A.2.1 BA T2 Specific Sociological Theories and Societal Diagnoses
- 230006 VO Diagnosis of Society
- 230052 SE Pierre Bourdieu
- 230065 SE Contemporary Cultural Theory
- 230066 SE Interpretive Paradigm
- 230067 SE A Society of Individuals-The figurational sociology of Norbert Elias
- 230068 SE Introduction into the Sociology of Richard Sennett
- 230069 WS Diagnosis of Society: Postcolonial Sociology
- 230070 WS Diagnosis of Society: Gender Theories/ Gender Difference - Critical perspectives and/ or postmodern enhancement: "Mainstreaming Gender?"
- 230071 WS Diagnosis of Society: Michel Foucaults theory of racism
- 230122 WS Diagnoses of Society: Crisis, anomia and social consciousness
- 230168 WS Diagnosis of Society: Transformation, Change and Conflict from the perspective of urban sociology
Last modified: Fr 29.06.2018 00:34