3.4. Electives
- 320013 VO Flavour Chemistry
- 320014 VO Chemie der Kohlenhydrate - Ausgewählte Anwendungen in der Pharmazie
- 320018 VO Pharmeceutical Biotechnology - am Beispiel der Blut- und Plasmaderivate
- 320020 VO Pharmacology of bone
- 320021 VO Drug Interactions
- 320026 UE Excersises: Molecular Modelling
- 320032 SE [ en ] Academic training and disscusion in Pharmacognosy - for doctoral students
- 320033 VO Drug targeting - - Drug Targeting
- 320034 VO Cosmetics - Natural Cosmetics - Bestimmungen in der EU
- 320039 VO Molecular methods in plant systematics
- 320041 VO Experimentell-pharmakologische Methoden für die Untersuchungen an Kalziumkanälen und HERG - GABA Rezeptoren, Kalziumkanälen und HERG Kanälen
- 320044 VO Phytopharmaceuticals and Phytotherapy
- 320045 VO Patient-oriented Consultation - Patient-oriented Consultation
- 320047 VO Medicinal and poisonous plants in Austria
- 320054 VO Dermatika und Kosmetika
- 320059 VO Introduction to plant tissue culture
- 320060 SE Seminar für MentorInnen der Pharmazie
- 320061 VO Regulatorische Toxikologie im europäischen Recht
- 320062 PR Drugs of Abuse and their Analysis
- 320063 UE Cell cultures in Pharmaceutical Technology - practical course
- 320064 VO Ion channels and transporters as drug targets
- 320067 VO Drugs of Abuse and their Analysis
- 320068 VO Special Methods in Pharmaceutical Chemistry 3
- 320070 VO Pharmazeutische Nanotechnologie: - Mit Partikeln zur Zelle
- 320071 VO Drogen der Traditionelle Chinesische Medizin (TCM) - und ihre pharmazeutische Qualität
- 320074 VO Herbal Medicines - Therapeutic concepts - Traditional Chinese Medicine to Bachflowers: herbal medicines in different therapeutic concepts
- 320076 SE Computational Life Sciences
- 320088 VO Molecular Calculations & Molecular Modelling - in Pharmacy
- 320093 VO Applied Pharmacogenetics
- 320098 VO Radiopharmazeutische Technologie I - Grundlagen und konventionelle Nuklearmedizin
- 320099 UE Kosmetik-Übungen - Kosmetik-Übungen
- 320107 SE Conception and optimization of methods in Pharmakognosie - for undergraduated and graduated students 2
- 320110 SE Conception and optimization of methods in Pharmakognosie - for pharmaceutical-biological investigations 1
- 320129 SE [ en ] Seminar: Cell Signalling
- 320133 PR Cell based methods in pharmacognosy
- 320148 SE [ en ] Chemical Genetics- practice and methods
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:36