D. Complementary Study Programme (Minor) in Art History
1. Introductory Course Art History
- 080117 VO Propädeutikum Kunstgeschichte
2. Introduction to Art History
- 080008 VO Introduction to the Terminology and Morphology of Architecture
- 080084 VO Introduction to Iconography
3. Periods in Art History I, II, III or IV
- 080017 VO Art since 1789
4. Periods in Art History I, II, III or IV
- 080017 VO Art since 1789
- 080007 VO Introduction into the Art of India and Tibet
- 080035 VO The History of Art Literature and Art History
- 080044 VO Art after 1945
- 080049 VO Spanish Painting from El Greco to Goya
- 080054 VO The Management and Construction of Architectural Monuments during the European Middleages. - Vorstufen - Hauptleistungen - Nachwirkungen (m.K.)
- 080067 VO Künstler, Profis, Knipser: Fotografie in Mitteleuropa 1880-1920 (nst.K.)
- 080104 VO Late Gothique Painting in Austria
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:36