23.01. Sociology
A. Bachelor Program in Sociology
A.1. STEOP Introductory Phase
A.1.1 StEOP - Basics of Methodology in Social Sciences
A.1.1.1 StEOP - Methodology: Recommended Lectures of other Departments
A.1.2 StEOP Introduction to Social Sciences: Sociology
- 230001 KU STEOP: Propaedeuticum - Sociology
- 230003 VO STEOP: Introduction (Part 1): Sociology
- 230004 VO STEOP: Introduction (Part 2): VO Applied Sociology - an Overview
A.2. Compulsory Modules
A.2.1 Basics of Social Sciences
- 230006 VO Social Sciences and Social Change
- 230010 PS PS Proseminar Introduction
- 230145 PS PS Proseminar Introduction
A.2.1.1 BA SGS - Recommended Lectures of Other Departments
- 210003 VO BAK 2.2 Social sciences and social change
- 240224 VO Basics of Social Theory
A.2.2. Sociological Theories
A.2.2.1 BA T1 Principles of Sociological Theory
- 230134 VO Introduction to Sociological Theory
- 230009 UE Theoretical Foundations ("Reading Classics of Sociology")
A.2.2.2 BA T2 Specific Sociological Theories and Societal Diagnoses
- 230013 VO Diagnosis of Society
- 230015 WS Diagnosis of Society: Un/Doing Gender. The ambivalent power of normative gender roles - Focussing on body and gender, love attachments and separations, popular culture
- 230016 WS Diagnosis of Society: Anomia - a concept of societal analyses
- 230017 WS Diagnosis of Society: Body-Power-Biopolitics
- 230148 WS Diagnosis of Society: Global interdependence - The relevance of colonialism
- 230005 SE The early social theory of Jürgen Habermas
- 230011 SE Role theory
- 230012 SE Theories of Social Inequality: Current Perspectives
- 230138 SE Introduction into the Sociology of Richard Sennett
A.2.3. Sociological Methods
A.2.3.1 BA M1 Introduction to Empirical Social Research
- 230018 VO Empirical Research Methods - Introduction
- 230019 UE Methods of Empirical Social Research
A.2.3.2 BA M2 Statistical Methods and Mathematics for Sociologists
- 230020 VO Statistics I
- 230021 UE Statistics I
- 230055 UE Statistics I
- 230056 UE Statistics 2 - Übung
- 230022 UE KU Table Analysis and SPSS
- 230057 UE KU Table Analysis and SPSS
A.2.3.3 BA M3 Discussion and Guided Application of Qualitative Approaches, Methods and Procdures
- 230038 SE+UE Grounded Theory
- 230039 SE+UE Qualitative Methods: Hermeneutic Interpretation of Texts
- 230040 SE+UE Qualitative Methods: Ethnography
- 230041 SE Qualitative Research: Datamaterial photographies - photointerview and methods of visual research
- 230042 SE Qualitative Methods: Discourse, Text and Content Analysis
- 230043 SE SE Qualitative Methods: Ideal Types - Theory and Method
- 230137 SE The practice and iterpretation of qualitative methods
- 230044 UE Participant Observation
- 230045 UE Qualitative Interviews
A2.3.4 BA M4 Discussion and Guided Application of Quantitative Approaches, Methods and Procedures
- 230025 SE+UE Data Collection and Data Analysis / Data Evaluation
A.2.4. Applications
A.2.4.1BA A1 Areas of Sociological Research and Application
- 230026 VO Structure and Development of Mordern Societies - Social Change of the Austrian Society
- 230027 PR Workshop/Excursion: Penetration into the Ethnic Communities - Function and Dysfunction of Ethnic Communities
- 230028 PR Workshop/Excursion: Sociological city excursions - Hidden places
- 230029 PR Workshop/Excursion: Job Orientation for Students - Beispiele für Arbeitsfelder von SoziologInnen
- 230030 PR Workshop/Study Trips: Career Orientation - Socio-Scientific Research
- 230031 PR Workshop/Excursion: Job Orientation for Students
A. BA A1 Recommended Lectures of other Departments
- 230167 KU Job Orientation II
A.2.4.2 BA A2 Selected Specific Sociology
- 230032 VO+SE [ en ] Urban Sociology
- 230033 VO+SE Introduction to Traffic Soziology
- 230034 VO+SE Sociology of Health and Illness
- 230035 VO+SE Sociology of Leisure and Sport
- 230036 VO+SE Populism, authoritarianism, and social crises - Comparing political, economic and social situation in Austria and Hungary
- 230037 VO+SE Organizational Sociology
- 230058 VO+SE Sociology of education - Low qualifications in knowledge-based societies
- 230116 VO+SE Family Sociology
- 230182 VO Environmental Sociology and Social Ecology
A. BA A2 Recommended Lectures of other Departments
- 230152 UK Embodied Knowledge
- 230153 UK When an expert and a lay person meet... - Introduction to the relationship between technosciences and the public
- 230154 UK 'It is not at all possible to regard things simply as given.' - An introduction into the constitution of scientific facts
A.2.4.3 BA A3 Project Design and Research Laboratory
- 230008 FPR Research Practice I: New Technologies - Conflict and political decision
- 230048 FPR Research practice I: Transitions and social selection in educational systems
- 230046 FPR Research Practice II
- 230047 FPR Visual Methods in Research II: Evaluation - Forschungspraktikum 2
- 230049 FPR FPR Research Practice II
- 230050 FPR Research Practice II: Inclusion/ Exclusion and the Family
- 230054 FPR Poverty in Austria 2
- 230114 KU VO Research Design
B.2.5 Law and Economics
- 230051 KU Public Law for Sociologists - Introduction to Constitutional-, Administrative- and European Law
- 230052 KU Introduction to Economics
- 230053 KU KU Business Administration - Business Aspects of Sociology
A.2.5.1 BA REWI- Recommanded Lectures of other Departments
- 290139 VO Foundations of Business Administration
- 040373 EK STEOP: Introduction to Private and Business Law
A.2.6 Communicative and Interpersonal Skills
- 230062 TR Communicative and Social Competences - Overview
- 230115 TR Communicative and Social Competences - Overview
- 230063 TR Body Language
- 230077 TR Conflict Management - Teams and projects
- 230083 TR Advanced Communicative Competences and Social Skills - Presentation and Moderation-Skills, Basics in Team-Development and Team-Mediation
- 230085 TR Teambuilding
- 230086 TR Information Literacy and Scientific Writing
B.2.6.1 BA KSK - Recommanded Lectures of other Departments
A.3. Elective Social Science Module
- 230059 KU Population Sociology
- 230100 UE Sociology of Invalidity
- 230122 VO+UE Sociology of Culture - " The Leisured Classes"
- 230177 PR Introduction to SPSS
- 230182 VO Environmental Sociology and Social Ecology
A.3.1 Recommanded Lectures of other Departments
- 140227 KU KS 2 - Introduction to Development Sociology - Soziale Bewegungen und sozialer Wandel
- 140229 KU KS 2 - Introduction to Development Sociology - Qualitative Methods of Development Research
- 140250 KU KS 2 - Introduction to Development Sociology - Soziologische Perspektiven auf die Wirtschaft
- 140255 KU KS 2 - Introduction to Development Sociology - Indikatoren der Bevölkerungsentwicklung und -struktur
- 140274 KU KS 2 - Introduction to Development Sociology - Soziologische Grundbegriffe der Entwicklungsforschung
- 140247 VO RTV - KOA - Natur and Ecology in Latin America - Nachhaltige Nutzung und Erhaltung der Natur
- 140252 VO Lecture Series: Traditions
- 140253 VO RTV - KOA - Development and Philosophy
- 140254 VO RTV - KOA - Latin America - Political history - Eine 4. Welle der Demokratisierung?
- 230152 UK Embodied Knowledge
- 230153 UK When an expert and a lay person meet... - Introduction to the relationship between technosciences and the public
- 230154 UK 'It is not at all possible to regard things simply as given.' - An introduction into the constitution of scientific facts
- 230164 TR Communication Culture at Universities and at Work II
- 230165 KU Basics of Social Network Analysis II
- 230167 KU Job Orientation II
- 350172 VLV BC2I - Deepening Course Sport Sociology
- 040641 EK STEOP: Industrial Sociology (EK)
- 040734 UE [ de en ] Decision and Game Theory
B. Bachelor Program in Sociology
B.1. STEOP Introductory Phase
B.1.1 STEOP 1
- 230002 VO STEOP: VO Basics of Methodology in Social Sciences
- 230003 VO STEOP: Introduction (Part 1): Sociology
- 230004 VO STEOP: Introduction (Part 2): VO Applied Sociology - an Overview
B.1.1.1 STEOP 1 - Recommanded Lectures of other Departments
B.1.2 STEOP 2
- 230006 VO Social Sciences and Social Change
- 230145 PS PS Proseminar Introduction
B.1.2.1 STEOP 2 - Recommanded Lectures of other Departments
- 210003 VO BAK 2.2 Social sciences and social change
- 240224 VO Basics of Social Theory
B.2. Compulsory Modules
B.2.1. Theory
B.2.1 BA T1 Principles of Sociological Theory
- 230134 VO Introduction to Sociological Theory
- 230009 UE Theoretical Foundations ("Reading Classics of Sociology")
B.2.1 BA T2 Specific Sociological Theories and Societal Diagnoses
- 230013 VO Diagnosis of Society
- 230015 WS Diagnosis of Society: Un/Doing Gender. The ambivalent power of normative gender roles - Focussing on body and gender, love attachments and separations, popular culture
- 230016 WS Diagnosis of Society: Anomia - a concept of societal analyses
- 230017 WS Diagnosis of Society: Body-Power-Biopolitics
- 230148 WS Diagnosis of Society: Global interdependence - The relevance of colonialism
- 230005 SE The early social theory of Jürgen Habermas
- 230011 SE Role theory
- 230012 SE Theories of Social Inequality: Current Perspectives
- 230138 SE Introduction into the Sociology of Richard Sennett
B.2.2. Methods
B.2.2 BA M1 Introduction to Empirical Social Research
- 230018 VO Empirical Research Methods - Introduction
- 230019 UE Methods of Empirical Social Research
B.2.2. BA M2 Statistical Methods and Mathematics for Sociologists
- 230020 VO Statistics I
- 230021 UE Statistics I
- 230055 UE Statistics I
- 230056 UE Statistics 2 - Übung
- 230022 UE KU Table Analysis and SPSS
- 230057 UE KU Table Analysis and SPSS
B.2.2. BA M3 Discussion and Guided Application of Qualitative Approaches, Methods and Procdures
- 230038 SE+UE Grounded Theory
- 230039 SE+UE Qualitative Methods: Hermeneutic Interpretation of Texts
- 230040 SE+UE Qualitative Methods: Ethnography
- 230041 SE Qualitative Research: Datamaterial photographies - photointerview and methods of visual research
- 230042 SE Qualitative Methods: Discourse, Text and Content Analysis
- 230043 SE SE Qualitative Methods: Ideal Types - Theory and Method
- 230137 SE The practice and iterpretation of qualitative methods
- 230044 UE Participant Observation
- 230045 UE Qualitative Interviews
B.2.2 BA M4 Discussion and Guided Application of Quantitative Approaches, Methods and Procedures
- 230025 SE+UE Data Collection and Data Analysis / Data Evaluation
B.2.3. Applications
B.2.3.1 BA A1 Areas of Sociological Research and Application
- 230026 VO Structure and Development of Mordern Societies - Social Change of the Austrian Society
- 230027 PR Workshop/Excursion: Penetration into the Ethnic Communities - Function and Dysfunction of Ethnic Communities
- 230028 PR Workshop/Excursion: Sociological city excursions - Hidden places
- 230029 PR Workshop/Excursion: Job Orientation for Students - Beispiele für Arbeitsfelder von SoziologInnen
- 230030 PR Workshop/Study Trips: Career Orientation - Socio-Scientific Research
- 230031 PR Workshop/Excursion: Job Orientation for Students
B. BA A1 Recommanded Lectures of other Departments
- 230167 KU Job Orientation II
B.2.3.2 BA A2 Selected Specific Sociology
- 230032 VO+SE [ en ] Urban Sociology
- 230033 VO+SE Introduction to Traffic Soziology
- 230034 VO+SE Sociology of Health and Illness
- 230035 VO+SE Sociology of Leisure and Sport
- 230036 VO+SE Populism, authoritarianism, and social crises - Comparing political, economic and social situation in Austria and Hungary
- 230037 VO+SE Organizational Sociology
- 230058 VO+SE Sociology of education - Low qualifications in knowledge-based societies
- 230116 VO+SE Family Sociology
- 230182 VO Environmental Sociology and Social Ecology
B. BA A2 Recommanded Lectures of other Departments
- 230152 UK Embodied Knowledge
- 230153 UK When an expert and a lay person meet... - Introduction to the relationship between technosciences and the public
- 230154 UK 'It is not at all possible to regard things simply as given.' - An introduction into the constitution of scientific facts
B.2.3 BA A3 Project Design and Research Laboratory
- 230008 FPR Research Practice I: New Technologies - Conflict and political decision
- 230048 FPR Research practice I: Transitions and social selection in educational systems
- 230046 FPR Research Practice II
- 230047 FPR Visual Methods in Research II: Evaluation - Forschungspraktikum 2
- 230049 FPR FPR Research Practice II
- 230050 FPR Research Practice II: Inclusion/ Exclusion and the Family
- 230054 FPR Poverty in Austria 2
- 230114 KU VO Research Design
B.2.4. Law and Economics
- 230051 KU Public Law for Sociologists - Introduction to Constitutional-, Administrative- and European Law
- 230052 KU Introduction to Economics
- 230053 KU KU Business Administration - Business Aspects of Sociology
B.2.4.1 BA REWI Recommended Lectures of Other Departments
- 290139 VO Foundations of Business Administration
- 040373 EK STEOP: Introduction to Private and Business Law
B.2.5. Communicative and Interpersonal Skills
- 230062 TR Communicative and Social Competences - Overview
- 230115 TR Communicative and Social Competences - Overview
- 230063 TR Body Language
- 230077 TR Conflict Management - Teams and projects
- 230083 TR Advanced Communicative Competences and Social Skills - Presentation and Moderation-Skills, Basics in Team-Development and Team-Mediation
- 230085 TR Teambuilding
- 230086 TR Information Literacy and Scientific Writing
B.2.5.1 Recommanded Lectures of other Departments
B.3. Elective Social Science Module
- 230059 KU Population Sociology
- 230100 UE Sociology of Invalidity
- 230122 VO+UE Sociology of Culture - " The Leisured Classes"
- 230177 PR Introduction to SPSS
- 230182 VO Environmental Sociology and Social Ecology
B.3.1 Recommanded Lectures of other Departments
- 140227 KU KS 2 - Introduction to Development Sociology - Soziale Bewegungen und sozialer Wandel
- 140229 KU KS 2 - Introduction to Development Sociology - Qualitative Methods of Development Research
- 140250 KU KS 2 - Introduction to Development Sociology - Soziologische Perspektiven auf die Wirtschaft
- 140255 KU KS 2 - Introduction to Development Sociology - Indikatoren der Bevölkerungsentwicklung und -struktur
- 140274 KU KS 2 - Introduction to Development Sociology - Soziologische Grundbegriffe der Entwicklungsforschung
- 140247 VO RTV - KOA - Natur and Ecology in Latin America - Nachhaltige Nutzung und Erhaltung der Natur
- 140252 VO Lecture Series: Traditions
- 140253 VO RTV - KOA - Development and Philosophy
- 140254 VO RTV - KOA - Latin America - Political history - Eine 4. Welle der Demokratisierung?
- 230152 UK Embodied Knowledge
- 230153 UK When an expert and a lay person meet... - Introduction to the relationship between technosciences and the public
- 230154 UK 'It is not at all possible to regard things simply as given.' - An introduction into the constitution of scientific facts
- 230164 TR Communication Culture at Universities and at Work II
- 230165 KU Basics of Social Network Analysis II
- 230167 KU Job Orientation II
- 350172 VLV BC2I - Deepening Course Sport Sociology
- 040641 EK STEOP: Industrial Sociology (EK)
- 040734 UE [ de en ] Decision and Game Theory
C. Master Program in Sociology
C.1. Compulsory Modules
C.1.1 MA T Sociological Theory: Comparison, Application and Construction
- 230104 VO Credo and Credit - Max Webers "Die protestantische Ethik und der Geist des Kapitalismus" revisited
- 230092 SE Pierre Bourdieu and lifestyle theories
- 230135 SE Reading Seminar: Reading Max Weber
- 230139 SE [ en ] Reading Seminar: Deleuze for Social Sciences
- 230142 SE Economic Practices and beyond - The economization of the social from a praxeological perspective
- 230144 SE Alfred Schutz - A Viennese classic in social theory
- 230147 SE Hermeneutic - Sociology of knowledge
- 230178 SE Experimental Analysis of Theoretical Models in Economic and Political Sociology
- 230181 VO+SE [ en ] Urban Marginality - Urban Marginality, Ethnicity, and the Penal State in the Neoliberal Age
C.1.2 Applied Methods and Research Strategies
- 230093 VO+SE Structural Equation Models: An application-oriented introduction
- 230023 SE Qualitative Methods: Visual Sociology of Knowledge
- 230118 VO+SE Introduction to Evaluation Research
- 230130 VO+UE Social Network Analysis
- 230117 SE Interpretive Picture Analysis - A Methodical Approach
- 230120 SE Group Discussion as a Method of Reconstructive Social Research
- 230123 SE Qualitative Methods: Biographical Research
- 230136 SE Specific Multivariate Methods of Analysis in the Social Sciences
- 230089 PR Qualitative Methods: Analysing Data with AtlasTI
- 230107 PR Interviewing
- 230128 PR Quantitative Methods: Index
- 230129 PR Quantitative Methods
- 400001 SE [ en ] SE Methods for Doctoral Candidates - Election Forecasting
- 400002 SE [ en ] SE Methods for Doctoral Candidates - Advanced Quantitative Methods: Research Applications
- 400003 SE SE Methods for Doctoral Candidates - Text Analysis
- 400004 SE [ en ] SE Methods for Doctoral Candidates - Applied Logistic Regression Models
- 400005 SE SE Methods for Doctoral Candidates - Survey Design
- 400008 SE [ en ] SE Methods for Doctoral Candidates - Research Seminar in Application of Quantitative Methods and Data Collection
- 230183 SE [ en ] Urban Ethnography - The Ring, the Street and the Prison: Lessons from a Research Journey
C.1.3 F Area of Specialization
C.1.3.1 Area of Specialization: Health and Organization
- 230106 VO Theories of organization
- 230112 SE Seminar on Organisations Theory - The Systems Theoretical Approach
- 230143 SE Qualitative Methods in Organizational Research
- 230069 VO+SE Participation in health promotion and health care - Theoretical perspectives, models, methods and empirical evidence
C.1.3.2 Area of Specialization: Culture and Society
- 230127 VO Sociology of the Arts
- 230099 VO+SE "And yet...they make music" - Sociological perspectives on women in classical music
- 230071 SE Poverty and gender as topic in Austrian Film 2
- 230081 SE Men in crisis? Masculinity as crisis - Contributions of critical masculinity studies to debates, facts and politics in the context of dominant crisis discourses
- 230119 SE Un-Well-Feelings - Therapeutic Cultures in Contemporary Western Societies
- 230146 SE Cultural change and media
C.1.3.3 Area of Specialization: Family Research, Generations, Lifespan
- 230066 VO Ageing: Interdisciplinary perspectives - Cleavages and social change
- 230097 VO+SE Age, gender specific role constructions and their impact on care - Conditions and structures in (private) organisation settings
- 230080 SE Age, life course and generations
- 230126 SE Families after divorce
- 230072 FPR Partnership, children, employment
- 400030 FK [ en ] Colloquium for Doctoral Candidates - Work and Family. Balances - Conflicts - Perspectives
C.1.3.4 Area of Specialization: Social Structure and Social Integration
- 230102 VO [ en ] Sociology of Globalization - Conceptual and methodological issues
- 230179 VO Migration and Integration Research - multidisciplinary perspectives
- 230064 SE Gender and Globalisation
- 230065 SE Poverty and social inclusion in the context of european social policy
- 230094 SE Sociology of Social Work - Gesellschaftliche Konstruktions- und Bearbeitungsformen von Hilfsbedürftigkeit
- 230096 SE Social Division in the City - Theoretical and Empirical Aspects of Segregation and Gentrification
- 230103 SE [ de en ] Population Dynamics and Social Change
- 230124 SE Uncertainty, Precarity and their subjective consequences
- 230178 SE Experimental Analysis of Theoretical Models in Economic and Political Sociology
- 230181 VO+SE [ en ] Urban Marginality - Urban Marginality, Ethnicity, and the Penal State in the Neoliberal Age
C. Recommended Lectures of other Departments
- 400028 FK [ en ] Colloquium for Doctoral Candidates - Migration, Memory and Urban Change
C.1.3.6 Area of Specialization: Studies of Science
- 230150 VO How social is scientific knowledge? Introduction to the Social Studies of Science II
- 230151 KO How social is scientific knowledge?
- 230155 SE [ en ] Imagination and imaging in scientific practice
- 230156 SE [ en ] The 'Same' Person? Past, Present, and Future of Identification Practices and Techniques
- 230157 SE [ en ] Global Problems and Local Solutions? Co-Enacting 'Sustainability' on Different Scales
- 230161 SE [ en ] Doing and analyzing interviews: Qualitative research in STS
- 230162 SE [ en ] Science, Technology and their Publics
- 230163 SE [ en ] Practicing Difference Science, Medicine, and Gender
- 230172 SE [ en ] Analysing the practices of scientific knowledge production
- 230174 SE [ en ] Risk in Contemporary Culture
- 230175 SE [ en ] Geographies of Science
- 230176 SE [ en ] A triple helix? - How to combine Science & Technology Studies (STS), Luhmann's social systems theory, and scientometric operationalizations
C.1.4 AR Master Thesis Seminar
- 230084 MA Master-Thesis-Seminar
- 230087 MA Master-Thesis-Seminar
- 230088 MA Master-Thesis-Seminar
- 230090 MA Master-Thesis-Seminar
- 230091 MA Master-Thesis-Seminar
- 230108 MA Master-Thesis-Seminar/PhD Seminar: Social Stratification Research
- 230110 MA Master-Thesis-Seminar
- 230111 MA Master-Thesis-Seminar
- 230121 MA Master-Thesis-Seminar
C.1.4.1 Recommanded Lectures of other Departments
- 230160 SE-MA [ en ] Coping with trouble II: Seminar for Master Students in 'Science-Technology-Society' (STS)
C.2 Compulsory Elective Modules
C.2.1 EF Focus on an Area of Specialization
- 230150 VO How social is scientific knowledge? Introduction to the Social Studies of Science II
- 230151 KO How social is scientific knowledge?
- 230155 SE [ en ] Imagination and imaging in scientific practice
- 230156 SE [ en ] The 'Same' Person? Past, Present, and Future of Identification Practices and Techniques
- 230157 SE [ en ] Global Problems and Local Solutions? Co-Enacting 'Sustainability' on Different Scales
- 230161 SE [ en ] Doing and analyzing interviews: Qualitative research in STS
- 230162 SE [ en ] Science, Technology and their Publics
- 230163 SE [ en ] Practicing Difference Science, Medicine, and Gender
- 230172 SE [ en ] Analysing the practices of scientific knowledge production
- 230174 SE [ en ] Risk in Contemporary Culture
- 230175 SE [ en ] Geographies of Science
- 230176 SE [ en ] A triple helix? - How to combine Science & Technology Studies (STS), Luhmann's social systems theory, and scientometric operationalizations
C.2.2 EM Focus on Methods
C.2.3 ET Focus on Sociological Theory
C.2.4 PM Project Management
- 230067 UE Projectmanagement
C.2.4.1. MA PM Project Management - Recommanded Lectures of other Departments
- 230166 TR Project Management and Evaluation
C.2.5 SM Elective Social Science Module
- 230098 SE "Time for Outrage!" and the worldwide protest movement - A sociological approach
- 230178 SE Experimental Analysis of Theoretical Models in Economic and Political Sociology
- 230180 PR [ en ] Conceptual and Empirical Issues associated with Evidence in Law and Medicine - Workshop mit Aaron Cicourel
C.2.5.1 SM Elective Social Science Module - Recommanded Lectures of other Departments
- 350172 VLV BC2I - Deepening Course Sport Sociology
- 350585 SLV MB1I - Specialization Course Research Seminar
- 230150 VO How social is scientific knowledge? Introduction to the Social Studies of Science II
- 230151 KO How social is scientific knowledge?
- 230155 SE [ en ] Imagination and imaging in scientific practice
- 230156 SE [ en ] The 'Same' Person? Past, Present, and Future of Identification Practices and Techniques
- 230157 SE [ en ] Global Problems and Local Solutions? Co-Enacting 'Sustainability' on Different Scales
- 230161 SE [ en ] Doing and analyzing interviews: Qualitative research in STS
- 230162 SE [ en ] Science, Technology and their Publics
- 230163 SE [ en ] Practicing Difference Science, Medicine, and Gender
- 230172 SE [ en ] Analysing the practices of scientific knowledge production
- 230174 SE [ en ] Risk in Contemporary Culture
- 230175 SE [ en ] Geographies of Science
- 230176 SE [ en ] A triple helix? - How to combine Science & Technology Studies (STS), Luhmann's social systems theory, and scientometric operationalizations
- 040034 SE BW VM: Co-operative systems
- 040408 VK KFK IndM/MAR/ORGA: Sociology of Organisations
- 040314 EK KFK IndM: Labour Relations and HRM I
- 040386 EK KFK IndM/MAR/ORGA: Sociology of Organisations
- 140376 VO Quantitative Research in International Development
- 010118 DS Contemporary challenges of pastoral care in a theological context
- 010124 VO [ en ] Religion in the United States of America
- 010132 SE [ en ] The role of religion in the acculturation of migrants: Psychological perspectives.
C.2.6 WK Knowledge Communication
- 230068 UE Knowledge Communication - Scientific Writing of Thesis - Wie entsteht ein guter Text ?
- 230095 UE Knowledge Communication - Sociological knowledge between science and society
D. Diploma Programme Sociology (Branch of Study: Law, Social Sciences and Economics)
Complementary Study Programmes (Minors)
Sociological Analyses of contemporary Society
- 230004 VO STEOP: Introduction (Part 2): VO Applied Sociology - an Overview
- 230013 VO Diagnosis of Society
- 230026 VO Structure and Development of Mordern Societies - Social Change of the Austrian Society
- 230134 VO Introduction to Sociological Theory
Empirical Sociology
- 230018 VO Empirical Research Methods - Introduction
- 230059 KU Population Sociology
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:37
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