C. Diploma Degree Programme in Medieval, Early Modern and Modern Art History
First Stage of the Degree Programme
1.1. Proseminars
1.1.1. Proseminar 1 (Including Practical Exercises before Original Works of Art)
1.1.2. Proseminar 2
- 080006 PS Proseminar 2/Fallstudie I: Tod und Jenseits in Byzanz (byz.K.)
- 080037 PS Proseminar 2/Fallstudie I: Franziskuszyklen in Italien (m.K.)
- 080038 PS Hilla and Bernd Becher and the "Becher School"
- 080040 PS National Heroes of the Art (Rudolf von Eitelberger) - Austrian art and politics around 1900
- 080061 PS Mannerist Sculpture in Florence (and Vienna)
- 080062 PS Drawing in 19th and 20th-century Art
- 080105 PS Case Study I: Tara, Durga, Kali - Female deities in India and Tibet
1.1.3. Proseminar 3/4
- 080043 PS Pictorialism - Art Photography around 1900
- 080047 PS Palladianism
- 080048 PS "Cave Art" after 1945
- 080056 PS Royal Art Patronage in France and England (13th and 14th c.)
- 080083 PS Case Study II/III: Asian Art in Vienna and the History of its Collections
- 080104 PS [ en ] Immigration and Modern Art and Architecture
- 080115 PS Proseminar 3/4/Fallstudie II/III: Malerei in Rom zwischen 1600 und 1630 (n.K.)
- 080134 PS Proseminar 3/4/Fallstudie II/III: Pictorial Fields and Fields of Art
First and Second Stage of the Degree Programme
1. Lectures
- 080025 VO From Alexander the Great to the Caliphs - From Persepolis to Taxila - Recent archaeological, art historical and numismatic research
- 080029 VO Theory and History of the visual media in the Art of the 19th Century
- 080030 VO Introduction to the Terminology and Morphology of Architecture
- 080032 VO Bildende Kunst in Österreich nach 1945 im internationalen Kontext (nst./ö.K.)
- 080034 VO Zyklus II - Gothic
- 080044 VO Skulptur und Plastik der Moderne I (nst.K.)
- 080049 VO Painting in Naples from Giotto to Solimena
- 080063 VO Einführung in die Ikonographie
2. Conversatoriums
3. Practical Courses
- 080039 UE Übung: Aufbau, Pflege und Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten einer Bilddatenbank (DiFaB) (byz.K.)
- 080042 UE Übung: Deutung und Bedeutung von Kleidung, Gesten und Insignien in d.byz.Ikonographie (byz.K.)
- 080053 UE Übung: Russische Gegenwartskunst - Kunst der Gegenwart in Russland (nst.K.)
- 080057 UE Architectural Drawings of Otto Wagner
- 080066 UE Art History in Heritage Protection: Composing Expert's Reports on Historical Buildings
- 080091 UE How to describe works of art? Exercise for STEP-Assistants
- 080100 UE The Beautiful, the Ugly - Theory and Practice
- 080106 UE Photojournalism: At the Crossroads between Mass Media and Museum
- 080108 UE Vienna - City Space and Literature
- 080112 UE Scientific Writing: Cause for frustration or rewarding experience? - A writers' workshop for art historians
- 080116 UE The Art of Feminisms
4. Excursions
- 080005 EX Excursion - Excursion
- 080023 EX Naples as Capital of the Arts
- 080028 EX Excursion
- 080059 EX Excursion: Tyrol
- 080065 EX Exkursion: Südliches Niederösterreich
- 080072 EX Venice and the Biennale
- 080103 EX Exkursion: Bulgarien
- 080111 EX Exkursion: Kunstszene Schweiz
- 080114 EX Excursion: Prague
Second Stage of the Degree Programme
2.1. Seminars
2.1.1. for the Diploma Degree Programme in Art History
- 080022 SE Gothic architectural drawings related to St. Stephan in Vienna
- 080036 SE "Mannerism"
- 080046 SE Seminar
- 080050 SE Seminar: Italian Sculpture from Bernini to Canova
- 080055 SE Seminar:
- 080058 SE Seminar: Kunstraub von der Antike bis zum 2. Weltkrieg
- 080067 SE Seminar: Byzantinische Kunst zur Zeit der Makedonischen Dynastie (867-1056) (byz.K.)
- 080068 SE Seminar: Zu einer Politik der Dinge in Moderne und Gegenwart (nst.K.)
- 080071 SE Lackkabinette in Österreich und Osteuropa (au./ö.K.)
- 080079 SE Seminar: Bulgarien (byz.K.)
- 080086 SE Art for the Masses - Art of Elites
- 080093 SE Seminar
- 080097 SE Seminar: Schmuck oder Zeichen? Bau- und Gartenplastik des Barock (n./ö.K.)
- 080098 SE Seminar: Medieval Castles in Northern and Southern Tyrol
- 080109 SE Seminar: Mashup - Vom Musikvideo zum Archivkunstfilm (nst.K.)
- 080159 SE Seminar: Architekturtheorie der frühen Neuzeit (n.K.)
2.1.2. for Art History as Free Elective or Second Subject and Combination of Subjects (Old Curriculum)
2.2. Work Group
2.3. Research Seminars
- 080041 SE Privatissimum zur ästhetischen Theorie
- 080045 SE Privatissimum
Information on Complementary Courses from Other Departments
- 180029 VO-L Ethics and Aesthetics of islamic ban on polytheism - Aniconism in the Islam
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:36
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