14.01. African Studies
Seit dem Wintersemester 2008/09 wird das Studium Afrikawissenschaften an der Universität Wien infolge der Umgestaltung der europäischen Hochschullandschaft als Bachelor- und Mastergang angeboten, deren Curricula auf der Homepage des Instituts (www.univie.ac.at/afrika) veröffentlicht sind und einen umfassenden Überblick über die jeweiligen Inhalte und Zielsetzungen bieten. Beiden ist gemeinsam, daß sie nach einer übergreifenden Studieneingangsphase eine Spezialisierung ermöglichen und damit gezielte Kompetenzen vermitteln.Studierende des Diplomstudiums Afrikanistik können jederzeit freiwillig in den Bachelorstudienplan Afrikawissenschaften übertreten. Bisher erbrachte Studienleistungen werden gemäß der auf der Homepage des Instituts veröffentlichten Äquivalenzverordnung anerkannt.Für die Zulassung zum Masterstudium Afrikawissenschaften gelten die im Studienplan aufgeführten Bedingungen, wobei gegebenenfalls zusätzliche Studienleistungen zur Herstellung der Gleichwertigkeit anderer abgeschlossener Bachelorstudienpläne mit jenem der Afrikawissenschaften gefordert werden können. Fortgeschrittene Studierende des Diplomstudiums Afrikanistik können bei Vorliegen eines bestimmten Ausmaßes bisher erbrachter Studienleistungen gemäß der Äquivalenzverordnung im Falle des Übertritts ohne weitere Auflagen den Bachelorgrad erwerben und danach gegebenenfalls für das Masterstudium zugelassen werden.Hinweis: Anmeldungen sind nur bei den Lehrveranstaltungen notwendig, bei denen es vermerkt ist. Sonst generell KEINE Anmeldung erforderlich!
A. Bachelor Degree Programme in African Studies
1. Orientatation Period - Basics of African Studies
- 140176 UE Introduction into Scientific Work
- 140077 VO Introduction into African Linguistics - Lecture
- 140079 UE Introduction into African Linguistics - Tutorial
- 140080 VO Introduction into African Literature - Lecture
- 140082 UE Introduction into African Literature - Tutorial
- 140083 VO Introduction into African History 1- Lecture
- 140084 UE Introduction into African History - Tutorial
2. Language Studies - Alternative Required Modules
2.1. Basic Level - African Language
APM Bambara
- 140209 SK Bambara: Grammar 1
- 140093 SK Bambara: Tutorial 1
APM Hausa
- 140207 SK Hausa: Grammar 1
- 140278 SK Hausa: Tutorial 1
APM Swahili
- 140205 SK Swahili: Grammar 1
- 140204 SK Swahili: Tutorial 1
2.2. Advanced Level - African Language
APM Bambara
- 140216 SK Bambara: Grammar 3
- 140210 SK Bambara: Texts 1
- 140075 SK Bambara: Conversation 1
APM Hausa
- 140208 SK Hausa: Grammar 3
- 140092 SK Hausa: Texts 1
- 140177 SK Hausa: Conversation 1
APM Swahili
- 140212 SK Swahili: Grammar 3
- 140206 SK [ en ] Swahili: Texts 1
- 140279 SK Swahili: Conversation 1
3. Specialisation - Alternative Groups of Required Modules
3.1. African Linguistics
- 140098 VO Introduction into Phonology and Morphology
- 140086 VO Colonial and Post-Colonial Language Policy a. t. Implication on modern Language Planning in Africa
- 140046 PS Introductory Seminar: Tonology and Phonology in Selected African Languages
- 140102 SE Bachelor Seminar: Language and Literature
- 140087 SE Bachelor Seminar: History, Applied African Linguistics and International Development
3.2. African Literature
- 140133 VO African Literature III - (Südl. Afrika und Ostafrika)
- 140488 VO [ en ] New Writing from Africa
- 140128 AG [ en ] Transcultural Theatre Work with participants from different countries of origin - Focus Africa
- 140117 PS Introductory Seminar: Trauma, Narration, Remembrance
- 140102 SE Bachelor Seminar: Language and Literature
3.3. African History
- 140178 VO African Societies to the 16th Century. - (Überblicksvorlesung afrikanische Geschichte 1)
- 140348 PS Proseminar afrikanische Geschichte
- 140218 VO History of East Africa till 1800
- 140071 VO History of North Africa 1
- 140087 SE Bachelor Seminar: History, Applied African Linguistics and International Development
B. Master Degree Programme in African Studies
1. Basic Module - Required Module
- 140179 KU Methods: Data Collection and Data Processing 1
- 140195 UE Scientific Texts: Writing and Editing
2. Specialisation - Alternative Groups of Required Modules
2.1. African Linguistics
- 140076 SK Fulfulde: Grammar 1
- 140085 SK Fulfulde: Tutorial 1
- 140180 SK Fulfulde: Conversation 1
- 140358 SK Wolof: Grammar 1
- 140114 SK Wolof: Tutorial 1
- 140181 SK Wolof: Conversation 1
- 140029 VO Areality and Genealogy in the Nigeria-Cameroon Borderland
- 140055 VO Phenomena of African Language Typology
- 140100 VO Early Historic Languages and Populations in North Africa
- 140184 KU Prosodic Features in African Languages (Prosody and Tonology)
- 140341 VO+UE T IV - Communication, power and development
- 140339 VO+UE T I - Language Strategies
- 140340 VO+UE T I - Methods of discourse analysis
- 140057 KU Language in its Linguistic, Historic and Areal Context: Kanuri III
- 140099 SE Historical Comparative Linguistics
- 140030 SE Grammar Methods and their Application in the Analysis of African Languages
2.2. African History
- 140214 VO The East African Coast in the Trading Network of the Indian Ocean
- 140353 VO Settler Societies in Southern Africa, 19th Century to the Present
- 140320 VO RTV - KOA - African History - 1500 - 1900
- 140047 KU Democracy in Africa in Change
- 140357 KU Approaches to African History: Challenges and Perspectives
- 140116 KU Youth and Politics in Africa
- 140349 KU Basil Davidson (1914-2010): A Life of/for African History
- 140013 AG T I - International Migration - causes, types, processes and the political regulation of migration
- 140356 VO Africa and the Wider World: Trade, Migration, and Identity, ca. 14th to 20th Centuries
- 140328 VO Palaces, Temples, Pyramids: Archaeology of the Kushite Empire
- 140359 SE Gender History and Life Narratives in Africa
- 140090 SE Nigeria: The Transformation of Gender Relations in Economy and Politics
- 140351 SE Islam in Africa: revolutionary Islamic movements since the 17th century
- 140330 VO+UE T I - Racism
- 140274 AG T II - Panafricanism
- 140119 SE From National Planning to Structural Adjustment Programs - zur Strukturanpassung
- 140352 SE Partizipation and Social Pol. Initiatives: Case Studies from Subsaharan African Countries
C. Diploma Degree Programme in African Studies
Introductory Phase
- 140077 VO Introduction into African Linguistics - Lecture
- 140079 UE Introduction into African Linguistics - Tutorial
- 140080 VO Introduction into African Literature - Lecture
- 140082 UE Introduction into African Literature - Tutorial
- 140083 VO Introduction into African History 1- Lecture
- 140084 UE Introduction into African History - Tutorial
First Stage of Degree Programme
1. Bambara
- 140209 SK Bambara: Grammar 1
- 140093 SK Bambara: Tutorial 1
- 140216 SK Bambara: Grammar 3
- 140210 SK Bambara: Texts 1
- 140075 SK Bambara: Conversation 1
2. Hausa
- 140207 SK Hausa: Grammar 1
- 140278 SK Hausa: Tutorial 1
- 140208 SK Hausa: Grammar 3
- 140092 SK Hausa: Texts 1
- 140177 SK Hausa: Conversation 1
3. Swahili
- 140205 SK Swahili: Grammar 1
- 140204 SK Swahili: Tutorial 1
- 140212 SK Swahili: Grammar 3
- 140206 SK [ en ] Swahili: Texts 1
- 140279 SK Swahili: Conversation 1
4. Second African Languages
- 140076 SK Fulfulde: Grammar 1
- 140085 SK Fulfulde: Tutorial 1
- 140180 SK Fulfulde: Conversation 1
- 140358 SK Wolof: Grammar 1
- 140114 SK Wolof: Tutorial 1
- 140181 SK Wolof: Conversation 1
Second Stage of Degree Programme
- 140098 VO Introduction into Phonology and Morphology
- 140086 VO Colonial and Post-Colonial Language Policy a. t. Implication on modern Language Planning in Africa
- 140029 VO Areality and Genealogy in the Nigeria-Cameroon Borderland
- 140055 VO Phenomena of African Language Typology
- 140046 PS Introductory Seminar: Tonology and Phonology in Selected African Languages
- 140184 KU Prosodic Features in African Languages (Prosody and Tonology)
- 140341 VO+UE T IV - Communication, power and development
- 140339 VO+UE T I - Language Strategies
- 140340 VO+UE T I - Methods of discourse analysis
- 140057 KU Language in its Linguistic, Historic and Areal Context: Kanuri III
- 140102 SE Bachelor Seminar: Language and Literature
- 140087 SE Bachelor Seminar: History, Applied African Linguistics and International Development
- 140030 SE Grammar Methods and their Application in the Analysis of African Languages
- 140100 VO Early Historic Languages and Populations in North Africa
- 140099 SE Historical Comparative Linguistics
- 140133 VO African Literature III - (Südl. Afrika und Ostafrika)
- 140488 VO [ en ] New Writing from Africa
- 140128 AG [ en ] Transcultural Theatre Work with participants from different countries of origin - Focus Africa
- 140117 PS Introductory Seminar: Trauma, Narration, Remembrance
- 010147 FS Creating home by writing. Practical-theological reflections on Migrants¿ literature - Praktisch-theologische Reflexionen zu ausgewählten Texten der "MigrantInnen-Literatur"
- 140178 VO African Societies to the 16th Century. - (Überblicksvorlesung afrikanische Geschichte 1)
- 140218 VO History of East Africa till 1800
- 140071 VO History of North Africa 1
- 140214 VO The East African Coast in the Trading Network of the Indian Ocean
- 140353 VO Settler Societies in Southern Africa, 19th Century to the Present
- 140320 VO RTV - KOA - African History - 1500 - 1900
- 140356 VO Africa and the Wider World: Trade, Migration, and Identity, ca. 14th to 20th Centuries
- 140328 VO Palaces, Temples, Pyramids: Archaeology of the Kushite Empire
- 140348 PS Proseminar afrikanische Geschichte
- 140047 KU Democracy in Africa in Change
- 140357 KU Approaches to African History: Challenges and Perspectives
- 140116 KU Youth and Politics in Africa
- 140349 KU Basil Davidson (1914-2010): A Life of/for African History
- 140013 AG T I - International Migration - causes, types, processes and the political regulation of migration
- 140330 VO+UE T I - Racism
- 140274 AG T II - Panafricanism
- 140179 KU Methods: Data Collection and Data Processing 1
- 140090 SE Nigeria: The Transformation of Gender Relations in Economy and Politics
- 140359 SE Gender History and Life Narratives in Africa
- 140351 SE Islam in Africa: revolutionary Islamic movements since the 17th century
- 140119 SE From National Planning to Structural Adjustment Programs - zur Strukturanpassung
- 140352 SE Partizipation and Social Pol. Initiatives: Case Studies from Subsaharan African Countries
Third Stage of Degree Programme
- 140030 SE Grammar Methods and their Application in the Analysis of African Languages
- 140074 SE Master and Doctor Course
D. Doctoral Degree Programme African Studies
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:36