DAM Diploma Thesis Module
- 010009 FS New Testament Studies in Contemporary Scientific Discourse
- 010021 FS Conciliarists in Late Medieval Vienna - Die erste Generation der Wiener Theologen im Mittelalter
- 010056 FS God as the Mystery of the World - The trinitarian theology of Eberhard Jüngel
- 010060 FS Diaconic theology as basic dimension of theology and pastoral work
- 010064 DS Basics and methods for Church History - an Introduction - "Die Leisten zum Schustern"
- 010088 FS Current Topics in Spirituality and the Ecumenical Movement
- 010090 FS Discussion of the ongoing research projects
- 010095 FS Theology of bodiliness
- 010106 DS The parish. Recent developments in discussion
- 010120 DS Human and animals
- 010128 DS Moral Competence
- 010134 FS Research Seminar: Principles of Religious Science
- 010147 FS Creating home by writing. Practical-theological reflections on Migrants¿ literature - Praktisch-theologische Reflexionen zu ausgewählten Texten der "MigrantInnen-Literatur"
- 010154 FS Hegel¿s Phänomenology of the Spirit
Last modified: Fr 28.02.2025 00:50