PM Specialisation 2: Issues of Women's and Gender History
- 070040 SE Late Modern History (Contemporary History) (approx. 1800 to present)
- 070098 VO Specialisation: Questions and Issues of Women's and Gender History 1 - Kultur- und Geschlechtergeschichte des Nationalsozialismus
- 070100 SE Specialisation: Questions and Issues of Women's and Gender History 1 - Widerstand im Nationalsozialismus aus geschlechterhistorischer Perspektive
- 070103 SE Specialisation: Questions and Issues of Women's and Gender History 1 - Erinnerungskultur und Geschlecht. Die Figur des Zeitzeugen in der europäischen Zeitgeschichte
- 070112 SE Specialisation: Questions and Issues of Women's and Gender History 1 - - - SE findet an der Universität für angewandte Kunst statt
- 070279 VO Specialisation 2: Medieval Age II (approx. 1200 - approx. 1500) - Universität im Mittelalter (mit gender- und frauenspezifischen Aspekten)
- 070299 SE Advanced Module 2: Issues, Problems and Methods of Economic and Social History - Structural Change of European Universities in the 20th Century
- 070301 VO Advanced Module 1: Issues, Problems and Methods of Economic and Social History - History of Work
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:37