3. Elective Modules
M-09 Mind and Language
- 180068 VO [ de en ] Cognitive Science - Introduction and Basic Concepts
- 180069 SE Idea and Anthropo-Genesis of mind - Hegel, Plessner und die Kritische Psychologe
- 180070 SE Formulae of Religion - Teleologische Gottesbeweise nach Kant und Intelligent Design
- 180108 SE Speech act theories: A comparison
- 180109 VO-L Philosophical Logic - An overview of classical and non-classical notions of formal logic
- 180118 VO-L The philosophers and Freud
M-10 Art, Culture, Religion
- 010038 VO Philosophical Theology
- 010099 BA Giorgio Agamben: Profanations
- 010128 DS Titel
- 180070 SE Formulae of Religion - Teleologische Gottesbeweise nach Kant und Intelligent Design
- 180071 SE Philosophy of Religion
- 180074 VO-L Do we know what a body can? - Religions of Bodies
- 180110 SE [ de en ] Radical French Philosophy: De Sade
- 180111 VO-L The controversy about realism in art
- 180116 VO-L Philosophy of Laughter - From Antiquity to the Present
- 180167 VO-L Philosophy of the film
M-11 Contemporary Thought
- 180068 VO [ de en ] Cognitive Science - Introduction and Basic Concepts
- 180073 SE What is philosophy - Gilles Deleuze
- 180074 VO-L Do we know what a body can? - Religions of Bodies
- 180075 PS Max Horkheimer: Philosophy and Society
- 180082 PS Theory and Observation
- 180108 SE Speech act theories: A comparison
- 180112 SE Alain Badiou and current new metaphysical approaches (Brassier, Harman, Meillassoux)
- 180115 SE Performativity of gender and disease - Judith Butlers Theorie von Norm und Transformation
- 180119 VO Evolutionary Epistemology - The Natural History of Reason and Unreason
- 180171 SE Daseinsanalysis: Basic Problems of psychosomatic
M-12 Applied Ethics
- 010043 VO Clinical rounds - from medical and ethical view
- 180076 SE Business ethics
- 180077 SE Seminar on Business-Ethicsa - Salary, Price and Profite
- 180078 VO-L Age(ing)
- 180125 SE Environmental Ethics
- 180150 SE Beyond pleasure and pain - Probleme und Ansätze der Tierethik jenseits des Pathozentrismus
- 180179 SE Aging-Disease-Dying - Philosophical, medical and ethical problems in geriatrics
M-13 Gender and Society
- 140383 SE T I - VM3 - VM4 Foundations of Social Criticism I
- 180075 PS Max Horkheimer: Philosophy and Society
- 180115 SE Performativity of gender and disease - Judith Butlers Theorie von Norm und Transformation
- 180116 VO-L Philosophy of Laughter - From Antiquity to the Present
- 180117 SE African womanism - Feminist Concepts in Dialogue
- 240100 VO Gendered Topics in Legal Studies - Philosophische Grundlagen für Gender Studies
M-14 Human and Nature
- 180079 VO-L Philosophy of nature
- 180118 VO-L The philosophers and Freud
- 180119 VO Evolutionary Epistemology - The Natural History of Reason and Unreason
- 180163 SE Critical Anthropology
- 180171 SE Daseinsanalysis: Basic Problems of psychosomatic
- 300073 SE Current topics in philosophy, theology and biology - Interdisciplinary discussions of current topics in Philosophy, Theology and Biology
M-15 Philosophy of Science
- 070383 SE Seminar Specialisation 2 - Knowledge Society an 'Science of Society' - On the Theory and Practice of Modern History of Universities
- 180082 PS Theory and Observation
- 180121 VO-L What ist math?
- 180141 PS Life, Knowledge and Science - Wilhelm Dilthey's Humanistic Hermeneutics
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:37