Scientific Methods
- 240057 SE A qualitative study about a project on migration and integration in Austrian schools - zu Migration und Integration an österreichischen Schulen
- 240058 SE Field Research and Scientific Projects as Teamwork
- 240059 SE To whom belongs the Town? - Difference, Power, Local and Global in Urban Space
- 240060 SE Public Space in Rural Areas: Testing Participant Observation
- 240061 PR Fieldresearch on Dak'Art, the Biennale of Dakar
- 240062 PR Rototom Sunsplash: The Global Reggae City
- 240063 PR Intercultural Learning in Viennese Schools
- 240064 PR Public Space in Rural Areas: Testing Participant Observation
- 240091 SE [ en ] Anthropology of the Middle East - with Perspectives on Tourism
- 240092 PR Intercultural Communication and Culture of Conflict Resolution - Traditional Methods of Conflict Resolution vs. Mediation in the Age of Globalisation
- 240133 PR Learnings from the "Audimaxbesetzung"
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:36