Universität Wien

Dr. lic. phil. Daniela Waldburger, Privatdoz.

Portrait Daniela Waldburger
Business Card: vCard
Research Profile: u:cris
Office Hours: Monday, 11-12 a.m.

I am Senior Lecturer for Swahili (50%) and Lecturer for Linguistics. From 03/2017-02/2020 I was a post-doctoral researcher (50%) in a project funded by the FWF (“Employment-Tied Housing in (Post)Colonial Africa”, P29566-G28).
My current book project is based on the data from project related research stays in Lubumbashi (DR Congo) where I focus on the nostalgia of the ex-mineworkers. The study covers questions of linguistic strategies to cope with the loss of income that radically changed their perceptions of life. From a methodological perspective, the study is based on a shared authority approach.

My other research interests include sociolinguistics, discourse analysis and issues of language and power (mis)use, including research methods, Swahili language and literature, Swahili varieties and transnational multilingual language use. In my dissertation (2012) on Comorians in the diaspora (Marseille), I explored multilingualism in depth. I have also taught at the University of Graz (Austria) and at the Centre Universitaire de Formation et de Recherche de Mayotte.

Research regions: Tanzania, Kenya, Lubumbashi (DR Congo), Comoro Islands, Mayotte

International Cooperations:
I am key contact person for two international cooperations she successfully (re)established:
University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania (reestablished in 2020), Memorandum of Understanding.
Moi University, Eldoret, Kenya (established in 2020), Faculty Agreement.

Publications : See U:cris

I am member of the editorial team of the Swahili Forum (based in Germany) and Stichproben – Vienna Journal of African Studies.



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Teaching prior to 2024S...

Last modified: Sa 01.02.2025 05:00