Elective Modules
Pro Studienabschnitt ist je ein Wahlmodul (9 ECTS) zu absolvieren, wobei zwei verschiedene Wahlmodule gewählt werden müssen.
Elective Module 1: "From the Bible to the Early Church"
Elective Module: "Sexual violence in religions and society
Elective Module 3
- 010049 VO Basics of Ecological Ethics
- 010032 BA Fasting: ecological, ethical and spiritual perspectives
- 010015 BA Biblical Theology of creation
- 010066 BA The (Cash)Value of Creation. Theological Concepts of Nature and their Effects for Ecological Acting
Elective Module:
Elective Module 5
- 010026 VO Intercultural Philosophy - Philosophie im Kontext der globalen Moderne
- 010072 EX Excursion - Theologie des Kampfes und befreiende Kirchenpraxis in den Philippinen
Elective Module 6: "Church and Society"
Elective Module 7
- 010003 VO Theology and Arts- A Disputed and Prolific Relation
- 010065 BA Making Music for Church Services: Sacred Music - Church Music - Liturgical Music
- 010098 LS Theology and Arts: Life, Surviving and Escaping - An Encounter between Aharon Appelfeld and Philip Roth
Elective Module 8
- 010016 VU Theory of religious education - General subject didactics
- 010063 PR Religious education in compulsory schools - Subject related traineeship in compulsory schools
- 010315 SE General subject didactics: Religious didactics in compulsory schools
Elective Module 9
- 010007 VO Mönchtum - Orden - Kloster I - Historische Konkretionen des regulierten Lebens in der Nachfolge Christi
- 010044 BA Sources for medieval church history - mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der mittelalterlichen Ordensgeschichte
- 010067 BA Monasticism in the Eastern Churches
- 010091 VO Saints of Eastern and South-Eastern Europe
Last modified: Fr 28.02.2025 00:50