D31 Seminars for In-Depth Studies in Philosophy and Theology
- 010029 SE Thomas Aquinas. Life and Works
- 010030 SE Texts - Places - Memory Landscapes. The Holy Land in the Old Testament
- 010035 SE Pius XI. and Austria - Erste Republik, Ständestaat und Anschluss im Lichte neu zugänglicher Vatikanischer Quellen
- 010044 SE Hegel's Phänomenology of the Spirit
- 010045 SE M. Eckhart
- 010074 SE Basics and methods for scientifically working in Church History
- 010075 SE Jesus Christ- the son of God and Redeemer? Christological Debates
- 010099 SE Kants lectures on Rational Theology
- 010100 SE Albert Camus
- 010101 SE Theology and Literature: Franz Werfel
- 010102 SE Titel
- 010105 SE Titel
- 010108 SE Ancient Christian Documents of the Eucharist
- 010113 SE The Russian Orthodox Church: Its Educational Culture and Social Ethical Perspective
- 010116 SE The Query for God as Query for Justice
- 010118 SE Contemporary challenges of pastoral care in a theological context
- 010120 SE Phenomenology of Religion. Classics, Criticism, New Approaches
- 010121 SE SE Recent Research Approaches Science of Religions - Etic and Emic Research Approaches in the Study of Religion and Anthropology of Religion
- 010127 SE Girls and Boys as victims of sexual violence (Gender) - Wie religionspädagogisch und pastoral damit umgehen?
- 010133 SE [ en ] Interpreting Modernity
- 010208 SE Titel
- 010237 SE Seminar - Tierethik als Herausforderung theologischer Anthropologie
- 010265 SE Bhagavad Gita
- 010307 SE Pastoral counseling in situations of loss and grief
- 010320 SE Feasting and Fasting in the Liturgical Life of the Christian East
- 010324 SE Titel
Last modified: Fr 28.02.2025 00:50