19.04 Complementary study programme
EC 1 - Psychoanalysis (Basics)
Module 1: Introduction to Psychoanalysis
Module 2: Fundamental Terms and Concepts of Psychoanalysis
- 180733 VO Introduction to Psychoanalysis - Depth psychology II
Module 3: Genesis of the Subject from the Perspective of Psychoanalysis
Module 4: Reading Psychoanalytic Texts
- 180740 VO Module 4: Reading Psychoanalytic Texts - Psychoanalysis as a science - The relationship to its neighbouring disciplines and the point of view of philosophy of science
- 190173 VO Module 4: Reading Psychoanalytic Texts - publications about psychoanalytic Education
EC 2 - Psychoanalysis (Advanced Basics)
Compulsory Module: Advanced Psychoanalytic Theory and Its Relevance for Various Disciplines
- 190267 VO Individual and Development - Development and Formation 4
- 020040 SE Psychology of Religion in Cultural Historic Perspective
Alternative Group of Compulsory Modules1 (AP1): Psychoanalysis and Its Relevance for Psycho-Social Practice
Module 1 (AP1): Methods for Psychoanalytic Understanding and Psychoanalytic Oriented Work in Diverse Psycho-Social Fields
- 190350 VO M 1 (AP1): Methods f. Psychoanal. Unders. and Psychoanal. Oriented Work in Div. Psycho-Social Fields - Applied psychoanalysis in psychosocial fields an in social science
Module 2 (AP1): Theory of Psychoanalytic-Psychotherapeutic Work
Module 3 (AP1): Psychoanalytic Case Studies
- 190346 VÜ M 3 (AP1): Psychoanalytic Case Studies
- 190353 SE Counseling and Counseling Research - Introduction to the theory-based practice reflection: The Method of Work Discussion
Alternative Group of Compulsory Modules 2 (APMG2): Psychoanalysis and Its Relevance for Cultural and Social Theory
Module 1 (AP2): Basic Psychoanalytic Texts on Cultural and Social Theory. Reading Course
- 190349 VO M 1 (AP2): Basic Psychoanalytic Texts on Cultural and Social Theory. Reading Course - Totem und Tabu
- 020023 SE Moses and monotheism: Sellin, Freud and Assmann
Module 2 (AP2): Psychoanalysis and Media
- 190268 VO M 2 (AP2): Psychoanalysis and Media - Bildungen des Unbewussten
Module 3 (AP2): Research Seminar: Interdisciplinary Cultural and Social Theoretical Issues
- 190346 VÜ M 3 (AP1): Psychoanalytic Case Studies
EC 3 - Education Theory/Education Research I
Module 1 E: Teaching and Learning
Module 2 E: Foundations of Education as an Academic Discipline
- 190025 VO Foundations of Education as an Academic Discipline - Efforts and radical change in european educational theories
Module 14 E: General Didactics
- 190238 VO General Didactics
EC 4 - Education Theory/Education Research II
Module 11 E: Theory - Practice - Transformation
- 190547 VO Theory practice transformation - Pedagogy as theory and practice
Elective Module 12 E or 13 E
Module 12 E: Concepts and Constructions of Humans
Module 13 E: Education and Culture
- 190314 VO Education and Culture
Module 15 E: Designs and Methods of International Comparative Educational Science"
EC 5 - Basics of Inclusive Education
Module 1: Special Needs and Inclusive Education
Module 2: Consultation, Diagnostics, Rehabilitation and Therapy
- 190178 VO Consultation, Diagnostics, Rehabilitation and Therapy - Vocational Participation
Module 3: Categorical Remedial Education Theory with Special Need
- 190117 VO Consultation, Diagnostics, Rehabilitation and Therapy - Intellectual disability in educationel science
EC 6 - Basics of Life-Long Learning
Module 1: Education and Policy
- 190035 VO Education and Policy - Education as Social Value and Institutional Order
Module 2: Teaching and Learning
Module 3: Concepts, Administration and Evaluation of Life-Long Learning
EC 7 - Basics of Austrian Sign Language (ÖGS) I
Module ÖGS I - E1: Linguistic Basics of Sign Language
Module ÖGS I - E2: Politicy, Culture and History of the Community of deaf people, Ethics in accociation with deaf people
Module ÖGS I - E3: Introduction to Austrian Sign Language
- 190141 KU+UE Module ÖGS I - E3a: Introduction to Austrian Sign Language - course 2, group 1
- 190170 KU+UE Module ÖGS I - E3a: Introduction to Austrian Sign Language - course 2, group 2
- 190172 SK Module ÖGS I - E3b: Introduction to Austrian Sign Language
EC 8 - Austrian Sign Language (ÖGS) II
Module ÖGS II - E1: Austrian Sign Language and Conversation
Module ÖGS II - E2 Grammar of Austrian Sign Language
- 190247 KU Module ÖGS II - E2a: Grammar of Austrian Sign Language
- 190399 SK Module ÖGS II - E2b: Grammar of Austrian Sign Language - Sprachkurs 4
Module ÖGS II - E3 Austrian Sign Language Assistance
- 160155 PS Jour fixe Sign Languages
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:36
EC 3 - Bildungstheorie/Bildungsforschung I
EC 4 - Bildungstheorie/Bildungsforschung II
EC 5 - Grundlagen der Heilpädagogik
EC 6 - Grundlagen der Weiterbildung