2. Second Stage of the Degree Programme
2.1. Required Courses
- 320009 PR Practical course on magistral formulae - Course I-VI
- 320012 PR Drug Analytik-Laboratory course - (6 Kurse)
- 320013 EX Pharmacobotanical excursion - (6 Kurse)
- 320015 PR Pharmaceutical quality of biogenous products - (6 Kurse)
- 320016 VO Pharmacognosy I - Biogene Arzneimittel I
- 320028 PR Priniciples of pharmacology and pharmacokinetics - (12 Parallelkurse)
- 320029 VO General principles of drug action and pharmakokinetics
- 320031 EX Botanical Field Trip for Pharmacists - (12 Kurse)
- 320035 PR Preparation & Analysis of medicinal products of biogenous origin - (6 Kurse)
- 320036 VO Methods of production & examination of biogenic drugs - (VO)
- 320038 VO Instrumental pharmaceutical analytics
- 320039 VO Separation and analysis methods for organic drug compounds
- 320040 VO Pharmaceutical Chemistry I
- 320043 PR Methods for identification & characterization of pharmaceutically relevant organisms (PR) - (8 Kurse)
- 320058 PR Practical course on galenics - Course I-VI
- 320074 VO Pathology
- 320084 PR Drug Synthesis - Laboratory Course - (6 Kurse)
- 320122 VO Introduction to practical course magistral formula
- 320123 VO Pharmaceutical Technology II
- 320126 VO Introduction to practical course on galenics
- 320135 PR Proof of identity and purity of drugs of biological origin - (6 Kurse)
- 320145 VO Pharmacology II - incl. Pharmacotherapy and Toxicology II
- 320146 PR Pharmacology II - incl. Pharmacotherapy and Toxicology II
- 320147 VO Pharmaceutical Chemistry III
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:36