E [1]. Bachelor Degree Programme (DCC) "Dutch Language, Literature and Culture in a Central European Context"
I. Basis Curriculum
1. Language Acquisition - Basic Level
Module 1: Language Acquisition I-II (njb1a,njb1b)
- 130189 UE [ nl ] Dutch Language Acquisition II
- 130209 UE-VL [ nl ] Dutch Language Acquisition I
- 130321 UE-VL [ nl ] Dutch Language Acquisition I
2. Introduction
Module 2: Introductions - Culture and History, Literary Studies, Linguistics (njb2a, njb2b, njb2c)
- 130180 VO-VL Dutch Area Studies: Introduction
3. Language Acquisition - Advanced Level
Module 4: Language Acquisition III-IV (njb3a, njb3b)
- 130191 UE [ nl ] Dutch Language Acquisition III
4. Language Acquisition - In-Depth Studies
Module 10: Practice-Oriented Specialisation (njb4b, njb4c)
- 130221 KU-VL [ nl ] Business Dutch I
- 130222 KU-VL Translation I
Module 7: Linguistics - Advanced Level (njb4a)
- 130181 KU-VL [ nl ] Linguistics (Advanced module): Language variation and multilingualism
5. Linguistics
Module 8, 11: Linguistics I and II (njb5b)
- 130233 KU-VL [ nl ] Translation Studies
Module 12: Linguistics - In-Depth Studies (njb5a)
- 130210 SE-VL [ nl ] Linguistics: Language learning past and present
6. Culture and Literature
Module 13: Culture and Literature - In-Depth Studies (njb6b, njb6c)
- 130150 SE-VL [ nl ] Literary Seminar: female/feminine writing
- 130196 SE-VL [ nl ] "Dutch Area Studies - The Netherlands in the 20th Century"
Module 5: Literary Studies - Advanced Level (njb6a)
- 130195 KU-VL [ nl ] Course Literary Studies Advanced I "Life is moving. Growing up in literature"
II. Joint Curriculum
7. Language and Culture in Context (Joint I)
Module 3: Introduction to Interculturality (njb7a)
- 130223 KU-VL Culture, Literature and Context
Module 6, 9, 14, 15, 16: Language and Culture in Context (njb7b)
- 130065 KU-VL [ nl ] Dutch and Flemish poetry after 1945
- 130182 KU-VL [ nl ] Dutch literature after World War II
- 130240 KU-VL [ nl ] A hundred stories in discussion: the short story in Dutch literature
8. Central European Context (Joint II)
Module 17, 18, 19: European Union and Political Science, Economy, History (njb8a, njb8b, njb8c)
9. Multilingual Skills (Joint III)
Module 20: 2nd Foreign Language (njb9)
III. BA-Final Module
10. Final Stage
Module 21: Professional Training Project (njb10a)
Module 22: Bachelor's Paper (njb10b)
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:37