Universität Wien

2nd Stage of the Degree Programme

010019 VO Biblical Theology of the Old Testament - Schöpfung der Welt und Erwählung Israels
010223 VO Church History Compact II - The Second Christian Millennium - Von den Kreuzzügen zu Dialogtreffen der Religionen
010070 VO Christology
010071 VO Christology II
010027 VO Applied Moral Theology - Ethics of Human Relations
010020 SE Specific subject didactics I - Bible didactics
010100 SE Titel
010163 SE Specific subject didactics III - (Spezielle Fachdidaktik III)
010182 SE Religious didactics in compulsory schools - General subject didactics
010105 PR Religious education in compulsory schools - Subject related traineeship in compulsory schools

Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:37