3.03. Complementary Study Programmes (Minors)
Introduction to the Science of Law
1.1. Module 1 - Basics
- 030714 KU Basic features of legal science
- 030715 KU Basic features of legal science
1.2. Module 2 - Compulsory Elective Courses and Supplementary Courses
- 030024 KU Criminal Law for Non-Jurists
- 030025 KU Administrative Law for Non-Jurists
- 030047 KU Law of Private Property - für EC
- 030246 KU Völkerrecht und Internationale Organisationen - Course: International Law and International Organisations
- 030329 KU Introduction to Labour Law and Social Security Law - for Non-jurists
- 030364 KU Basic Questions of LEgal Philosophy and Legal Ethics - für EC
1.3. weitere Ergänzungskurse
- 030037 KU Elective Course 2 hours, with continuous assessment - Justiz und Journalismus: Handwerk, Grenzen, Gefahren, Chancen
- 030251 KU Seminar - Zur Geschichte von Recht und Praxis humanitärer Intervention
- 030392 KU Freedom of Religion and Belief in Austria
- 030396 VO Law on Culture I - Constitutional & European Foundations, Law and Sponsorship and Subventions, Law on Organisational Structure
International Law
- 030085 KO Public International Law and International Organizations
- 030129 KU [ en ] Principles of International Law
- 030246 KU Völkerrecht und Internationale Organisationen - Course: International Law and International Organisations
- 030251 KU Seminar - Zur Geschichte von Recht und Praxis humanitärer Intervention
- 030378 KU [ en ] International and European Human Rights Regime
- 030708 SE Indigenous Legal Studies: International Developments - for diploma and doctoral students
Private Law
- 030254 KO Konversatorium Vermögensprivatrecht
- 030269 VO Consumer right - für Nichtjuristen
- 030310 KU Unmarried Couples and their legal problems - als Schauplatz des Geschlechterverhältnisses
Law in Historical, Social and Philosophical Context
- 030251 KU Seminar - Zur Geschichte von Recht und Praxis humanitärer Intervention
- 030258 KO Konversatorium Rechtsphilosophie
- 030303 PR Jour fixe - Jüdisches Hl. Römisches Reich
- 030392 KU Freedom of Religion and Belief in Austria
- 030396 VO Law on Culture I - Constitutional & European Foundations, Law and Sponsorship and Subventions, Law on Organisational Structure
Criminal Law and Criminology
- 030468 VO Interrogation and trace evidence - Criminalistics in science and practical experience)
Public Law
- 030248 KO Administrative Law for Non-Jurists - für Nichtjuristen
- 030392 KU Freedom of Religion and Belief in Austria
- 030396 VO Law on Culture I - Constitutional & European Foundations, Law and Sponsorship and Subventions, Law on Organisational Structure
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:37