2. Alternative Required Modules
2.1. Basic Modules - Discipline
B-D-AI Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
B-D-BIO Introduction to Behavioural Biology
- 180286 KO [ en ] MEi:CogSci Behavioural Biology Discussion
B-D-LIN Introduction to Linguistics
- 180290 VO [ en ] Introduction to linguistics from a cognitive perspective
- 180329 KO [ en ] MEI:CogSci Linguistics Discussion
B-D-NEU Introduction to Neuroscience
B-D-PHI Introduction to Philosophy
- 180295 KO [ en ] MEi:CogSci Philosophy Discussion
- 180351 VO [ en ] Introduction to Philosophy of Mind - Consciouness, Cognition and the Brain-Mind-Problem
B-D-PSY Introduction to Psychology
2.2. Basic Tools Modules
B-M-PRO Basic Mathematics and Programming
- 180294 VO+UE [ en ] Tools in Cognitive Science I: Basic Mathematics and Programming for Cognitive Scientists
B-M-STA Basic Statistics
2.3. Advanced Tools Modules
2.4. Specialisation
- 180291 PJ+SE [ en ] Projectseminar in Cognitive Science
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:36