions on Conservation, Vegetation and Landscape Ecolgy in Austria
- 300272 UE Ecology Course - Island of Krk (Croatia) - Ecology Course - Island of Krk (Croatia)
- 300276 VO+UE Rhizosphere
- 300325 EX [ de en ] Hydrobotanical excursions - aquatic vegetation in characteristic habitats in Eastern Austria
- 300366 SE [ en de ] Advances in Molecular Microbial Ecology and Evolution
- 300401 VO Basics of microbial degradation processes in aquatic systems
- 300428 VO+UE+EX Ephemeroptera identification course - advanced level
- 300607 UE [ de en ] Molecular and chemical methods in ecology
- 300651 VO Quantitative freshwater ecology/ statistics - Statistical methods
- 300658 EX+VO Diversity of Bryophyes, Vulneribility and Conservation
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:35