07. Emphasis 5: Historical Aspects of Development Research
- 070320 VO Advanced Module 1: Issues, Problems and Methods of Economic and Social History - Forced Migration as Political Means
- 070375 SE [ en ] Seminar Specialisation 2 - The Great Divergence
- 140220 SE [ de en es ] T I - VM3 - VM5 Knowledge and Society
- 140225 SE T II - VM2 - VM5 Plant Transfer in the Global Economic History
- 140237 SE T IV - VM4 - VM5 The 'Left' and Religion
- 140534 SE [ de en ] T II - TIII - VM2 - VM5 Issues of Uneven Global Development
- 140330 VO+UE T I - TII - VM4 - VM5 Racism
- 140335 SE [ de en es ] T II - T IV - VM5 - VM7 Social Protection and Gender in Global and Historical Perspective
- 140338 SE T II VM5 - VM1 Neoliberalism, Development, and Protest in the Arab World
- 140340 SE [ de en ] SE IE - VM5 - VM6 From Colonialism and Nationalism to Regional Cooperation: East Asia since 1850 - Von Kolonialismus und Nationalismus zu regionaler Zusammenarbeit: Ostasien seit 1850
- 070324 UE [ es ] Foreign Languages in Historical Science 1 - Themes in the history of the British Empire
- 140356 VO History/ies of Africa - Facets of a Research Area
- 140061 KU Producing Knowledge about Africa? - Historical Source Criticism and the Analysis of European Travel Writing in the 19th and Early 20th Century
- 140359 SE African Contemporary History: From National Planning to Structural Adjustment Programs
- 140090 SE Recent Historical Approaches in the Study of African Family and Kinship
- 140115 UE [ en ] Marginalisation, Maoism and the State in Central India
- 140202 VO [ en ] Scheduled Tribes in India - Changing Perspectives
Last modified: Fr 18.10.2019 02:00