Universität Wien

270083 UE Practical course on food toxicology (2021W)

5.00 ECTS (5.00 SWS), SPL 27 - Chemie
Continuous assessment of course work


Note: The time of your registration within the registration period has no effect on the allocation of places (no first come, first served).


max. 12 participants
Language: German, English



practical part:
course 1: 22.11.-26.11.2021
course 2: 29.11.-03.12.2021


Aims, contents and method of the course

Aim: In a 2-week "research project", students should learn to use different methods to clarify a problem/issue. They can apply the methods learned in different areas of food chemistry, toxicology, biological chemistry, etc.
Students acquire the ability to critically assess their results and to discuss them based on the literature provided. The greatest possible benefit of this course (LV) will be gained by students in advanced master studies or at the end of their studies, as theoretical knowledge of food chemistry and toxicology is required. The course is therefore recommended for this group of students.

Course contents: In this course the following topics are presented or worked on together: Investigation of the bioactivity/toxicity of food ingredients with modern biochemical/cellular/molecular biological methods such as cell culture, microscopy, western blot, comet assay, enzyme assays, quantitative real-time PCR etc. The LV takes place in the institute's own research laboratories.

The course is divided into a preliminary discussion with laboratory safety instruction and introduction to the topic. Backgrounds and interaction of the problem are discussed. The necessary theoretical knowledge is to be acquired by self-study (of the provided literature). Through the course, students acquire practical skills that deepen their theoretical knowledge.

Methods: The contents of the course will be acquired through practical exercises, discussions, an oral final colloquium, etc.

Assessment and permitted materials

- Practical laboratory work
- Timely delivery of the final report of max. 25 pages
- final oral test on the subject area

In order to ensure good scientific practice, the course director may invite students to a notation-relevant interview after submission of the final report, which must be passed.

permitted aids:
No aids may be used in the oral final colloquium.

Minimum requirements and assessment criteria

Attendance at the preliminary discussion of the course is compulsory and is already the first part of the course. Attendance at the preliminary discussion, but an unexcused absence from the practical part will result in a negative assessment.
Unexcused absence during the course is not allowed and leads to exclusion from the course. The attendance must be fulfilled to 75%, which corresponds to 2.5 excused absences. Before beginning the practical part of the course, an exam for the respective method must be passed with 50% of the maximum score. Failure to pass the exam results in the corresponding method not being carried out. The test will be graded 5 (practical work, final report). The answers themselves are not included in the grading.
Each piece of work must be completed at the end of the course.

The various sub-parts are graded and are included in the assessment as follows:
- Practical work: 30%.
- Protocol (1st delivery): 30
- Final colloquium (oral): 40 %
The course is passed with an overall grade of 4.

Examination topics

The content of the taught parts, the final report, as well as the script and the provided literature are required to complete the partial performances.

Reading list

Relevant literature is continuously made available on Moodle during the course.

Association in the course directory

LC-3, LCH II-3, LMC C1

Last modified: Sa 08.07.2023 00:21