A. Bachelor's Degree Programme Education
Curriculum: http://www.univie.ac.at/mtbl02/2010_2011/2010_2011_199.pdfEine Orientierungslehrveranstaltung findet am 01.10.2013 um 13 Uhr im kleinem Festsaal der Universität Wien - Hauptgebäude, 1010 Wien, Univesitätsring 1 im Rahmen von UniLeben - statt
Orientation Phase (StEOP) (admission as 01.10.2011)
Introduction to the Study of Educational Sciences
Introduction to the Study of Educational Sciences
- 190007 PVU STEOP: Introduction to the Study of Educational Sciences II
- 190008 PVU STEOP: Introduction to the Study of Educational Sciences II
Introduction to the Study of Educational Sciences
Module-examination StEOP1 Introduction to the Study of Educational Sciences (10 ECTS)
Education, Teaching and Learning
Education, Teaching and Learning
- 190012 PVU STEOP2: Education, Teaching and Learning II
Education, Teaching and Learning
- 190010 PVU STEOP2: Education, Teaching and Learning I
Module-examination StEOP2 Education, Teaching and Learning (5 ECTS)
1.1 Entry Level Phase (StEP) (admission 01.10.2007 - 30.09.2011)
StEP 1a Introduction to the Study of Educational Science I
- 190154 VÜ STEP: 1a Introduction to the Study of Educational Sciences I
- 190156 VÜ STEP: 1a Introduction to the Study of Educational Sciences I
StEP 1b Introduction to the Major Fields of Research and Study I
StEP 2 Education, Teaching and Learaning I
StEP 3a Introduction to the Study of Educational Sciences II
- 190155 VÜ STEP: 3a Introduction to the Study of Educational Sciences II
- 190157 VÜ STEP: 3a Introduction to the Study of Educational Sciences II
StEP 3b Introduction to the Major Fields of Research and Study II
StEP 4 Education, Teaching and Learning II
2. Group of Compulsory Modules (PMG)
PMG 1: Theory of Educational Science
BM1 Scientific Methods in Education in Theory and Practice
- 190133 PS Scientific Methods in Education in Theory and Practice - Maturity as aim of the education? A polemical view of the maturity term
- 190135 PS Scientific Methods in Education in Theory and Practice - Educational concepts between theory and practice
- 190138 PS Scientific Methods in Education in Theory and Practice - Reading and Writing scientific textes - the example of learning discourses
- 190153 PS Scientific Methods in Education in Theory and Practice - Basic Ideas and Methods of Educational Science illustrated by the Concept of Klaus Prange
- 190196 PS Scientific Methods in Education in Theory and Practice - Theories of interaction and communication
BM2 Foundations of Education as an Academic Discipline (introductory seminar)
- 190014 PS Foundations of Education as an Academic Discipline - IMMANUEL KANT and the Enlightenment in the debate of the theoretical pedagogy
- 190262 PS Foundations of Education as an Academic Discipline - How to constitute pedagogy?
- 190268 PS Foundations of Education as an Academic Discipline - Fundamental terms in pedagogy and education (Bildung) for sustainable development
BM2 Foundations of Education as an Academic Discipline (lecture)
BM3 Education and Anthropology (introductory seminar)
- 190107 PS Education and Anthropology - Decentering as a pedagogical category - - A critical analysis of autonomy as a central anthropological motive in modernist pedagogy and its transformation
BM3 Education and Anthropology (lecture)
- 190141 VO Education and Anthropology - Pädagogische Anthropologie
PFMG 2: Education, Society and Individual
BM4 Education and the Historic Dimension
- 190016 VO Education and the Historic Dimension
BM5 Education and Policy (introductory seminar)
- 190146 PS [ en ] Education and Policy
- 190176 PS Education and Policy
- 190229 PS Education and Policy - Religion and Democracy in School: A Contradiction?
BM5 Education and Policy (lecture)
- 190145 VO Education and Policy - Life long education
BM6 Individual and Development (introductory seminar)
- 190149 PS [ en ] BM 6 Individual and Development
- 190208 PS Individual and development - Intersubjectivity, reciprocity, recognition - forms (earlier) encounters in the development of the self
- 190233 PS BM 6 Individual and Development - research on educational transitions
- 190235 PS Individual and Development - Piaget and Vygotskij
- 190250 PS Individual and Development - Educational Transitions
BM6 Individual and Development (lecture)
- 190143 VO Individual and Development - Psychoanalytic perspectives on the development of subjectivity
PMG 3: Methodology and Methods of Education
BM7 Philosophy of Science in Education
- 190883 VO+UE Philosophy of Science in Education - Part 2 - Critical Methods
BM8 Empirical Research Methods of Educational Science I
- 190034 VO+UE BM8b Emprical methods in scientific research I - part 2 - empirical methods in pedagogic
- 190093 VO+UE Empirical Research Methods of Educational Science I Part 2 - Methodology an methods of empirical research in education - Part II
BM9 Empirical Research Methods of Educational Science II
- 190239 VO+UE Empirical Research Methods of Educational Science II ¿ Part 1 - Qualitative Research
3. Major Field I-IV
Major Field I: Education in Transition
BM10 Theory Practice Transformation
- 190547 VO Theory practice transformation - Education in the relationship between theory and practice
BM11 Concepts and Constructions of Humans (introductory seminar)
- 190269 PS Concepts and Constructions of Humans - The relation between ideas of man and pedagogics
- 190328 PS Concepts and Constructions of Humans - Concept of man and concept of education
BM11 Concepts and Constructions of Humans (lecture)
- 190032 VO Concepts and Constructions of Humans - Education on the margins of society
BM12 Education and Culture (introductory seminar)
- 190190 PS BM 12 Education and Culture - The 'cultural turn' in educational theories
BM12 Education and Culture (lecture)
Major Field II: Teaching and Learning
BM13 General Didactics
- 190238 VO General Didactics
BM14 Designs and Methods of International Comparative Educational Science (introductory seminar)
- 190224 PS BM 14 Designs and Methods of International Comparative Educational Science - Theory of schooling in the light of Accountability Movements
BM14 Design and Methods of International comparative Educational Science (lecture)
- 190183 VO Designs and Methods of International Comparative Educational Science - School systems in international comparison I
BM15 History of Education, with Special Consideration of Austria (introductory seminar)
- 190226 PS History of Education, with Special Consideration of Austria - School under National Socialism
BM15 History of Education, with Special Consideration of Austria (lecture)
Major Field III: Special Needs and Inclusive Education
BM16 Special Needs and Inclusive Education
BM17 Consultation, Diagnostics, Rehabilitation and Therapy (introductory seminar)
- 190038 PS Consultation, Diagnostics, Rehabilitation and Therapy - Living, Work and Leisure Time of People with Disability - Ongoing developments and trends, presentation and critical reflection on implementation of theoretical concepts in practice, main focus on offers in Vienna
- 190167 PS Consultation, Diagnostics, Rehabilitation and Therapy - Institutional and juridical framework for persons with disabilities in Austria
- 190207 PS Consultation, Diagnostics, Rehabilitation and Therapy - Diagnostic Understanding in Psychoanalytic Education Counselling
- 190946 PS [ en ] Consultation, diagnostics, rehabilitation and therapy - Disability and Human Rights - Global Insights
BM 17 Consultation, Diagnostics, Rehabilitation and Therapy (lecture)
- 190175 VO BM17 Consultation, Diagnostics, Rehabilitation and Therapy - Special needs education and medicin - To the remedial-educational relevance of medical thinking and action in the 20th and 21-st century
BM18 Categorical Remedial Educational Theory with Special Need (introductory seminar)
- 190015 PS Categorical Remedial Educational Theory with Special Need - Research with children with intellectual disability
- 190039 PS Categorical Remedial Educational Theory with Special Need - Behavior Problems or Mental disorders of People with Intellectual Disabilities: Treatment and Crises Intervention
- 190152 PS Categorical Remedial Educational Theory with Special Need - Disabilities in speech, language and communication
BM18 Categorical Remedial Educational Theory with Special Need (lecture)
- 190017 VO Categorical Remedial Educational Theory with Special Need - Eduaction, challenging behavior and the impact of psychoanalytic understanding
Major Field IV: Education, Biography and Age
BM19 Consultation and Personality Development
BM20 Biography and Age (introductory seminar)
- 190011 PS Biography and Age - Biography and Age - Experiences with learning from different generations within autobiographies
- 190160 PS Biography and Age - Learning processes in life stories
- 190241 PS Biography and Age - Biographical perspective on education and educational decisions
BM20 Biography and Age (lecture)
- 190310 VO Biography and Age - Education and Learning in the Lifecourse - An Introduction into Biographical Research
BM21 Society and Social Change (introductory seminar)
- 190013 PS Society and Social Change - Constitution of Space and Education
- 190018 PS Society and Social Change - Education and migration
- 190042 PS Society and Social Change - Society and social change
BM21 Societa and Social Change (lecture)
4. further required module
BM22 Philosophy of Educational Science
4. Research
BM23 Research Practicum
- 190026 SE Research Practicum - Justifications
- 190029 SE Research Practicum - Practice in school improvement research - Workshop
- 190033 SE Research Practicum - Methodical approaches to analyze lessons by the use of videography
- 190178 SE Research Practicum - Studies on the causes of educational inequality
- 190220 SE Research Practicum - Educational Concepts in support measures for people with disabilities
- 190237 SE Research Practicum
- 190278 SE Research Practicum
- 190287 SE Research Practicum - Problem-Based Learning
- 190362 SE Research practicum - Inclusion and Participation in School
BM24 Bachelor's Paper I
- 190006 SE Bachelor's Paper I - Evaluation von kompetenzorientiertem Unterricht und Schulentwicklung in der Sekundarstufe II
- 190030 SE Bachelor's Paper I - Research Seminar
- 190048 SE Bachelor's Paper I - Ethnographical perspectives on education
- 190200 SE Bachelor's Paper I - on Psychoanalytic Education: History and Recent Developments
- 190234 SE Bachelor's Paper I - evaluation
- 190248 SE Bachelor's Paper I - Research Workshop Game Studies
- 190251 SE Bachelor's Paper I - Early Childhood Education and Care
- 190256 SE Bachelor's Paper I
BM25 Bachelor's Paper II
- 190004 SE Bachelor's Paper II - school and education research - perspectives on social justice
- 190005 SE Bachelor's Paper II - Culture, History, and Pedagogical Responsibility
- 190037 SE Bachelor's Paper II - Intersectional research and analysis of biographical experiences of women and men with intellectual disabilities
- 190142 SE Bachelor's Paper II - School- and Education Research - Equal Opportunities
- 190186 SE BM 25 Bachelor's Paper II - Education and Development in the field of early education
- 190197 SE Bachelor's Paper II - Aktuelle Fragehorizonte theoretischer Erziehungswissenschaft
- 190258 SE Bachelor's Paper II - Classics of special education
- 190264 SE Bachelor's Paper II - Modern Classics of the special needs education
- 190349 SE Bachelor's Paper II - Knowledge Discourses
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:38