E. Complementary Study Programmes (Minors)
CSP German Philology
M 01, EC German Philology 1, 1-4
Lecture course: Introduction into German Philology
- 100005 EV STEOP: Lecture course: Introduction into German Philology
- 100006 EV STEOP: Lecture course: Introduction into German Philology
M-01,2 VO Literary History
- 100047 VO Lecture course: Literary History I
- 100048 VO Lecture course: Austrian Studies
- 100049 VO Lecture course: Medieval and Early German Literature
- 100051 VO Lecture course: Literary History I
- 100052 VO Lecture course: Literary History II
- 100053 VO Lecture course: Literary History II
- 100054 VO Neuere deutsche Literatur: Der Töne Licht - Intermedialität und Ästhetik in der Literatur der deutschen Romantik
- 100055 VO Lecture course: Austrian Studies
- 100056 VO Lecture course: Modern German Literature - USA-Bilder im deutschsprachigen Roman des 18. und 19. Jahrhunderts.
- 100057 VO Lecture course: Modern German Literature
- 100058 VO Neuere deutsche Literatur: Literatur und Erster Weltkrieg
- 100059 VO Neuere deutsche Literatur: Geschichte d. Kinder- u. Jugendliteratur als Spiegel d. Lesesozialisation
- 100060 VO Lecture course: Modern German Literature - Biedermeier, Junges Deutschland und früher Bürgerlicher Realismus
- 100061 VO Ältere deutsche Literatur: Frühe mittelhochdeutsche Literatur
- 100062 VO Ältere deutsche Literatur: Deutschsprachige Handschriften des Mittelalters - Grundzüge der Mediengeschichte einer Manuskriptkultur
- 100063 VO Lecture course: Medieval and Early German Literature
- 100064 VO Lecture course: Medieval and Early German Literature
- 100185 VO Lecture course: Literary History III
- 100215 VO Lecture course: Modern German Literature
- 100066 VO Sprachwissenschaft: Fachsprachen, Fachkommunikation, Sondersprachen
- 100186 VO Lecture course: Linguistics
Lecture Course Basics of German as Foreign and Second Language
- 100011 VO Lecture course: Basics of German as Foreign and Second Language
- 100012 VO Lecture course: Basics of German as Foreign and Second Language
M 02 EC German Philology 2,1-3
- 100066 VO Sprachwissenschaft: Fachsprachen, Fachkommunikation, Sondersprachen
- 100186 VO Lecture course: Linguistics
Medieval and Early German Literature
- 100049 VO Lecture course: Medieval and Early German Literature
- 100061 VO Ältere deutsche Literatur: Frühe mittelhochdeutsche Literatur
- 100062 VO Ältere deutsche Literatur: Deutschsprachige Handschriften des Mittelalters - Grundzüge der Mediengeschichte einer Manuskriptkultur
- 100063 VO Lecture course: Medieval and Early German Literature
- 100064 VO Lecture course: Medieval and Early German Literature
- 100047 VO Lecture course: Literary History I
- 100051 VO Lecture course: Literary History I
- 100052 VO Lecture course: Literary History II
- 100053 VO Lecture course: Literary History II
- 100185 VO Lecture course: Literary History III
Modern German Literature
- 100048 VO Lecture course: Austrian Studies
- 100054 VO Neuere deutsche Literatur: Der Töne Licht - Intermedialität und Ästhetik in der Literatur der deutschen Romantik
- 100055 VO Lecture course: Austrian Studies
- 100056 VO Lecture course: Modern German Literature - USA-Bilder im deutschsprachigen Roman des 18. und 19. Jahrhunderts.
- 100057 VO Lecture course: Modern German Literature
- 100058 VO Neuere deutsche Literatur: Literatur und Erster Weltkrieg
- 100059 VO Neuere deutsche Literatur: Geschichte d. Kinder- u. Jugendliteratur als Spiegel d. Lesesozialisation
- 100060 VO Lecture course: Modern German Literature - Biedermeier, Junges Deutschland und früher Bürgerlicher Realismus
- 100215 VO Lecture course: Modern German Literature
- 100051 VO Lecture course: Literary History I
- 100052 VO Lecture course: Literary History II
- 100053 VO Lecture course: Literary History II
- 100185 VO Lecture course: Literary History III
- 100047 VO Lecture course: Literary History I
CSP German as a Foreign/Second Language and Germanic Linguistics
VO German as a Foreign/Second Language
- 100011 VO Lecture course: Basics of German as Foreign and Second Language
- 100012 VO Lecture course: Basics of German as Foreign and Second Language
VO Germanic Linguistics
- 100065 VO Germanistische Sprachwissenschaft
- 100184 VO Germanistische Sprachwissenschaft
CSP German Philology
Module 1: Literacy in Scientific German
1.1 Introduction to Scientific German
1.2 Grammatical Structures in Language of Science
- 100192 UE Grammatical Structures in Language of Science - Grundlagen- und Fertigkeitsvermittlung
- 100193 UE Grammatical Structures in Language of Science - Grundlagen- und Fertigkeitsvermittlung
- 100194 UE Grammatical Structures in Language of Science
- 100195 UE Grammatical Structures in Language of Science
1.3 Guidelines for Language -and Learning Process Portfolio
- 100187 UE Guidelines for Language -and Learning Process Portfolio
- 100188 UE Guidelines for Language -and Learning Process Portfolio
Module 2: Study Skills in Cross-Cultural Scientific Context
2.1 Study Skills in Second Language
- 100196 UE Study Skills in Second Language - Teil I Grundlagen
- 100197 UE Study Skills in Second Language - Teil II (Lernberatung, Lernorganisation)
- 100198 UE Study Skills in Second Language - Teil II (Lernberatung, Lernorganisation)
- 100199 UE Study Skills in Second Language - Teil II (Lernberatung, Lernorganisation)
- 100200 UE Study Skills in Second Language - Teil I Grundlagen
2.2 Comprehension and Composition in Second Language
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:37