Universität Wien

Bachelor Degree Programme in Social and Cultural Anthroplogy

Course registration:
If indicated, a course registration via UNIVIS is necessary!

01.02.2015, 00:01 till 22.02.2015, 23:59

For further informations, please, check our webpage: spl-ksa.univie.ac.at

240036 VS Diversity, Housing and Neighborhood (3.2.1) - Theoretical debates and possible fields of work for Anthropologists
240038 VS Applied Anthropology in Intercultural Educational Settings - kultur- und sozialanthropologische Forschungsbereiche
240042 VS Media and visual anthropology's perspectives on comic books, bande dessinée and manga (3.2.6) - Comics und andere Bildgeschichten aus der Perspektive der visuellen Anthropologie/Medienanthropologie betrachtet

Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:39