§ 4: Second Stage of the Degree Programme
§ 4/1 Required Courses
§ 4/1/1 History of Philosophy [Old Curriculum 2]
- 010132 VO Ancient Philosophy
- 180073 VO-L History of Philosophy III (Classical Modernity through the 19th Century) causa efficiens-causa fin. - Kant, German Idealism and the presuppositions
- 180328 VO-L History of Philosophy I (Antiquity)
- 180387 VO-L History of Philosophy III (Classical Modernity through the 19th Century) - 19. Jahrhundert
- 180393 VO-L History of Philosophy I (Antiquity) - Rekonstruktion der Grundmomente der antiken Philosophie
§ 4/1/2 Metaphysics [Old Curriculum 3]
- 180107 VO-L Basic Problems of Metaphysics
- 180243 VO-L Metaphysics and Ontology - Die Problematik eines sog. Gottesbeweises
- 180246 SE Hegel: Science of Logic - Doctrine of Essence
- 180299 SE The Experiment of Idealism
- 180321 SE Edmund Husserls Phenomenology - Concepts, Methos, Topics
- 180383 SE Metaphysics and Ontology
§ 4/1/3 Ethics [Old Curriculum 4]
- 010053 BA Kantian Ethics: The Discourse Ethics of Karl-Otto Apel and Jürgen Habermas
- 180178 SE Aristotle: Nicomachean Ethics
- 180208 SE Aging-Disease-Dying - Philosophical, medical and ethical problems in geriatrics
- 180209 VO-L Ethics of Care
- 180222 VO Individuality and Will
- 180237 SE [ en ] Legality and Legitimacy
- 180238 SE [ de en ] Morality and Bad Action
- 180308 SE ethic problems ans sports - Moral and ethic issues in professional leisure sportsMoral with main topics in social, economic and political surroundings
- 180318 PS From Existentialist Ethics to Philosophy of Art of Living
- 180322 SE Philosophy and Phenomenology of Violence
- 180325 VO Applied Ethics
- 180391 VO-L Introduction in the Normconsistent and Utilitarismus
- 180410 LPS Normconsistent
- 180411 SE Deontological
- 180415 VO-L Gerechtigkeit. Ein Grundbegriff der europäischen Geistesgeschichte - Justice. A fundamental term of Europe's history of ideas
§ 4/1/4 Epistemology [Old Curriculum 6]
- 180090 SE Descartes
- 180115 SE Philosophy of Science Seminar I - Interdisziplinäre Einführung - Grundlagen, theoretische und praktische Aspekte der Wissenschaftstheorie
- 180142 VO [ en ] The sources of epistemic normativity
- 180186 VO Basic Concepts of Philosophy of Mind
- 180198 VO [ en ] Cognitive Science -- Introduction and Basic Concepts
- 180230 SE [ de en ] Genealogy of Knowledge
- 180236 SE Critique of Scholastic Reason - Philosophie und Philosophiekritik im Werk Bourdieus
- 180310 SE Embodiment and Cognition
- 180320 SE Formal theories of truth (Minicurriculum Logic II)
- 180388 LPS Leibniz - New New Essays on Human Understanding
- 180389 SE Hermann Cohen
- 180684 VO Philosophy of perception
§ 4/1/5 Logics [Old Curriculum 7]
- 180199 SE Modal Logic
- 180320 SE Formal theories of truth (Minicurriculum Logic II)
§ 4/1/6 Philosophy of Nature [Old Curriculum 8]
- 010120 DS Human and animals
- 180184 SE Between nature and culture - Social and mental dimensions of Philosophical Anthropology
- 180205 SE Aesthetics of Nature
- 180216 VO The Theory of Evolution: Historical and Philosophical Aspects
- 180217 SE Oceans: Science and Fiction of the Deep Blue
- 180244 SE Ontological dimensions of Philosophical Antthropology
- 180682 VO What Can a Body Do? - Deleuze in Spinoza. Spinoza in Deleuze
- 260104 SE [ de en ] Quantum physics without formalism - Interdisciplinary seminar of quantum physics
§ 4/1/7 Non-European Philosophy [Old Curriculum 8]
- 180303 VO-L Introduction to Chinese Thought 3 - Intrduction to Chineses Thought 3
- 180306 VO-L Zen and our Contemporary Time - Dogen's shobo genzo
- 180313 VO-L Philosophy in Latin America 1 (Mexiko) - Identity, Comparison, Interaction between Latin American and European thinking
- 180364 SE [ en ] Art, Culture,Religion
- 180367 VO-L [ en ] Non-European Philosophy
- 180368 SE [ en ] Intercultural Philosophy and Cultural Hermeneutics
§ 4/2: Required Elective Courses
§ 4/2/1 Philosophy of Religion [Old Curriculum 8]
- 180681 SE The Question of God
§ 4/2/1 Philosophy of History [Old Curriculum 8]
- 180203 VO Hegel's interpretation of 'our time'
- 180204 VO Augustinus: de civitate dei
§ 4/2/2 Social Philosophy [Old Curriculum 8]
- 180124 SE Knowledge and Society - Merleau-Ponty und Bourdieu
- 180182 VO-L Austromarxism as a Political Philosophy
- 180183 SE Max Adler: Theorie of Knowledge and Socialism
- 180184 SE Between nature and culture - Social and mental dimensions of Philosophical Anthropology
- 180211 VO Live without work?
- 180212 VO Philosophy and Economies - Myths of the market
- 180213 SE Philosophy and Economics - Value
- 180316 SE The Thing - From the body of the mother to the beautiful things
- 180386 SE Contingency, Hegemony, Universality - Zum Begriff des Politischen bei Butler, Laclau und Zizek
- 190183 SE Thinking science (Latour, Law, Callon)
§ 4/2/2 Philosophical Women's and Gender Research [Old Curriculum 8]
- 180323 SE Feminist Philosophy - Texts in Practical Ethics
§ 4/2/3 Philosophy of Economics [Old Curriculum 8]
- 180211 VO Live without work?
§ 4/2/3 Philosophy of Science and Philosophy of Technology [Old Curriculum 5]
- 180125 VO-L Philosophy of Science and the Humanities - Historical and Philosophical Dimensions
- 180168 VO Introduction to the Philosophy of Science
- 180185 VO-L Cyperplatonism
- 180232 SE [ en ] Language and Mind
- 180236 SE Critique of Scholastic Reason - Philosophie und Philosophiekritik im Werk Bourdieus
- 180245 EK Methods and Problems of History and Philosophy of Science
- 180248 SE Texts to Technicsphilosophy
- 180326 SE Philosophies of Life and Bio-Sciences within the Scope of Enlightenment
- 180395 VO-L The Aptitude of Technology - Einführung in die Philosophie der Technik mit Bezügen zu Geschichts- und Sozialphilosophie
- 180402 SE The Caption replacement of Humans - Modell der Symbiose von Mensch und Technik in Philosophie, Kunst und Literatur
§ 4/2/3 Philosophy of the Media [Old Curriculum 8]
- 180220 SE Complex Systems
- 180309 SE Body: Image, Screen
§ 4/2/4 Hermeneutics [Old Curriculum 8]
- 180352 SE Applied Derrida
§ 4/2/4 Philosophy of Culture [Old Curriculum 8]
- 180195 SE Concepts of Culture
- 180205 SE Aesthetics of Nature
- 180231 SE Kant's Aesthetics in Contemporary Philosophy
§ 4/2/4 Intercultural Philosophy [Old Curriculum 8]
- 010026 VO Intercultural Philosophy - Philosophie im Kontext der globalen Moderne
- 180305 VO-L Culturality Of The Philosophy - An Introduction To Intercultural Philosophy
§ 4/2/5 Project Seminar
- 180225 SE Filming the Department of Philosophy
- 180239 SE Projectseminar in philosophy of science - Wissensgenerierung und Modellbildung in der Wissenschaft
§ 2/5: Courses in a foreign Language
- 180142 VO [ en ] The sources of epistemic normativity
- 180198 VO [ en ] Cognitive Science -- Introduction and Basic Concepts
- 180232 SE [ en ] Language and Mind
- 180237 SE [ en ] Legality and Legitimacy
- 180238 SE [ de en ] Morality and Bad Action
- 180241 SE [ en ] Dissertation Seminar in Knowledge Technologies, Cognitive Science, and Philosophy of Science
- 180284 SE [ en ] Introduction to Cognitive Science I
- 180285 SE [ en ] MEi:CogSci Introduction Into Research I
- 180286 KO [ en ] MEi:CogSci Behavioural Biology Discussion
- 180287 UE [ en ] MEi:CogSci Teamwork
- 180288 SE [ en ] MEi:CogSci Journal Club
- 180289 SE [ en ] New Trends in Cognitive Science - Concepts in living and artificial systems
- 180291 PJ+SE [ en ] Projectseminar in Cognitive Science
- 180294 VO+UE [ en ] Tools in Cognitive Science I: Basic Mathematics and Programming for Cognitive Scientists
- 180295 KO [ en ] MEi:CogSci Philosophy Discussion
- 180315 VO-L Greek Terminology
- 180329 KO [ en ] MEI:CogSci Linguistics Discussion
- 180359 PS [ en ] Human nature in historical and contemporary perspective - Human nature in historical and contemporary perspective
- 180364 SE [ en ] Art, Culture,Religion
- 180367 VO-L [ en ] Non-European Philosophy
- 180368 SE [ en ] Intercultural Philosophy and Cultural Hermeneutics
- 180373 VO [ en ] Causation and the Sciences
- 180412 SE [ en ] The Philosophy of Epidemiology
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:36