18.01. Philosophy
NEU! Interdisziplinäres Masterstudium: History and Philosophy of Science (HPS)
A. Bachelor's Degree Programme Philosophy
1. Studieneingangs- und Orientierungsphase (StEOP BA neu)
1.a StEOP-Modul 1.1 Einführung in die theoretische Philosophie (BA neu)
- 180018 EV-L STEOP: Theoretical Philosophy
1.a StEOP-Modul 1.2 Einführung in die praktische Philosophie (BA neu)
- 180006 EV-L STEOP: Practical Philosophy
1.b Studieneingangsphase (BA alt)
M-01 Methoden und Techniken (BA alt)
- 180003 GV Greek Terminology
- 180188 IK Introduction to Scientific Work in Philosophy
2. Required Modules
M-03 Language and Thought
- 180003 GV Greek Terminology
- 180014 LPS Platon, The dialogue Theaitetos
- 180015 LPS N. Goodman: 'Languages of Art'
- 180016 LPS Rediscovering the Past: Heidegger's and Arendt's Reading of Aristotle
- 180020 LPS Pierre Hadot: Philosophy as a Way of Life
- 180021 LPS Kant - Critique of Pure Reason
- 180188 IK Introduction to Scientific Work in Philosophy
M-03 Language and Thought
- 180005 VO-L Classics of practical philosophy
- 180006 EV-L STEOP: Practical Philosophy
- 180008 VO-L Introduction to Theoretical Philosophy - Einführung EC und PP
- 180014 LPS Platon, The dialogue Theaitetos
- 180015 LPS N. Goodman: 'Languages of Art'
- 180016 LPS Rediscovering the Past: Heidegger's and Arendt's Reading of Aristotle
- 180018 EV-L STEOP: Theoretical Philosophy
- 180020 LPS Pierre Hadot: Philosophy as a Way of Life
- 180021 LPS Kant - Critique of Pure Reason
- 180090 LPS Austin: How to Do Things with Words
M-03 Language and Thought
- 180009 VO-GKL Basic logic course lecture
- 180017 VO Philosophy of Language
- 180022 IK Rhetoric and Theory of Argumentation
- 180092 UE-GKL Exercise in Logic
M-04 History of Philosophy until the End of the 19th Century
- 010132 VO Ancient Philosophy
- 180001 VO-L History of Philosophy I (Antiquity)
- 180011 VO-L History of Philosophy II (Middle Ages and Early Modernity)
- 180012 VO-L History of Philosophy III (Classical Modernity through the 19th Century)
- 180093 VO-L History of Philosophy II (Middle Ages and Early Modernity)
- 180136 VO-L History of Philosophy I
M-05 Reality and Truth
- 010083 VO Metaphysics
- 010123 FS Hegel´s Phenomenology: Science of Logic I
- 180024 PS Personal Identity
- 180025 PS Metaphysics and Ontology
- 180026 SE Hegel, Phenomenology of Mind - From Consciousness to Self-Consciousness
- 180027 SE [ en ] Knowledge, Truth and Duty
- 180028 VO-L Wittgenstein's Tractatus
- 180029 SE Pluralism and Philosophy of Science
- 180033 VO Introduction to the Theory of Knowledge
- 180034 VO Introduction to Epistemology
- 180035 VO Kant's theory of knowledge
- 180036 VO Philosophy of Science and the Humanities - Historical and Philosophical Dimensions
- 180094 SE Origins of thought: philosophical Daoism and Pre-Socratics
- 180095 PS Ontology and Metaphysics - The Logical and Ontological Meaning of Modalities
- 180096 PS Consciousness and the I - The question of the subject of experience in contemporary philosophy
- 180097 SE Body, Knowledge and Society in Merleau-Ponty and Bourdieu
- 180140 PS Plotinus: Central metaphysical texts
- 180160 VO-L Visuality as cognition and the human form of life
M-06 Good and Evil
- 180037 PS Plato's Dialogues on Virtue
- 180038 PS Aristotle: Politics
- 180039 PS Kant: Groundwork of the Metaphysic of Morals and Nietzsche: On the Genealogy of Morals
- 180040 PS Morality and Responsibility - Zwei Grundbegriffe der Ethik
- 180041 SE Can Ethics be Taught?
- 180042 SE [ en ] Behind morality: the big questions
- 180044 SE Derrida and the Political
- 180045 SE Thinking war - Philosophical reflexions of a social disease
- 180086 SE Theories of justice
- 180098 PS Justice - Ausgewählte Texte von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart
- 180099 VO Law and language (Agamben, Foucalt, Vesting) - Philosophische Lektüren des Juridischen in der Gegenwart
- 180100 VO Elements of Applied Ethics
- 180151 SE John Deweys Ethics
- 180164 SE Augustine, Confessions
- 180165 VO-L Doing Evil
- 180166 PS Moral Dilemmas and Dirty Hands
- 180181 VO-L Doing Evil
M-07 Technology and Media
- 180019 VO-L TV esthetics
- 180048 SE Philosophy of technology of medias - Friedrich Kittler and some others
- 180049 SE This is not a seminar: Foucault and Magritte
- 180050 SE Philosophy of Technology - From Marx to Latour
- 180051 VO-L The Quine Video Series
- 180101 SE Cybernetic Epistemologies: Discourses on drugs, technology and media
- 180102 VO-L Technics and Psyche
M-08 The Own and the Alien
- 180053 SE Concepts of Culture
- 180054 VO-L Intercultural Philosophy - Introduction into main topics
- 180055 VO-L Indian ways of thinking: Acting according to Yoga - Patañjali, Aurobindo, Rig-Veda
- 180056 SE Reading Chinese Philosophy - Identity, Comparison, Interaction between Latin American and European
- 180057 SE [ en ] Classical Chinese Philosophy: Confucianism and Daoism
- 180103 VO-L Intercultural Philosophy - Methodische Grundlagen und Problemstellungen
- 180104 VO-L Machiavallism of East and West - Machiavelli’s Il Principe, Legalism of Hanfeizi and Strategy School of Sunzi
- 180105 VO-L Jewish Philosophy in the 20th Century and now - Discourses of Autonomy, Authenticity, and Identity
- 180106 SE Philosophy in Latin America (Mexico) - Identity, Comparison, Interaction between Latin American and European
- 180107 VO-L An Introduction in the aesthetics of islam
- 180142 SE Seminar of philosophical Pragmatic - The Philosophy of Politics and Strategy of Hanfeizi, Sunzi and Machiavelli
3. Elective Modules
M-09 Mind and Language
- 180068 VO [ de en ] Cognitive Science - Introduction and Basic Concepts
- 180069 SE Idea and Anthropo-Genesis of mind - Hegel, Plessner und die Kritische Psychologe
- 180070 SE Formulae of Religion - Teleologische Gottesbeweise nach Kant und Intelligent Design
- 180108 SE Speech act theories: A comparison
- 180109 VO-L Philosophical Logic - An overview of classical and non-classical notions of formal logic
- 180118 VO-L The philosophers and Freud
M-10 Art, Culture, Religion
- 010038 VO Philosophical Theology
- 010099 BA Giorgio Agamben: Profanations
- 010128 DS Titel
- 180070 SE Formulae of Religion - Teleologische Gottesbeweise nach Kant und Intelligent Design
- 180071 SE Philosophy of Religion
- 180074 VO-L Do we know what a body can? - Religions of Bodies
- 180110 SE [ de en ] Radical French Philosophy: De Sade
- 180111 VO-L The controversy about realism in art
- 180116 VO-L Philosophy of Laughter - From Antiquity to the Present
- 180167 VO-L Philosophy of the film
M-11 Contemporary Thought
- 180068 VO [ de en ] Cognitive Science - Introduction and Basic Concepts
- 180073 SE What is philosophy - Gilles Deleuze
- 180074 VO-L Do we know what a body can? - Religions of Bodies
- 180075 PS Max Horkheimer: Philosophy and Society
- 180082 PS Theory and Observation
- 180108 SE Speech act theories: A comparison
- 180112 SE Alain Badiou and current new metaphysical approaches (Brassier, Harman, Meillassoux)
- 180115 SE Performativity of gender and disease - Judith Butlers Theorie von Norm und Transformation
- 180119 VO Evolutionary Epistemology - The Natural History of Reason and Unreason
- 180171 SE Daseinsanalysis: Basic Problems of psychosomatic
M-12 Applied Ethics
- 010043 VO Clinical rounds - from medical and ethical view
- 180076 SE Business ethics
- 180077 SE Seminar on Business-Ethicsa - Salary, Price and Profite
- 180078 VO-L Age(ing)
- 180125 SE Environmental Ethics
- 180150 SE Beyond pleasure and pain - Probleme und Ansätze der Tierethik jenseits des Pathozentrismus
- 180179 SE Aging-Disease-Dying - Philosophical, medical and ethical problems in geriatrics
M-13 Gender and Society
- 140383 SE T I - VM3 - VM4 Foundations of Social Criticism I
- 180075 PS Max Horkheimer: Philosophy and Society
- 180115 SE Performativity of gender and disease - Judith Butlers Theorie von Norm und Transformation
- 180116 VO-L Philosophy of Laughter - From Antiquity to the Present
- 180117 SE African womanism - Feminist Concepts in Dialogue
- 240100 VO Gendered Topics in Legal Studies - Philosophische Grundlagen für Gender Studies
M-14 Human and Nature
- 180079 VO-L Philosophy of nature
- 180118 VO-L The philosophers and Freud
- 180119 VO Evolutionary Epistemology - The Natural History of Reason and Unreason
- 180163 SE Critical Anthropology
- 180171 SE Daseinsanalysis: Basic Problems of psychosomatic
- 300073 SE Current topics in philosophy, theology and biology - Interdisciplinary discussions of current topics in Philosophy, Theology and Biology
M-15 Philosophy of Science
- 070383 SE Seminar Specialisation 2 - Knowledge Society an 'Science of Society' - On the Theory and Practice of Modern History of Universities
- 180082 PS Theory and Observation
- 180121 VO-L What ist math?
- 180141 PS Life, Knowledge and Science - Wilhelm Dilthey's Humanistic Hermeneutics
B. Master's Degree Programme Philosophy
B. Master's Degree Programme Philosophy
- 180027 SE [ en ] Knowledge, Truth and Duty
- 180028 VO-L Wittgenstein's Tractatus
- 180029 SE Pluralism and Philosophy of Science
- 180051 VO-L The Quine Video Series
- 180070 SE Formulae of Religion - Teleologische Gottesbeweise nach Kant und Intelligent Design
- 180079 VO-L Philosophy of nature
- 180108 SE Speech act theories: A comparison
- 180109 VO-L Philosophical Logic - An overview of classical and non-classical notions of formal logic
- 180121 VO-L What ist math?
- 180128 SE [ de en ] Memory
- 180133 SE Readings of Kant in Logical Empiricism - Kantianismus and Neo-Kantianism in the Philosophy of Science
- 180134 SE Holistic Positions in contemporary Philosophy of Language - Analytische Philosophie, Hermeneutik, Dekonstruktion
- 180137 SE Collective Intentionality
- 180149 SE Phenomenology(ies) of perception - Methodische Grundlagen und Problemstellungen
- 180161 SE Thoughts and view as conversations: Peirce`s semiotics of dialogue
- 180170 VO-L Lectures on Philosophy of Science
B. Master's Degree Programme Philosophy
- 180019 VO-L TV esthetics
- 180042 SE [ en ] Behind morality: the big questions
- 180055 VO-L Indian ways of thinking: Acting according to Yoga - Patañjali, Aurobindo, Rig-Veda
- 180071 SE Philosophy of Religion
- 180074 VO-L Do we know what a body can? - Religions of Bodies
- 180086 SE Theories of justice
- 180105 VO-L Jewish Philosophy in the 20th Century and now - Discourses of Autonomy, Authenticity, and Identity
- 180110 SE [ de en ] Radical French Philosophy: De Sade
- 180111 VO-L The controversy about realism in art
- 180160 VO-L Visuality as cognition and the human form of life
- 180165 VO-L Doing Evil
- 180167 VO-L Philosophy of the film
- 180168 SE G.W.F Hegel: Lectures on Aesthetics
- 180181 VO-L Doing Evil
B. Master's Degree Programme Philosophy
B. Master's Degree Programme Philosophy
- 070383 SE Seminar Specialisation 2 - Knowledge Society an 'Science of Society' - On the Theory and Practice of Modern History of Universities
- 180120 FS [ en ] The Debate over Intuitions in Analytic Philosophy
- 180128 SE [ de en ] Memory
- 180130 EK Methods and Problems in History and Philosophy of Science
- 180133 SE Readings of Kant in Logical Empiricism - Kantianismus and Neo-Kantianism in the Philosophy of Science
- 180138 SE Podcasts Vienna Philosophy
- 180051 VO-L The Quine Video Series
- 180121 VO-L What ist math?
- 180137 SE Collective Intentionality
- 180170 VO-L Lectures on Philosophy of Science
B. Master's Degree Programme Philosophy
- 180079 VO-L Philosophy of nature
- 180128 SE [ de en ] Memory
- 180137 SE Collective Intentionality
- 180149 SE Phenomenology(ies) of perception - Methodische Grundlagen und Problemstellungen
B. Master's Degree Programme Philosophy
- 180028 VO-L Wittgenstein's Tractatus
- 180109 VO-L Philosophical Logic - An overview of classical and non-classical notions of formal logic
- 180134 SE Holistic Positions in contemporary Philosophy of Language - Analytische Philosophie, Hermeneutik, Dekonstruktion
B. Master's Degree Programme Philosophy
- 180165 VO-L Doing Evil
- 180181 VO-L Doing Evil
B. Master's Degree Programme Philosophy
- 180055 VO-L Indian ways of thinking: Acting according to Yoga - Patañjali, Aurobindo, Rig-Veda
- 180072 FS Poets as reader of Kant - Schiller, Hölderlin, Kleist, Grillparzer, Dostojewski u.a.
- 180074 VO-L Do we know what a body can? - Religions of Bodies
- 180105 VO-L Jewish Philosophy in the 20th Century and now - Discourses of Autonomy, Authenticity, and Identity
- 180111 VO-L The controversy about realism in art
- 180160 VO-L Visuality as cognition and the human form of life
- 180167 VO-L Philosophy of the film
- 180168 SE G.W.F Hegel: Lectures on Aesthetics
B. Master's Degree Programme Philosophy
B. Master's Degree Programme Philosophy
- 180072 FS Poets as reader of Kant - Schiller, Hölderlin, Kleist, Grillparzer, Dostojewski u.a.
- 180120 FS [ en ] The Debate over Intuitions in Analytic Philosophy
- 180128 SE [ de en ] Memory
- 180130 EK Methods and Problems in History and Philosophy of Science
- 180133 SE Readings of Kant in Logical Empiricism - Kantianismus and Neo-Kantianism in the Philosophy of Science
- 180134 SE Holistic Positions in contemporary Philosophy of Language - Analytische Philosophie, Hermeneutik, Dekonstruktion
- 180137 SE Collective Intentionality
- 180138 SE Podcasts Vienna Philosophy
- 180149 SE Phenomenology(ies) of perception - Methodische Grundlagen und Problemstellungen
- 180158 SE-MA Masters and Doctoral Students
- 180162 SE-MA Masters and Doctoral Students
- 180182 SE Project
- 430011 SE [ en ] Dissertation Seminar in Knowledge Technologies, Cognitive Science, and Philosophy of Science
- 430014 SE Masters and Doctoral Students
- 430016 SE-MA Masters and Doctoral Students
B. Master's Degree Programme Philosophy
M1 Theoretical Philosophy
- 180027 SE [ en ] Knowledge, Truth and Duty
- 180028 VO-L Wittgenstein's Tractatus
- 180051 VO-L The Quine Video Series
- 180070 SE Formulae of Religion - Teleologische Gottesbeweise nach Kant und Intelligent Design
- 180079 VO-L Philosophy of nature
- 180108 SE Speech act theories: A comparison
- 180109 VO-L Philosophical Logic - An overview of classical and non-classical notions of formal logic
- 180120 FS [ en ] The Debate over Intuitions in Analytic Philosophy
- 180121 VO-L What ist math?
- 180128 SE [ de en ] Memory
- 180130 EK Methods and Problems in History and Philosophy of Science
- 180133 SE Readings of Kant in Logical Empiricism - Kantianismus and Neo-Kantianism in the Philosophy of Science
- 180134 SE Holistic Positions in contemporary Philosophy of Language - Analytische Philosophie, Hermeneutik, Dekonstruktion
- 180149 SE Phenomenology(ies) of perception - Methodische Grundlagen und Problemstellungen
- 180161 SE Thoughts and view as conversations: Peirce`s semiotics of dialogue
- 180170 VO-L Lectures on Philosophy of Science
M2 Practical Philosophy
- 180042 SE [ en ] Behind morality: the big questions
- 180086 SE Theories of justice
- 180165 VO-L Doing Evil
- 180181 VO-L Doing Evil
M3 Contemporary Philosophy
- 180029 SE Pluralism and Philosophy of Science
- 180051 VO-L The Quine Video Series
- 180070 SE Formulae of Religion - Teleologische Gottesbeweise nach Kant und Intelligent Design
- 180074 VO-L Do we know what a body can? - Religions of Bodies
- 180105 VO-L Jewish Philosophy in the 20th Century and now - Discourses of Autonomy, Authenticity, and Identity
- 180109 VO-L Philosophical Logic - An overview of classical and non-classical notions of formal logic
- 180134 SE Holistic Positions in contemporary Philosophy of Language - Analytische Philosophie, Hermeneutik, Dekonstruktion
- 180137 SE Collective Intentionality
- 180160 VO-L Visuality as cognition and the human form of life
- 180170 VO-L Lectures on Philosophy of Science
M4 Philosophy of Culture
- 180019 VO-L TV esthetics
- 180055 VO-L Indian ways of thinking: Acting according to Yoga - Patañjali, Aurobindo, Rig-Veda
- 180110 SE [ de en ] Radical French Philosophy: De Sade
- 180167 VO-L Philosophy of the film
- 180168 SE G.W.F Hegel: Lectures on Aesthetics
M5 Project-Module
- 180138 SE Podcasts Vienna Philosophy
M6 Philosophical Research
- 180158 SE-MA Masters and Doctoral Students
- 180159 SE-MA Masters and Doctoral Students
- 180162 SE-MA Masters and Doctoral Students
- 430008 SE-MA Masters and Doctoral Students
- 430011 SE [ en ] Dissertation Seminar in Knowledge Technologies, Cognitive Science, and Philosophy of Science
- 430014 SE Masters and Doctoral Students
- 430016 SE-MA Masters and Doctoral Students
D. Interdisciplinary Master's Degree Programme History and Philosophy of Science (HPS)
- 180036 VO Philosophy of Science and the Humanities - Historical and Philosophical Dimensions
- 180170 VO-L Lectures on Philosophy of Science
M01 Compensation Module
M1.1 Philosophy
- 180009 VO-GKL Basic logic course lecture
- 180017 VO Philosophy of Language
- 180018 EV-L STEOP: Theoretical Philosophy
- 180027 SE [ en ] Knowledge, Truth and Duty
- 180034 VO Introduction to Epistemology
- 180092 UE-GKL Exercise in Logic
- 180109 VO-L Philosophical Logic - An overview of classical and non-classical notions of formal logic
- 180141 PS Life, Knowledge and Science - Wilhelm Dilthey's Humanistic Hermeneutics
M1.2 History
- 070095 VO [ en ] Philosophy and Logic of Science and Philosophy and Logic of History
- 070223 GR Guided Reading - Cultures of Knowledge 1500-1900
- 070457 VO Theory of Science, Theory of Historiology
M1.3 Science
- 040791 SE [ en ] Philosophy-Politics-Economics - Critical Rationalism and Economics
M02 Methods and Problems
M03 History of Science
- 070035 VO History of Science - Concepts of the Sciences in the historical and cultural Contexts
- 070038 PK Masses as object of scientific research
- 070045 SE Seminar - Josephinum - Medical Teaching and Learning in Vienna
- 070047 FS Research Module History of Science - Celebrata est Anathomia - Anatomie im historischen und kulturellen Kontext
- 070048 SE Early modern medicine: empiricism and intellectual exchanges
- 070051 SE [ de en ] History of Knowledge, Science and Scholarship in the long 19th century
- 070339 FS Research Module History of Science - "Gut instruiert" und versiert aufgezeichnet - Expeditionen des 19. Jahrhunderts
M04 Philosophy of Science
- 040791 SE [ en ] Philosophy-Politics-Economics - Critical Rationalism and Economics
- 180029 SE Pluralism and Philosophy of Science
- 180036 VO Philosophy of Science and the Humanities - Historical and Philosophical Dimensions
- 180121 VO-L What ist math?
- 180133 SE Readings of Kant in Logical Empiricism - Kantianismus and Neo-Kantianism in the Philosophy of Science
M05 Specialisation
- 070383 SE Seminar Specialisation 2 - Knowledge Society an 'Science of Society' - On the Theory and Practice of Modern History of Universities
M06 Master-Thesis Module
- 070044 SE Master Seminar - Medizin des Mittelalters und der Frühen Neuzeit
- 070278 SE Master and Doctoral Students Seminar - Historical Science Studies
D. Complementary study programmes (minors) for students of other bachelor degree programmes
CSP1 Aesthetics and Philosophy of Culture
- 180019 VO-L TV esthetics
- 180054 VO-L Intercultural Philosophy - Introduction into main topics
- 180105 VO-L Jewish Philosophy in the 20th Century and now - Discourses of Autonomy, Authenticity, and Identity
- 180107 VO-L An Introduction in the aesthetics of islam
- 180111 VO-L The controversy about realism in art
- 180116 VO-L Philosophy of Laughter - From Antiquity to the Present
CSP2 Ehics
- 180005 VO-L Classics of practical philosophy
- 180078 VO-L Age(ing)
- 180165 VO-L Doing Evil
- 180181 VO-L Doing Evil
CSP3 Philosophicum
- 180005 VO-L Classics of practical philosophy
- 180008 VO-L Introduction to Theoretical Philosophy - Einführung EC und PP
- 180054 VO-L Intercultural Philosophy - Introduction into main topics
- 180103 VO-L Intercultural Philosophy - Methodische Grundlagen und Problemstellungen
- 180105 VO-L Jewish Philosophy in the 20th Century and now - Discourses of Autonomy, Authenticity, and Identity
- 180107 VO-L An Introduction in the aesthetics of islam
CSP4 History of Philosophy
- 180001 VO-L History of Philosophy I (Antiquity)
- 180011 VO-L History of Philosophy II (Middle Ages and Early Modernity)
- 180012 VO-L History of Philosophy III (Classical Modernity through the 19th Century)
- 180093 VO-L History of Philosophy II (Middle Ages and Early Modernity)
- 180136 VO-L History of Philosophy I
CSP5 eTutorials and Knowledge Experts
CSP5 - 1. Teaching & Learning Space Group
CSP5 - 2. Knowledge Construction and Media Manipulation
CSP5 - 3. Practical Skills
CSP6 Knowledge Creation: The emergence of new knowledge and innovation
CSP6 M1: Theoretical Foundations of Knowledge Creation and of Knowledge- & Innovation-Design
- 180143 VO Knowledge Creation: Theoretical foundations
- 180144 VU Designing Innovation: Designing knowledge-, innovation and learning processes
CSP6 M2: Knowledge Atelier
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:37