Universität Wien

4. Compulsory Module "Literature and Cultural Studies"

120127 VO [en] Survey of Literatures in English 2 - American Literature & Culture from the Early 17th to the Late 19th Centuries
120030 VO [en] Cultural and Regional Studies (Irish Civilization) - Irish Studies: Laying the Foundations
120083 VO [en] Cultural and Regional Studies: American Civilization - "Asylum for Mankind" or "Guarding the Golden Door"? American Attitudes toward Immigration
120010 PS [en] Literature: Proseminar = Introductory Seminar - Reinventing Lives: The Representation of Historical Women Artists in Contemporary Fictionalised Biographies
120013 PS [en] Literature: Proseminar = Introductory Seminar - Queen's Evidence: Representations of Elizabeth I and Elizabeth II
120033 PS [en] Literature: Proseminar = Introductory Seminar - "Passionate Pilgrims" - American Expatriates in Europe
120058 PS [en] Literature: Proseminar = Introductory Seminar - Literary Massachusetts
120059 PS [en] Literature: Proseminar = Introductory Seminar - The Elizabethan Age and its Legacy
120065 PS [en] Literature: Proseminar = Introductory Seminar - REVISIONS - NEW VISIONS: Postmodernist (Meta-) Fictional Rewritings of 18th and 19th cent Core Texts and Culture
120081 PS [en] Literature: Proseminar = Introductory Seminar - "Writing of Place - Placing the Written"
120009 KO [en] Reading Skills BA = Lektürekompetenz - The Irish Comic Tradition
120012 SE [en] Literary Seminar / BA-Arbeit / MA British/Irish/New English - Contemporary Drama: Challenging the Audience
120014 SE [en] Literary Seminar / BA-Arbeit / MA British/Irish/New English - Shakespeare's Festive Comedies
120020 SE [en] Literary Seminar / BA-Arbeit / MA American/North American Lit./Studies - Multiculturalism in North America. Selected Texts and Contexts.
120021 SE [en] Literary Seminar / BA-Arbeit / MA British/Irish/New English - When texts turn self-conscious: metatextuality in literature and the visual arts
120024 SE [en] Literary Seminar / BA-Arbeit / MA British/Irish/New English - Intriguing Women: Fictional Heroines from Defoe to Atwood.
120077 SE [en] Literary Seminar / BA-Arbeit / MA British/Irish/New English - Cross-Cultural Encounters: Varieties of Immigrants' Experiences as Presented in Contemporary Anglophone Fiction
120118 SE [en] Literary & Cultural Studies Seminar (322) = Literary & Cultural Studies Seminar BA-Seminar - Defining a nation: Britain and the British in the 20th and 21st centuries
120032 PS [en] Interdisciplinary Course (501) = Proseminar Cultural Studies - Slavery and the En/Gendering of the Modern Subject in U.S. American Literature and Culture
120082 AR [en] Interdisciplinary Course (501) = Proseminar Cultural Studies = Excursion - Rafting Web 2.0 with Huck Finn
120155 AR [en] Interdisciplinary Course (501) = Proseminar Cultural Studies - British Media and Culture, 1945-70.
120158 AR [en] Interdisciplinary Course (501) = Proseminar Cultural Studies - British Media and Culture, 1945-70.
120099 KO [en] Interdisciplinary Course (501) = Critical Media Analysis - Making Your Movies Mean
120116 SE [en] Advanced Cultural Studies SE (Modul) = Cultural/Media Studies SE (MA) = SE Kulturwiss./BA-Arbeit - Ways of Thinking - Approaches to Cultural Analysis: The British Way
120118 SE [en] Literary & Cultural Studies Seminar (322) = Literary & Cultural Studies Seminar BA-Seminar - Defining a nation: Britain and the British in the 20th and 21st centuries

Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:35