B-WZB Elective Module Additional Scientific Qualifications for Biologists
- 300002 VO Introduction into the fauna and ecology of the Amazon basin
- 300013 SE Cell Biology - Extracellular Matrix
- 300019 VO Animal Vocalization - Sound Production, Reception and Communication
- 300026 EX Vertebrate ecological special excursions: autumnal and hibernal aspects of bird communities
- 300057 VO Urban Ecology
- 300062 UE Computer-assisted presentation techniques
- 300065 VO Introduction to Applied Limnology - Eutrophierung, Versauerung, Verunreinigung, Klimaänderung
- 300069 VO Introduction in Experimental Anatomy in Vertebrates - Introduction in Experimental Anatomy in Vertebrates
- 300073 VO Bioacoustics - theory, equipment
- 300085 SE COSB Colloquium - Vorträge im Center for Organismal Systems Biology
- 300087 SE Lab Safety - Fundamental Principles of Lab Safety: preventive measures and appropriate behaviour
- 300098 UE Introduction to Molecular Biological Techniques - Molecular Techniques
- 300105 SE Writer's workshop for biologists - Principles of scientific publication
- 300109 VO Biology of recent reefs
- 300111 UE Computer applications for biologists
- 300115 VO Soil science for Ecologists
- 300124 VO The birds of Austria - an ecological and conservationbiological overview
- 300133 VO Comparative anatomy of aquat. and terrestr. plants
- 300139 UE Physics laboratory work for students of biology - Phyical measurement
- 300144 VO Tropical Ecosystems - Savannas
- 300148 VO Introduction to Desert Biology. Life communities of subtropical and tropical deserts
- 300156 VO Biology and Ecology of alpine animals
- 300168 VO Introduction to Biomimetics
- 300180 SE [ en ] Biology of tropical amphibians
- 300182 SE [ en ] Selected topics in the philosophy of biology
- 300186 VO Biodiversity of tropical coral reefs - Introduction into species diversity of tropical reef invertebrates and vertebrates, with special reference to reef conservation and tourism
- 300191 VO Shells and their role in the life of man I
- 300194 EX Speleological excursions - Caves of Austria and neighboring countries
- 300196 UE Advanced biophysical laboratory work
- 300202 UE Animal observations in the zoo - Basic practical course in observation of zoo kept animals
- 300205 VO Introduction to the chemistry of inland waters
- 300209 EX Excursion in east pannonical habitats - Importance of east pannonical habitats for palaearctic migration birds
- 300222 VO Comparative embryology of animals
- 300228 VO Basics in Parasitology
- 300233 SE [ de en ] Seminar in biometry for beginners - Basics of biometrical analysis
- 300241 VO Tropical ecosystems of South and Central America
- 300249 VO Australian Fauna - examples of evolution, ecology and biogeography
- 300251 SE Ecophysiology of visual systems
- 300256 VO [ en ] Ecology, management and restoration of large river systems
- 300259 UE Selected GIS-problems and solutions for biologists - Course
- 300265 VO Safety in the laboratory
- 300270 VO The Aquarium Model of an Ecosystem?
- 300279 SE+UE Filmdesign for scientific purposes
- 300283 SE Current topics in philosophy, theology and biology - Interdisciplinary discussions of current topics in Philosophy, Theology and Biology
- 300285 SE+UE Light and video microscopy in practice
- 300286 VO Behavioural Ecology of Bird Song
- 300294 SE Conservation Paleobiology and historical ecology
- 300301 SE [ en ] Scientific English - Research reports, talks, style and grammar
- 300306 VO Riverine geomorphology - Processes of landforming by running waters, landform inventary and habitat characteristics
- 300312 SE Central Topics in Biology and Environmental Sciences: Evolution and Ethics - (2 parallel courses)
- 300343 UE Comparative morphology and evolution of basal gnathostome vertebrates
- 300351 VO Primary producers of freshwaters - ecophysiology with implications for the bio-assessment of aquatic systems and the response to climate change.
- 300353 UE [ en ] Applied programming for Bioinformatics - Principles and techniques for simple programming to solve biological problems, using a common programming language. Practical experience with text processing and automation of external programms.
- 300356 VO Biological Invasions - Neobiota and their relevance
- 300378 VO GMO - the ecological perspective - Genetically Modified Organisms - the ecological perspective
- 300387 SE+EX Field Trips in Microbiology - (in Parallelen)
- 300396 VO Vertebrates - Morphology, Phylogeny, Biology
- 300408 SE+UE Ecological Floristics (field studies) - ( previously: eco floristic excursions)
- 300413 SE Seminar Mentoring of the Orientation Period Biology
- 300425 EX The Aquarium Model of an Ecosystem?
- 300433 VO Medical parasitology - Transfer of basic knowledge
- 300461 VO Biology and ecology of European amphibians
- 300463 VO Immunbiology and immundiagnosis of parasitic infections of humans
- 300464 UE+EX Limnetic and marine copepods of Europe - Diversity, systematics and ecology of the copepods of Europe (Microcrustaceans)
- 300466 VO [ de en ] Hygiene-related environmental microbiology: Medical Entomology - Epidemiology of water-borne medical parasites and aquatic vectors
- 300470 UE Scientific Literature - Data retrieval and management
- 300497 UE UE Scientific Writing - An Introduction to writing techniques and reading techniques - and their application in different stages of a scientific writing process
- 300504 SE How to write a scientific paper
- 300505 UE Species determination and biology of nativ fishes
- 300517 SE+UE Theory and Application of Confocal Microscopy
- 300528 SE Central Topics in Biology and Environmental Sciences: environmental protection
- 300530 UE [ en ] Imaging and visualization in developmental biology - Principles and applications, including 3 D Methods
- 300531 SE [ en ] Writing Theses and Articles in English
- 300547 EX Excursions to Palaeolithic site
- 300548 SE Ants and their interactions - Multitrophic interactions in ants and plants
- 300552 VO [ en ] Physiology and Ecology of Cyanobacteria
- 300565 VO Intellectual Property Rights: Basics - Basics for Scientists
- 300601 VO The Flora of Europe - particulary of Austria
- 300630 VO Free radical processes in biology - Role of free radicals in biol. systems under normal physiological conditions, stress conditions ans illness
- 300635 VO Ornitology III - breeding biology
- 300657 UE Identification course for aquatic invertebrates - in Central European freshwaters
- 300668 UE HTML programming for the Internet
- 300669 VO Management of endangered species - practical species protection in marine and terrestrial ecosystems
- 300682 UE Anthropological-Palaeontological field school
- 300697 VO History of Anthropology
- 300716 UE Preparation and determination of Pleistocene animal remains
- 410006 FKO [ de en ] The Sciences in Historical, Philosophical and Cultural Contexts - Interdisciplinary Colloquium for doctoral candidates
Last modified: Su 10.04.2022 01:39