Studies Programme 2 - Protestant Theology
2.01. Protestant Theology
StEOP neu - ab WiSe 2011
- 020030 VO STEOP: History of Protestant Reformation
- 020035 VO-L STEOP: Introduction to Biblical Studies (Old Testament and New Testament)
- 020051 VU STEOP: Introduction to Biblical Studies (Old Testament and New Testament)
- 020060 VO-L Sources of the History of Christianity since the Reformation
- 020064 VO-L STEOP: Theological Encyclopedia
1. Philosophy
2. Old Testament Studies and Biblical Archaeology
- 020002 EX Egypt
- 020003 VO Compulsory Optional Subject: Basics in Biblical Geography, History and Archaeology - Biblische Landeskunde
- 020004 SE Die Stadt im Alten Israel: in vorhellenistischer Zeit
- 020005 VO Introduction to biblical archaeology
- 020009 VO History of Israel: Exile and Restoration
- 020011 VO-L Hebrew I - Hebräisch
- 020012 VO-L Theology of the Old Testament 1: Pentateuch
- 020028 VO Biblical Archaeology: Lebanon
- 020032 VO-L Old Testament Exegesis - Song of Solomon
- 020033 PS Old Testament Proseminar - Alttestamentliches Proseminar
- 020034 VO-L Old Testament Hermeneutics
- 020067 VU Introduction to Biblical Studies (Old Testament and New Testament)
3. New Testament Studies
- 020006 VO Theology of the New Testament
- 020007 SE Problems of the History of Early Christianity
- 020013 VO New Testament Exegesis: The valedictions of Jesus (Joh 14-17)
- 020014 VO The Letter to the Colossians
- 020015 UE Exegetical Exercises: Epistle to the Hebrews
- 020047 SE Interdisciplinary Research (Bachelorstudy)
- 020067 VU Introduction to Biblical Studies (Old Testament and New Testament)
4. Ecclesiastical History, Christian Archaeology and Ecclesiastical Art
- 020029 EX Excursion: Wittenberg
- 020030 VO STEOP: History of Protestant Reformation
- 020048 VO Cultural History of Christianity
- 020056 SE Prediger, Bettler und Beginen - Christusnachfolge und Ordensfrömmigkeit im Hohen Mittelalter
- 020059 VO Reading Course for Lectures
- 020060 VO-L Sources of the History of Christianity since the Reformation
- 020061 UE+EX Excursion: Wittenberg
- 020062 VO-L Reformation und konfessionelles Zeitalter
- 020063 VO-L Cultural History of Christianity
- 020068 EX Excursion
5. Systematic Theology
- 020001 VO Dogmatics 3
- 020018 SE Luther's reformatory breakthrough
- 020019 VO-L Introductions to dogmatic considering classic protestant tradition
- 020020 VU Theological Encyclopedia
- 020039 SE Dietrich Bonhoeffer's Ethics
- 020040 PS Methods and approaches of Systematic Theology
- 020064 VO-L STEOP: Theological Encyclopedia
6. Practical Theology and Religious Psychology
- 020016 VO Religion and Psyche: An Introduction to the Psychology of Religion
- 020044 SE Homiletics II
- 020045 SE Seminar on Pastoral Care / Pastoral Psychology - Mystagogue, Rabbi, Therapist? On Role Models and Modes of Pratice of Pastoral Workers
- 020046 VO Liturgics
- 020047 SE Interdisciplinary Research (Bachelorstudy)
7. Religious Education
- 020022 VO Intoduction to Religious Education
- 020024 VO Religious Education III
- 020025 UE Methods and Media
- 020026 SE+PR Practical course in Religios Education
- 190141 SE Colloquium for Master Students - Interreligious Education
8. Church Law
- 020036 VU Rights of Religions and Religious Communities in Europe
- 020037 VU For theologians: everything you always wanted to know about law and politics ...
- 020058 PV History of the protestant-theological seminary in vienna
9. Religious Science
- 020051 VU STEOP: Introduction to Biblical Studies (Old Testament and New Testament)
- 020065 VU StEOP: Introduction to Biblical Studies (Old Testament and New Testament) - NICHT TEIL DER STEOP
10. Compulsory Optional Subjects
- 010032 BA Doing God´s will today and here: Bonhoeffer´s Ethics from evangelical and catholic perspectives
- 020002 EX Egypt
- 020003 VO Compulsory Optional Subject: Basics in Biblical Geography, History and Archaeology - Biblische Landeskunde
- 020004 SE Die Stadt im Alten Israel: in vorhellenistischer Zeit
- 020005 VO Introduction to biblical archaeology
- 020017 UE Rhetorical Communication I
- 020028 VO Biblical Archaeology: Lebanon
- 020037 VU For theologians: everything you always wanted to know about law and politics ...
- 020042 VO Church Fathers, Life and Times
- 020043 UE Gender and Violence - Gender-sensible Betrachtungen zur Sprache der Gewalt und Gewalt der Sprache in (biblischen) Texten
- 020054 UE Compulsory Optional Subject: Personal Growth and Self-Experience I
- 020055 UE Compulsory Optional Subject: Personal Growth and Self-Experience II
- 020057 SE "Emergency Room" Ethic Implications
- 020058 PV History of the protestant-theological seminary in vienna
- 370005 PV Privatissimum: Systematic Theology
11. Doctoral Degree Programme
- 370001 PV Interdisciplinary Kolloquium
- 370002 SE Research Seminar Religious Education
- 370003 SE Privatissimum for graduands and doctoral students
- 370005 PV Privatissimum: Systematic Theology
11. Ethics and Law in Medicine
- 020052 SE Public Health Ethics between Autonomy and Paternalism
- 020057 SE "Emergency Room" Ethic Implications
2.02. Complementary Study Programme Protestant Theology
EC1: The Bible: History and Interpretation
Module 1: The History of Biblical Times
- 020002 EX Egypt
- 020004 SE Die Stadt im Alten Israel: in vorhellenistischer Zeit
- 020009 VO History of Israel: Exile and Restoration
- 060014 VO History, Culture, Literature and Religion in the Antique Period 1
Module 2: The Bible
- 010019 VO Biblical Theology of the New Testament
EC2: The Bible: Book and Text
- 020066 UE Bible Survey
Module 1: The Bible as a Book
Module 2: The Origination of the Bible
- 010001 VO Introduction to the New Testament
- 010061 VO General Introduction to the Old Testament
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:36
Beginn der Hauptanmeldung: 12. 09. 2011 10:00
Ende der Hauptanmeldung: 03. 10. 2011 18:00
Beginn der Nachanmeldung: 10. 10. 2011 10:00
Ende der Nachanmeldung: 24. 10. 2011 18:00Um die Anmeldung durchführen zu können, benötigen Sie einen gültigen U:Net-Account. Weitere Information (Anlegen U:Net Account, Verlängerung der Gültigkeit, Services etc.) finden Sie unter