Universität Wien

§ 3/2: Required Courses

180052 VO-L History of Philosophy III -Kant and the German Idealism - Emotion, Instinct, Reason
180096 VO-L History of Philosophy II (Middle Ages and Early Modernity) - Metaphysik and Ontologie concerning Avicenna and Thomas von Aquinas
180005 LPS Plato, Phaidon
180104 VO Elements of Applied Ethics - Elements of Applied Ethics - To identify key issues related to ethical issues, to identify and process solution-oriented To identify key issues related to ethical issues, to identify and process solution-oriented
010081 VO Free will - The current interdisciplinary debate
180014 LPS Ernst Cassirer - Between philosophy of science and philosophy of culture
180018 VO-GKL Basic Logic
180091 UE-GKL Exercise in Logic
180053 VO-L Metaphysics of human being - Ideas of human being from Platon to Plessner
180067 SE The nature of mind - Aristoteles, Plessner and the contemporary neurophilosophy
180074 SE Philosophical anthropology as general science - Scheler, Plessner, Gehlen und die philosophischen Folgen
180093 VO-L The subjective mind: Cognition, perception, and experience - Philosophy of mind, neurobiology, and psychoanalysis in dialogue

Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:37