Universität Wien

II.4. Subjects for Specialization

170002 UE Stagelighting
170046 VU Script editing for/ Producing of TV-movies. Aristoteles in mind, managing the balancing act - claiming intellectual level and / or sucking up the audience.
170049 UE Recreation of Actuality and Factuality by Means of Editing - Iconic Turn, Speed and Image in the Realm of Electronic Media
170059 UE Music Theatre
170061 VU Mind Your Gaze!
170071 VU Cultural Policies in Europe - zwischen Förderung des europäischen Kulturschaffens und nationalen Identitätskonzepten
170094 KO Discussion Course on the Lecture History of Theatre - Transformationen der mittelalterlichen scientia theatrica: Konversatorium zum europäischen Theater des Mittelalters
170099 UE Unevaluated Quality - Contemporary Dance and Performance
170126 UE Videopodcast - Teil 1: Web 2.0 und Video 2.0 in Theorie und Praxis
170146 UE Videopodcast - Teil 2: Web 2.0 und Video 2.0 in der Praxis
170169 KO Discussion Course on the History of Film - Dokumentarfilm

Last modified: Th 19.12.2019 02:01