23.02. Masterstudies Nursing Science
PM 1 -Fundamentals
- 230124 VO Theory Construction in Nursing
- 230126 VO Philosophy of Science
- 230127 UK Nursing Science - Introduction
- 230135 VO Ethics in Research
PMG Research Methods
PM 2 - Research Methods I
- 230131 VO Clinical Research in Nursing - Specific Designs
- 230132 PS quantitative research - data collection methods
- 230137 VO Statistics
- 230138 PS Qualitative Research - Data Collection Methods
- 230149 VO Special Approaches in Qualitative Research
PM 2 - Research Methods II
PMG Theory and Methology
PM 4 - Leben mit Krankheit
PM 5 - Pflegediagnostik und -interventionen
PMG Research Utilisation
PM6 - Research Utilisation
PM 7 - Wissenschafts- Praxisvernetzung
PM 8 - Electives
- 230151 SE Heart Diseases: Family Oriented Patient Education - Elective Course
PM 9 - Masterthesis - Preparation
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:37