4. Master Degree Programme - Polish
4.1. Language Acquisition
- 130035 UE Slovak as second Slavic Language - Anfängerkurs
- 130092 UE [ de pl ] Proficient use of Polish 2
- 130135 UE Second slavic language B/C/S
- 130308 UE [ de ru ] Second Slavic language Russian
4.2. Historical-Philological Module
4.3. Literary and Cultural Studies
- 130318 VO The main themes of romantic literature in Poland (love, patriotism, history, nature, folklore)
- 130351 KO [ ru ] Colloquium on literature
- 130372 SE Literaturwissenschaftliches Seminar für Westslawisten
- 130376 VO Polish Literature of the Modernist Period
4.4. Linguistics
- 130009 SE Seminar Polish und Ukrain linguistics - Polish and Ukrainian in contact
- 130281 KO Inflectional Morphology & Lexicology
4.6 Master Module
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:37