B. Master Degree Programme in Prehistory and Early History
1. Required Module - Prehistory
- 060063 SE SE Prehistory
2. Required Module - Early History/Historical Archaeologies
- 060175 SE Late antique hillforts in the Alps
3. Alternative Required Module - Methodology
APM Theory
APM Research History
- 060066 SE SE Research History
APM Landscape Archaeology
- 060042 SE Archaelogical Prospection
4. Required Module - Master 2 semesters
- 060046 PV Privatissimum
- 060049 PV Privatissimum
- 060074 PV Exclusive tutorial
- 060077 PV Privatissimum
- 060086 PV Privatissimum
- 060102 PV Privatissimum
5. Required Module - Current Topics in Prehistory and Early History and Historical Archaeologies 2 semesters
- 060051 VO Selected topics of the Viking Age
- 060055 SV [ en ] Stonehenge and timber circles
- 060067 SV Celtic Archaeology (Art)
- 060143 SV The middle danube region in the roman times and migration period
6. Required Module - Excursion Abroad
7. Alternative Required Module - Method
APM Theory and Interdisciplinary Topics 2 semesters
- 060068 VO Quantitative Methods in Pre- and Protohistory
- 060097 SV Advanced Theoretical Archaeology
APM Archaeometry and Bioarchaeology
- 060058 VU Ground Penetrating Radar - theory and practice
- 060133 VO Greek and Roman Engineering
8. Alternative Required Module - Practical Training
APM Landscape Archaeology
- 060084 UE Extensive and intensive field surveying
APM Culture Mediation
APM Technology and Documentation 2 semesters
- 060061 VU CAD
9. Alternative Required Module - Professional Practice
APM Excavation Techniques for Advanced Students
APM Culture and Museum Management
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:37