B.1.3.5 Area of Specialization: Studies of Science
Nachfolgende Lehrveranstaltungen werden vom Institut für Wissenschaftsforschung angeboten. Beachten Sie bitte die abweichenden Anmeldefristen im univis-Anmeldesystem.
- 230143 VO Technology and Society: Introduction to the Social Studies of Technoscience IV
- 230144 KO Technology and Society
- 230149 SE Knowing, Shaping and Living the Body - Relations between Biomedicine, Social Identities and Biopower
- 230150 SE [ en ] Imagination and imaging in scientific practice
- 230153 SE [ en ] Understanding scientific and technological controversies
- 230154 SE [ en ] Counting & Accounting: Using quantitative methods to understand S-T-S relations
- 230155 SE [ en ] Using Video Ethnography in doing Science Studies Research
- 230156 SE [ en ] Cyberscience 2.0 - The actual and potential impacts of Web 2.0 in academia and research
- 230159 SE [ en ] Microscopic romances, female skeletons and immortal cells - An introduction to feminist science studies
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:36