5. Group of Required Modules Historical Working
PM Bachelor-Module 1
- 070009 PS Proseminar - Terrorismus während der 1970er Jahre
- 070035 PS Proseminar - Antijudaismus und Antisemitismus vom Mittelalter bis zur Gegenwart
- 070133 PS Proseminar
- 070201 PS Proseminar - Agrarverhältnisse vom Neolithikum bis zur Globalisierung
- 070491 PS Proseminar - BA-Modul 1
PM Bachelor-Module 2
- 070018 SE Austria. 1933/34 - 1938
- 070039 SE Seminar - Historische und philosophische Diskurse zwischen Wissens- und Wissenschaftsfeldern im Kontext universitärer Forschung und Lehre bis zur Gegenwart
- 070043 SE Anitsemitism in 20th and 21st century
- 070126 SE Seminar - Bäuerliche Lebensformen in Österreich. Entwicklungsstruktur, Dynamik
- 070151 SE [ en ] Commodity Chains and Global Labour History - Interactions and Entanglements
- 070153 SE Seminar: Digital Media
- 070204 SE Problems and Issues of the History of Science - The Sciences in the National Socialist period: The case of the University of Vienna
- 070229 SE The Churches and the War. Europe 1939-1945
- 070241 SE Seminar - Heroes in the Balkans
- 070256 SE Seminar - History of the Cold War
- 070267 SE Seminar - Josephinum 2.0 - The social side of collections
- 070293 SE Seminar - The Habsburgs - Culture and Science
- 070301 SE Seminar - Geschichte der Polizei im modernen Europa (19.-20. Jahrhundert)
- 070308 SE Seminar - Crime and justice in Tsarist Russia and the Soviet Union
- 070316 SE Genderrelations in the Austrian Revolution 1917 - 1922
- 070319 SE Treasure, precious objects, insignia viewed from an historical perspective
- 070337 SE [ en ] Tom(my) and Jerry: Life and Death on the Western Front 1914-1918
- 070365 SE Early Modern History (approx. 1500 to approx. 1800) - "Scots" and "Nurembergs". Global and regional Trade in early modern upper Germany.
- 070367 SE Seminar BA-Modul 2 - History of Europe
- 070386 SE Seminar
- 070387 SE Specialisation 1: Medieval Age I (to approx. 1200) - Seefahrt im Mittelalter
- 070397 SE [ en ] Seminar - Britain and the British in India - India and the Indians in Britain: Cultural, Social, Political and Military Encounters
- 070401 SE Seminar
- 070412 SE [ en ] The American Founding and the Atlantic World, 1760-1800
- 070422 SE Lower Austria and Styria from the 9th to the 11th century
- 070433 SE Seminar - Work and Human Life Cycle in History
- 070440 SE Seminar on the History of Constitutional Law and Politicial Institutions of Austria - Verkehrssysteme und Postwesen in der Habsburgermonarchie vor dem Eisenbahnzeitalter (ca. 1500 bis 1848)
- 070505 SE [ en ] Frontiers of Commodities (Rural Societies, Trade Networks and Ecological Frontiers)
PM Scientific Thinking and Working
- 070012 KU Working technique in Historical Science
- 070037 KU Working technique in Historical Science
- 070185 KU Working technique in Historical Science - Jüdisches Wien von der Emanzipation bis zur Shoah
- 070186 KU Working technique in Historical Science - Nahrung: Produktion Distribution Konsum
- 070197 KU Working technique in Historical Science
- 070222 KU Working technique in Historical Science
- 070262 KU Working technique in Historical Science - Empires und Nationalstaaten
- 070338 VO Theories in History and Theory of Science
- 070434 KU Working technique in Historical Science
- 070489 KU Working technique in Historical Science
- 070492 KU Working technique in Historical Science
- 070494 KU Working technique in Historical Science
- 070500 KU Working technique in Historical Science
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:36