B15 VM Source Study, Source Work and Source Criticism
- 160067 SE+EX Music, Dance and Theatre at the Court of Louis XIV.
- 160075 PR Databases of the Institute of Musicology
- 160079 UE Introduction to notation and composition of vocal polyphonic music III (1400-1600) - Notation & Komposition III
- 160086 PS Orlando di Lasso: his Work, Transmission and Reception
- 160132 PR Working in Music Archives
- 160135 VO Music at the Hapsburg family
- 160138 SE Opera buffa in Vienna before Mozart
- 160140 VO+UE Comparative Music History: circa 900 / circa 1100
- 160141 PS "And then I wrote this song…" - Popular Musical Forms and Structures Proseminar for analyzing Songwriting of the last 5 decades
- 160149 VO+UE Kinetological Analysis of Culturally Coded Movement: Ritual, Handwriting, Dance
- 160150 VO+UE TALA and TABLA - Rhythm in Hindustani Music in current practise
- 160164 VO+UE The "through-composed" German Opera before Wagner - Discussions about the genre and their results in the works at the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries
- 160171 SE The Paradigms of the 'New Biography': Writing (Wo-)Men’s Lives
- 160182 VO+UE Keyboard Music in the 15th and 16th Century
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:37