Directorate of Studies 14 - Near Eastern Studies - African Studies - Tibetan Studies and Indology
Studierende von Studien, die von der Studienprogrammleitung Orientalistik betreut werden, erhalten pro Semester zusätzlich zu den 1000 Basispunkten, die allen Studierenden zur Verfügung stehen, 1000 Bonuspunkte. Die Plätze für die Lehrveranstaltung werden im Anmeldesystem auf Basis der Summe individuell gesetzter Basispunkte und errechneter Bonuspunkte vergeben.
14.01. African Studies
A. Bachelor Degree Programme in African Studies
1. Orientatation Period - Basics of African Studies
- EXAM STEOP: Modulprüfung Einführung in die afrikanische Literaturwissenschaft
- EXAM STEOP: Modulprüfung Einführung in die afrikanische Geschichtswissenschaft
- EXAM STEOP: Modulprüfung Einführung in die afrikanische Sprachwissenschaft
- 140233 VO+UE ( STEOP ) STEOP - Introduction to African History
- 140239 VO+UE ( STEOP ) Introduction into African Literature
- 140240 VO+UE ( STEOP ) Introduction into African Linguistics - Lecture
- 140241 VO+UE Introduction to Scientific Work
- 140244 VO+UE Advanced Course African Linguistics
- 140309 VO+UE Advanced Course African Literature
- 140321 VO+UE Advanced Course African History
2. Linguistics - Alternative Required Modules
2.1. Basic Level - African Language
APM Bambara
- 140235 VO+UE Bambara: Grammar 2
- 140304 VO+UE Bambara: Exercises 2
APM Hausa
- 140293 VO+UE Hausa: Grammar 2
- 140311 VO+UE Hausa: Exercises 2
APM Swahili
- 140271 VO+UE Swahili: Exercises 2
- 140313 VO+UE Swahili: Grammar 2
2.2. Advanced Level - African Language
APM Bambara
- 140314 SK Bambara Grammar 4
- 140315 SK Bambara: Texts 2
- 140327 SK Bambara: Conversation 2
APM Hausa
- 140295 SK Hausa: Texts 2
- 140319 SK Hausa: Grammar 4
- 140329 SK [ en ] Hausa: Conversation 2
APM Swahili
- 140333 SK Swahili Grammar 4 / Kiswahili: Sarufi 4
- 140334 SK Swahili: Texts 2
- 140336 SK Swahili: Conversation 2
3. Specialisation - Alternative Groups of Required Modules
3.1. African Linguistics
- 140216 VO [ en ] The Chinese Diaspora in Africa: Topics in Sociocultural Linguistics and Beyond
- 140251 VO Plurilingualism Research: Approaching linguistic practices through an everyday life perspective
- 140260 PS Introductory Seminar: Language Contact in Africa
- 140262 VO Introduction ot Pragmatics of African Languages
- 140338 VO On History and Development of African Studies
- 140339 VO [ en ] Syntactic Theory and Analysis: Lexical-Functional Grammar
- 140340 SE Bachelor Seminar: African Linguistics and Literature
- 140374 VO Conflict Management: Lingustic Stylistic Devices for Conflict Ability and Resolution
3.2. African Literature
- 140223 VO [ en ] African Poetry Workshop
- 140264 VO [ en ] Resistance and Social Engagement in Postcolonial African Literature: Africa in the Global Context - Afrika im globalen Kontext
- 140338 VO On History and Development of African Studies
- 140340 SE Bachelor Seminar: African Linguistics and Literature
- 140341 PS Contemporary Strategies of Survival in Africa
- 140359 VO Writing in duty of memory: the genocide in Rwanda in African literature
3.3. African History
- 140234 PS Introductory Seminar African History
- 140237 VO Postcolonial History of Africa
- 140338 VO On History and Development of African Studies
- 140345 VO Hostory of East Africa 2
- 140346 VO History of Northeast Africa 2
- 140354 SE Bachelor Seminar: A Focus on Cities
B. Master Degree Programme in African Studies
1. Basic Module - Required Module
- 140376 KU Methods: Data Collection and Data Processing 2
- 140383 KU Academic Presentations: Preparation and Performance
2. Specialisation - Alternative Groups of Required Modules
2.1. African Linguistics
- 140218 KU Gender and feminist linguistics. Are there links to linguistic relativism?
- 140220 KU [ en ] Interdisciplinary Research Methods in the Humanities
- 140247 VO Linguistic and People’s History in West African Sahel
- 140266 VO Introduction to a Cushitic Language II: Somali
- 140270 SE [ en ] Advances in African Linguistic and Literary Studies
- 140282 KU Plurality and Function of Fulfulde in the Past and Present
- 140317 VO Geographical Typology and Linguistic Areas in Africa
- 140371 MAKU Master Course
2.2. African History
- 140227 KU Historical, Anthropological, and Cultural Perspectives: A Reading Course
- 140245 SE Grasping Difference: Travel und Cultural Encounters
- 140257 SE The Micro, the Macro, Empirical Data and Overarching Argument
- 140283 VO The Empire of the Black Pharaohs: History and Chronology of the Empire of Kush
- 140284 VO Gender in Africa
- 140316 VO "I have always wanted to do a book about Africa" - a 10-Chapter Approach to Representations of Africa and a Hopefully Innovative Choice of Topics
- 140371 MAKU Master Course
- 140384 SE VM5 / VM6 - Critical Historiography of Power - George Padmore (1903-1959), Africa and the World
C. Extension Curricula African Studies
1. EC Colonial and Post-Colonial Africa (15 ECTS)
- 140223 VO [ en ] African Poetry Workshop
- 140237 VO Postcolonial History of Africa
- 140264 VO [ en ] Resistance and Social Engagement in Postcolonial African Literature: Africa in the Global Context - Afrika im globalen Kontext
- 140345 VO Hostory of East Africa 2
- 140346 VO History of Northeast Africa 2
- 140359 VO Writing in duty of memory: the genocide in Rwanda in African literature
14.02. Oriental Studies
A. Bachelor Degree Programme in Oriental Studies
1. Orientation Period
OR-1: Introduction to Oriental Studies - Required Module
OR-2: Introduction to Oriental Languages - Group of Elective Modules
OR-2/AO-1: Introduction to Akkadian I
OR-2/AR-1: Introduction to Arabic I
- EXAM OR2/AR1 Introduction to Arabic I
- 140103 VO Tutorial: Arabic Language A
OR-2/TU-1: Introduction to Turkish I
- EXAM OR2/TU1 Introduction to Turkish I
- 140105 VO Tutorial: Turkish Grammar I
2. Oriental Studies - Group of Required Modules
OR-3: Cultural and Economic Geography of the Near East and North Africa
OR-4: Religions and Institutions of the Near East
OR-5: Ancient Near East
OR-6: History of the Arabs in the Near East and North Africa in Islamic Times
OR-7: History of the Ottoman Empire and Turkey
3. Alternative Groups of Required Modules (APMG)
3.1. APMG Ancient Oriental Philology and Oriental Archaeology
AO-2: Akkadian II
- 140056 VO Introduction to Akkadian II
- 140059 UE Exercises to Introduction to Akkadian II
AO-3: Akkadian III
- 140080 PS Akkadian Reading I
AO-4: Sumerian I
- 140136 VO Introduction to Sumerian I
AO-5: Sumerian II
- 140026 PS Sumerian Reading II: The Incantation Series Udug-hul - Die Beschwörungsserie Udug-hul
AO-6: Near Eastern Archaeology I
AO-7: Near Eastern Archaeology II
- 140188 VO Near Eastern archaeology II
AO-8: Mesopotamian Cultural History
AO-9: Mesopotamian Literature: Reading
- 140026 PS Sumerian Reading II: The Incantation Series Udug-hul - Die Beschwörungsserie Udug-hul
- 140080 PS Akkadian Reading I
- 140203 SE Akkadian Seminar: Babylonian Literature of the Late Period
AO-10: Alternative Required Module
- 140142 VO+UE Exercise on the Introduction to Early Hebrew
- 010048 EX Archaeology in the Land of Moab - Excavation and Survey in the Wadi ath -Thamad Project
- 140363 SE Archaeological Seminar: Mesopotamian Art - Handel, Güteraustausch und Diplomatie im Vorderen Orient im 2. Jahrtausend v. u. Z.
AO-11: Alternative Required Module
- 140203 SE Akkadian Seminar: Babylonian Literature of the Late Period
- 140259 SE Sumerian Seminar: Wise gods - wise humans: Sumerian wisdom texts
- 140203 SE Akkadian Seminar: Babylonian Literature of the Late Period
- 140259 SE Sumerian Seminar: Wise gods - wise humans: Sumerian wisdom texts
- 140363 SE Archaeological Seminar: Mesopotamian Art - Handel, Güteraustausch und Diplomatie im Vorderen Orient im 2. Jahrtausend v. u. Z.
AO-12: Group of Elective Modules
- 140363 SE Archaeological Seminar: Mesopotamian Art - Handel, Güteraustausch und Diplomatie im Vorderen Orient im 2. Jahrtausend v. u. Z.
3.2. APMG Arabic Studies and Islamic Studies
AR-2: Language Module Arabic II
- 140027 UE Arabic Language C
- 140074 UE Arabic Language C
- 140426 VO+UE Arabic Language B
- 140478 VO+UE Arabic Language B
AR-3: Language Module Arabic III
AR-4: Language Module Arabic IV
- 140008 UE Arabic Language G
- 140066 VO+UE Arabic Language F
- 140236 UE Arabic Language G
AR-5: Language Module Arabic V
AR-6: Language Moduel Arabic VI
- 140106 UE Arabic Language M - Media 2
- 140210 UE Arabic Language L - Reading Belles Lettres - Modern Egyptian Prose
AR-7: Arabic Dialect: Basic Level
- 140067 VO Arabic Dialect A: Egyptian Arabic
- 140068 UE Arabic Dialect B: Egyptian Arabic
AR-8: Arabic Dialect: Intermediate Level
- 140028 VO Arabic Dialect - Course C: Moroccan Arabic
- 140029 UE Arabic Dialect: Moroccan Arabic D
AR-9: Arabic Dialect: Advanced Level
- 140010 UE Arabic Dialect - Course F: Tunisian Arabic
- 140070 UE Arabic Dialect E: Conversations/Texts 1: Syrian Arabic
AR-10: Introduction to Selected Fields of Arabic Studies and Islamic Studies
- 140037 PS Introductory Seminar 2b: Islamic Studies
- 140429 PS Introductory Seminar 2a: Arabic Studies
AR-11: Selected Issues of Modern Oriental Research
AR-12: Seminar on Philology (incl. Bachelor's Paper)
AR-13: Seminar on Islamic Studies (incl. Bachelor's Paper)
- 140078 SE Seminar on Modern Islam
3.3. APMG Turkish Studies
TU-2: Turkish, Basic Level II
- 140042 VO Turkish Grammar II
- 140046 UE Turkish Conversation Class II
TU-3: Turkish, Intermediate Level I
TU-4: Turkish, Intermediate Level II
- 140031 VO Turkish Grammar IV
- 140047 UE Turkish Conversation Class IV
- 140061 UE Translating Turkish Texts
TU-5: Turkish, Advanced Level I
TU-6: Tukish, Advanced Level II
- 140014 UE Reading Subject - Specific Texts II
- 140015 UE Conversations, Advanced Level II
TU-7: Persian, Basic Level
- 140021 UE Persian Grammar II
TU-8: Persian, Intermediate Level
- 140077 UE Reading and Discussing Persian Texts II
TU-9: Ottoman Studies
- 140030 UE Ottoman II
- 140073 UE Ottoman Introductory Seminar: Academic Work for Students of Turkish and Ottoman Studies
TU-10: Linguistic or Literary Seminar (incl. Bachelor's Paper)
TU-11: Historical-Cultural Seminar (incl. Bachelor's Paper)
TU-12: Society and Culture of Modern Turkey
- 140163 VO Lecture on Selected Aspects of Modern Turkey - Nationale und transnationale Aspekte der Kurdenfrage
B. Master Degree Programmes in Oriental Studies
Ancient Near Eastern Languages and Oriental Archaeology
a. Required Modules
1.1. Akkadian Seminars incl. Seminar Paper
1.2. Sumerological Seminars incl. Seminar Paper
- 140130 SE [ de en ] Sumerian Seminar: Sumerian lexicography - selected examples
1.3. Archaeological Seminar I incl. Seminar Paper
- 140363 SE Archaeological Seminar: Mesopotamian Art - Handel, Güteraustausch und Diplomatie im Vorderen Orient im 2. Jahrtausend v. u. Z.
1.4. History and Cultural History of Mesopotamia
1.5. Advanced Module on Philology I
b. Alternative Required Module
APM Semitisitcs
- 140266 VO Introduction to a Cushitic Language II: Somali
- 140308 VO [ en ] Introduction to Ancient South Arabian II
APM Archaeology
- 140188 VO Near Eastern archaeology II
c. Group of Elective Modules
WM Archaeological Seminar II incl. Seminar Paper
- 140363 SE Archaeological Seminar: Mesopotamian Art - Handel, Güteraustausch und Diplomatie im Vorderen Orient im 2. Jahrtausend v. u. Z.
WM Advanced Module on Philology II
- 140130 SE [ de en ] Sumerian Seminar: Sumerian lexicography - selected examples
WM South Arabia, Past and Present
- 140123 VU [ en ] Area and Cultural Studies of South Arabia
WM Sabean Studies
- 140140 SE [ en ] Seminar in Epigraphic South Arabian Studies
d. Master-Module
The Arab World: Language and Society
GK-1 Methodik kultur- und sprachwissenschaftlicher Forschung
GK-2 Politik & Gesellschaft der modernen Arabischen Welt
Alternative Pflichtmodulgruppe - Schwerpunkt: Religion und Politik
RP-1 Islam in der Arabischen Welt und darüber hinaus
RP-2 Arabisch-islamisches Erbe
RP-3 Islamische und andere soziale und politische Bewegungen in der Arabischen Welt
RP-4 Die Arabische Welt und das Internet
Alternative Pflichtmodulgruppe - Schwerpunkt: Arabische Sprache
AS-1 Arabische Dialektologie
- 140213 VU Arabic Dialects in North Africa
AS-2 Ausgewählte Themen der modernen arabischen Schriftsprache
- 140215 SE [ en ] Arabic as a Written Language - Neologisms
AS-3 Ausgewählte philologische Themen des Arabischen in diachroner Perspektive
AS-4 Die Arabische Welt und das Internet
Alternative Pflichtmodulgruppe - Schwerpunkt: Sprache und Kultur Südarabiens
KS-1 Altsüdarabische Sprache
- 140308 VO [ en ] Introduction to Ancient South Arabian II
KS-2 Sabäistik
- 140140 SE [ en ] Seminar in Epigraphic South Arabian Studies
KS-3 Südarabien in Vergangenheit und Gegenwart
- 140123 VU [ en ] Area and Cultural Studies of South Arabia
KS-4 Modernes Südarabien
WM-1 Arabische Populärkultur
WM-2 Medien und Mediensprache in der Arabischen Welt
WM-3 Kulturgeschichte der Arabischen Welt
WM-4 Arabische Welt und nichtarabische Regionalmächte
- 140280 VU The Arab World and Other Regional Powers I
- 140287 VU The Arab World and Other Regional Powers II
WM-5 Sicherheitspolitik in der Arabischen Welt
WM-6 Die Arabische Welt im transnationalen Kontext
WM-7 Wirtschaft der Arabischen Welt
- 140273 VU The Arab World from an Economic Perspective: Theoretical Approaches
- 140274 VU The Arab World from an Economic Perspective: Practical Approaches
WM-8 Moderne arabische Schriftsprache: Konversation und Übersetzung
WM-9 Medienarabisch: Hörverständnis, Analyse
- 140272 UE [ en ] Listening Comprehension and Analysis of Current Media Texts in the Fields of Culture, Economy...
WM-10 Epigraphik, Paläographie und Kalligraphie
- 140269 UE Arabic Calligraphy
WM-11 Klassisch-Arabische Sprache
- 140267 UE [ en ] Lectures and Analysis of Classical Literature - Texts from Medieval Yemen
- 140268 UE Arabic Grammar
WM-12 Afroasiatische Sprache (Amharisch, Aramäisch, Sabäisch usw.)
WM-13 Regionaler oder thematischer Schwerpunkt: Workshop oder Exkursion
- 140275 SE+EX Excursion Sudan
WM-14 Minderheiten in der Arabischen Welt
- 140279 SE The Arab World and Minorities
WM-15 Kunst und Architektur in der Arabischen Welt
- 080062 SE Seminar: Lustre: Forms, History and Esthetics of Arab and Persian Ceramics - High Tech in the Medieval and Early Modern Periods
- 080065 SE History of Islamic Art History
WM-16 Aktuelle Diskussionen in der Arabischen Welt
WM-17 Arabischer Dialekt
- 140028 VO Arabic Dialect - Course C: Moroccan Arabic
- 140029 UE Arabic Dialect: Moroccan Arabic D
- 140067 VO Arabic Dialect A: Egyptian Arabic
- 140068 UE Arabic Dialect B: Egyptian Arabic
WM-18 Islam in der Arabischen Welt und darüber hinaus
WM-19 Arabisch-islamisches Erbe
WM-20 Islamische und andere soziale und politische Bewegungen in der Arabischen Welt
WM-21 Arabische Dialektologie
- 140213 VU Arabic Dialects in North Africa
WM-22 Ausgewählte Themen der modernen arabischen Schriftsprache
- 140215 SE [ en ] Arabic as a Written Language - Neologisms
WM-23 Ausgewählte philologische Themen des Arabischen in diachroner Perspektive
WM-24 Altsüdarabische Sprache
- 140308 VO [ en ] Introduction to Ancient South Arabian II
WM-25 Sabäistik
- 140140 SE [ en ] Seminar in Epigraphic South Arabian Studies
WM-26 Südarabien in Vergangenheit und Gegenwart
- 140123 VU [ en ] Area and Cultural Studies of South Arabia
WM-27 Modernes Südarabien
Arabic Studies
a. Required Modules
1.1. History and Cultural History of the Arab World I
1.2. Arabic Language and Literature I
1.3. Dialectology
- 140213 VU Arabic Dialects in North Africa
1.4. Classic Arabic Language
- 140268 UE Arabic Grammar
b. Alternative Required Modules
APM Media or History of Arabic Script
- 140269 UE Arabic Calligraphy
- 140272 UE [ en ] Listening Comprehension and Analysis of Current Media Texts in the Fields of Culture, Economy...
APM Semitic Languages or Islam Religion
c. Language, Literatue and Media in the Arab World
1.1. Language and Institutions of Arab Media
- 140272 UE [ en ] Listening Comprehension and Analysis of Current Media Texts in the Fields of Culture, Economy...
1.2. Current Trends in Culture, Politics and Religion
1.3. Group of Elective Modules
- 140275 SE+EX Excursion Sudan
d. Language and Culture of South Arabia
1.1. Ancient South Arab Language
- 140308 VO [ en ] Introduction to Ancient South Arabian II
1.2. South Arabia, Past and Present
- 140123 VU [ en ] Area and Cultural Studies of South Arabia
1.3. Sabean Studies
- 140140 SE [ en ] Seminar in Epigraphic South Arabian Studies
1.4. Alternative Required Module
e. Master-Module
Islamic Studies
a. Required Modules
1.1. History of Ideas
1.2. Islamic Law
- 140212 SE Political and Social Movements in the Arab World
- 140279 SE The Arab World and Minorities
1.3. Modern Islam I
1.4. Language and Institutions of Arab Media
- 140272 UE [ en ] Listening Comprehension and Analysis of Current Media Texts in the Fields of Culture, Economy...
1.5. Islam in the Non-Arab World
1.6. Older Islam I
1.7. Classic Arabic Language
- 140267 UE [ en ] Lectures and Analysis of Classical Literature - Texts from Medieval Yemen
- 140268 UE Arabic Grammar
b. Alternative Required Module
APM Islam on the Internet
APM Media
- 140272 UE [ en ] Listening Comprehension and Analysis of Current Media Texts in the Fields of Culture, Economy...
c. Group of Elective Modules
WM Modern Islam II (8 ECTS)
WM Regional Specialisation (16 ECTS)
- 140275 SE+EX Excursion Sudan
WM Older Islam II (8 ECTS)
d. Module of Interest
e. Master-Module
Turkish Studies
a. Required Modules
1.1. Ottoman Literature I
1.2. Ottoman Literature II
- 140018 SE Seminar on Ottoman Literature
- 140024 UE Ottoman Poetry II
1.3. Ottoman Palaeography and Diplomatics
1.4. Ottoman-Historical Module I
- 140004 VO Lecture on Ottoman History and Cultural History - Geschichte der türkischen Fürstentümer in Kleinasien
1.5. Ottoman-Historical Module II
- 140004 VO Lecture on Ottoman History and Cultural History - Geschichte der türkischen Fürstentümer in Kleinasien
- 140063 SE Ottoman-Cultural Seminar
1.6. Turkish and Turkic Languages, Past and Present
- 140205 UE Turkic Language
1.7. Modern Turkish, Literature and Language
- 140167 UE Reading difficult texts
1.8. Theoretical and Methodological Advanced Studies
b. Master-Module
- 140115 SE Master Coaching Seminar
C. Extension Curricula Oriental Studies
Arabic Culture and Language (30 ECTS)
- 140109 VO Religions and Institutions in the Near East
- 140113 VO Basic Course in Arabic 2
Islam History and Religion (30 ECTS)
Religion and Politics in the Middle East and North Africa (15 ECTS)
RPAR-1 Ausgewählte Themen der modernen Orientforschung
RPAR-2 Studies of Religions
RPAR-2 Studies of Religions
Turkish History, Literature and Culture History (15 ECTS)
EC-TU-1 PM Turkish cultural history within the framework of the civilisations of Asia Minor
EC-TU-2 PM Aspects of Turkish history past and present
- 140054 VO History of Ideas and Culture of the Ottoman-Turkish Region (up to the present)
- 140163 VO Lecture on Selected Aspects of Modern Turkey - Nationale und transnationale Aspekte der Kurdenfrage
Language and Culture of the Arab World (15 ECTS)
SKAR-1 Kultur- und Wirtschaftsgeographie des Vorderen Orients und Nordafrikas
SKAR-2 Geistes- und Kulturgeschichte
SKAR-3 Arabische Sprache
- 140113 VO Basic Course in Arabic 2
14.03. South Asian, Tibetan and Buddhist Studies
A. Bachelor Degree Programme - Languages and Culture of South Asia and Tibet
1. Orientation Period
- EXAM STEOP: Module Examination Introduction to Indology
- EXAM STEOP: Module examination Introduction to Tibetology and Buddhist Studies
- EXAM STEOP: Module examination Introduction to Modern South Asian Studies
- 140413 VO ( STEOP ) Introduction to Buddhist and Tibetan Studies
- 140414 VO ( STEOP ) Introduction to Modern South Asian Studies
M1: Introduction to the Degree Programme in "Languages and Culture of South Asia and Tibet"
- EXAM STEOP: Module Examination Introduction to Indology
- EXAM STEOP: Module examination Introduction to Tibetology and Buddhist Studies
- EXAM STEOP: Module examination Introduction to Modern South Asian Studies
2. Group of Required Modules - Fields of Work
M3: Introduction to Selected Fields of Indology
- 140137 PS On exchanging, giving and receiving - the significance of the gift in the religious traditions of India
M4: Introduction to Selected Fields of Tibetology and Buddhist Studies
M5: Introduction to Selected Fields of Modern South Asian Studies
- 140126 PS The independence of India in the mirror of Indian English literature
- 140170 PS Emergency relief and reconstruction in South Asia
3. Required Module incl. Bachelor's Papers
M18: Advanced Module on Philology and Culture Studies of South Asia and Tibet
- 140138 BA The five works ascribed to Maitreya
- 140141 BA Online newspapers and blogs in India and Nepal - philological analysis
- 140145 BA Online newspapers and blogs in India and Nepal - discourse analysis
- 140503 BA The world view of early classical Ayurveda - Philological aspects
- 140529 BA Reading selected passages from the Madhyantavibhaga, Dharmadharmatavibhaga and Ratnagotravibhaga
- 140539 BA The world view of early classical Ayurveda - from the perspectives of cultural history and religious studies
4. Alternative Groups of Required Modules
4.1. APMG - First Language
A1: APMG - Sanskrit as First Language
- 140119 SAK Introduction to Classical Sanskrit II
- 140160 UE Readings in early Sanskrit ornate poetry: Asvaghosa's Buddhacarita, canto 7
- 140173 UE The Mahabharata in short: selected passages from the narrative framework
B1: APMG - Classical Tibetan as First Language
- 140180 SAK Introduction to Classical Tibetan II
- 140506 UE [ en ] Reading gzhan stong in the works of two late Jo nang scholars
- 140508 UE Self-awareness as the result of direct valid cognition - in the Tshad ma rigs gzhung rgya mtsho of Karmapa VII Chos grags rgya mtsho (1454-1506)
C1: APMG - Modern Indian Language as First Language
- 140120 SAK Introduction to Nepali II
- 140133 UE [ ne ] Nepali Conversation: Let's discover Vienna
- 140148 UE [ ne ] Indian cities: history, story and memories
4.2. APMG - Second Language
A2: APMG - Sanskrit as Second Language
- 140119 SAK Introduction to Classical Sanskrit II
B2: APMG - Classical Tibetan as Second Language
- 140180 SAK Introduction to Classical Tibetan II
C2: APMG - Modern Indian Language as Second Language
- 140120 SAK Introduction to Nepali II
D2: APMG - Modern Tibetan as Second Language
- 140350 SAK Introduction to Modern Tibetan II
5. Group of Elective Modules - Cultural History
M9: Basics of Cultural History A
M10: Basics of Cultural History B
M13: Culture - Language - Society A
- 140122 VO The Indo-Tibetan architecture of the stupa
- 140147 VO The non-vedic philosophical-religious traditions of South India - as mirrored in the history of Tamil literature
- 140153 VO Superpower? India in the global power game
- 140158 VO Tibetan medicine in text, image and practice
- 140159 VO Introduction to the Indian History of the early modern era
- 140396 VO [ en ] Sutra und tantra gzhan stong
M14: Culture - Language - Society B
- 140169 PS [ en ] Indian Paths to Liberation
- 140483 PS Benares as a centre of pilgrimage
- 070142 KU Reading Historiography
- 140397 PS Chinese Budhist Texts
6. Group of Elective Modules - Applied Cultural Studies
M15a: Field Trip
M15b: Regional Cultures
M16a: Advanced Module on Classical Sanskrit as Second Language
M16b: Advanced Module on Classical Tibetan as Second Language
M16c: Advanced Module on a Modern Indian Language as Second Language
M16d: Advanced Module on Modern Tibetan as Second Language
B. Master Degree Programmes in South Asian, Tibetan and Buddhist Studies
Culture and Society in Modern South Asia
PM 1 Gesellschaft des modernen Südasien
PM 2 Grundlagen der Kultur- und Geistesgeschichte des modernen Südasien
APM 3A Kulturwissenschaft des modernen Südasien in der Praxis
APM 3B Neuindische Sprache in der Praxis
PM 4 Geschichte des modernen Südasien
- 140157 SE [ en ] State, Religion and Society in Early Modern South Asia
- 140343 SE Nepal under the Ranas - autocracy and the colonial modern era
APM 5A Grundlagen der Gegenwartskulturen in Südasien
- 140159 VO Introduction to the Indian History of the early modern era
- 140206 UE Constitutional law in Nepal
APM 5B Südasien in globalen Kontexten
- 140153 VO Superpower? India in the global power game
- 140206 UE Constitutional law in Nepal
PM 6 Sprachen des modernen Südasien in der Praxis
- 140132 UE [ hi ] Hindi in politics: political speeches of Indian leaders A
- 140312 UE [ hi ] Hindi in politics: political speeches of Indian leaders B
PM 7 Sprachliche Traditionen des modernen Südasien
PM 8 Masterkonversatorium
Culture and Society of Modern South Asia
a. Required Modules
M1: Modern South Asian Society
M2: Basics of the History of Culture and Ideas of Modern South Asia
M3: Modern South Asian Cultural Studies in practice
M4: Modern South Asian History
- 140157 SE [ en ] State, Religion and Society in Early Modern South Asia
- 140343 SE Nepal under the Ranas - autocracy and the colonial modern era
M7: Modern South Asian Languages in practice
- 140132 UE [ hi ] Hindi in politics: political speeches of Indian leaders A
- 140312 UE [ hi ] Hindi in politics: political speeches of Indian leaders B
M8: Linguistic Traditions of Modern South Asia
b. Alternatively Required Modules
APM5: Basics of Contemporary South Asian Cultures
- 140159 VO Introduction to the Indian History of the early modern era
- 140206 UE Constitutional law in Nepal
APM6: Cultures of the Larger Cultural Area
- 140153 VO Superpower? India in the global power game
- 140206 UE Constitutional law in Nepal
c. Master-Module
M9: Master's Colloquium
M10: Master's Thesis
M11: Master's Examination
Languages and Cultures of South Asia
a. Required Modules
M1: Language, Literature, and Religion of the Vedic Cultural Period
M2: Aspects of the History of Language, Literature, Religion, and Philosophy in South Asia
b. Alternatively Required Modules 3: Philology and Textual Hermeneutics
APM3a: Philology and Textual Hermeneutics in the Field of the Philosophical-Religious Traditions of South Asia I
APM3b: Ancient Indian Language Varieties and Literary Genres
c. Required Modules
M4: Language, Literature, Religion, and Philosophy of the non-Brahmanical Traditions of Premedieval South Asia
- 140175 SE Lexicology and Lexicograpy of Early Middle Indic Corpora - with special regard to the Vocabulary of Asoka’s Inscriptions
M5: Language, Literature, Religion, and Philosophy of the Classical and Medieval Cultural Periods of South Asia
d. Elective Module Group 6
M6 (PR): Philology, Textual Hermeneutics, and Cultural History for the Focus "Philosophies and Religions of South Asia" - M6a or M6c or M6d
- 140155 UE The mythical origin of the Pancaratra tradition - The Ekayanaveda in the Paramesvarasamhita and selected works of the Visistadvaitavedanta
- 140177 UE The Katha Upanishad, an early work of Yoga?
- 140132 UE [ hi ] Hindi in politics: political speeches of Indian leaders A
- 140312 UE [ hi ] Hindi in politics: political speeches of Indian leaders B
M6 (SL): Philology, Textual Hermeneutics, and Cultural History for the Focus "Languages and Literatures of South Asia" - M6b or M6c or M6d
- 140299 UE The "canonization" of early Saiva practices of worship - selected readings on the Sivadharmasastra (ca. 6. cent.)
e. Required Module
M7: Language, Literature, Religion, and Philosophy of Modern South Asia
f. Master-Module
Alternative Required Module 8
Required Module
Tibetan and Buddhist Studies
a. Required Modules
M1: Philology and Methods
M2: Textual Hermeneutics
- 140181 UE [ en ] Is Ranakarasanti a gZhan stong pa? The view of Taranatha
b. Alternative Required Module 3
APM3a: Introduction to an Additional Language of the Cultural Area of Buddhism
APM3b: Advanced Philology
- 140305 UE [ bo en ] Advanced Modern Tibetan I
- 140307 UE [ bo en ] Advanced Modern Tibetan II
c. Required Modules
M4: Special Lecture on Tibetan and Buddhist Studies
- 140149 VO [ en ] Chinese-Tibetan relations in the 20th century
M5: Philosophical-Religious Traditions of Tibet and Buddhism I
- 140154 SE [ en ] Ratnakarasanti on the Buddha Bodies - A close reading of the eighth chapter of the Abhisamayalankarakarikavrttisuddhimati
M6: Literature, History, and Culture of Tibet and Buddhism
- 140184 SE [ en ] Ratnakarasanti on Madhyamaka
M7: Philosophical-Religious Traditions of Tibet and Buddhism II
d. Master-Module
M8: Master's Colloquium in Tibetan and Buddhist Studies
M9: Master's Thesis in Tibetan and Buddhist Studies
M10: Master's Examination in Tibetan and Buddhist Studies
D. Extension Curricula
Modern Indian Language
M1 Modern Indian Language I
M2 Modern Indian Language II
- 140120 SAK Introduction to Nepali II
South Asian Studies, Tibetology and Buddhist Studies
M1 Basics of Contemporary South Asian Cultures
- 140147 VO The non-vedic philosophical-religious traditions of South India - as mirrored in the history of Tamil literature
- 140153 VO Superpower? India in the global power game
- 140158 VO Tibetan medicine in text, image and practice
M2 Basics of Philosophy, Religion and Culture of Tibet
M3 Basics of Philosophy, Religion and Culture of Buddhism
- 140149 VO [ en ] Chinese-Tibetan relations in the 20th century
South Asian Studies
M1 Introduction to South Asian Studies
- 140409 VO ( STEOP ) Introduction to Indology
- 140414 VO ( STEOP ) Introduction to Modern South Asian Studies
M2 Basics of Cultural History
Tibetology and Buddhist Studies
M1 Introduction to Tibetology and Buddhist Studies
- 140413 VO ( STEOP ) Introduction to Buddhist and Tibetan Studies
M2 Basics of Cultural History
14.04. Development Studies
A. Bachelor Degree Programme in Development Studies
01. Orientation Period - StEOP
02. Module Introduction to Scientific Writing
03. Module Sociological Aspects of Development Studies
- 140328 KU KS2 - Introduction to Development Sociology - Basic Concepts of Development Research in Sociology
02. Module Political Aspects of Development Studies
- 140125 KU KP2 - Political Aspects of Development - Human Rights
05. Module Introduction to Development Economics
- 140294 VO KW1 - Introductory Lecture: Development Economics
- 140408 KU [ de en ] KW2 - Introductory Seminar: Development Economics
4. Module Development Studies in Historical Context
- 140290 VO KG1 - International Development in Historical Context
- 140330 KU KG2 - International Development in Historical Context
07. Module Introduction to Development Studies
- 140325 AG EF2 - Introduction to Development Studies
- 140326 AG EF2 - Introduction to Development Studies
08. Module Introduction to Development Policy and Development Cooperation
- 140331 AG EZ2 - Development Policies and Development Co-operation - Member means donor: the new EU donor countries and their development policy and assistance
09. Module Fields of Practice and Occupation
- 140332 UE PFA - Introduction to Development Planning - Human Rights Focused Project Planning
- 140383 KU Academic Presentations: Preparation and Performance
- 230163 TR Project Management and Evaluation
10. Module Regional Geographic / Thematic In-Depth Studies
- 140131 VO RTV - VM1 / VM5 - Resource conflicts - Current developments in a historical context
- 240041 VO RV Aspects of Forced Migration from the Middle East (3.2.2)
- 290122 RV Lecture Series: Borders
11. Module Transdisciplinary Development Research
- 140288 VO TEF A - Transdisciplinary Development Research - Problemformulierung, Problembearbeitung, Umsetzung
- 140335 KU [ en ] TEF B - Introductory Seminar: Transdisciplinary Development Research - Introduction to Health and Developmen
12. Bachelor Module
- 140128 SE BASE - Bachelor Seminar
- 140342 SE BASE - Bachelor Seminar
- 140407 SE Bachelor Seminar
B. Master Degree Programme in Development Studies
01. Compulsory Module 1: Principles of Development Research
- 140369 VO GM1 - Principles of Development Research
- 140347 KU GM2 - Development Policy and Development Cooperation Architecture
- 140375 KU GM2 - Development Policy and Development Cooperation Architecture
- 140377 KU GM2 - Development Policy and Development Cooperation Architecture
- 140379 KU GM3 - Development Theories and Paradigms from a Transdisciplinary Perspective - Feminist theory in intercultural perspective
- 140380 KU [ de en ] GM3 - Development Theories and Paradigms from a Transdisciplinary Perspective
- 140348 KU GM3 - Development Theories and Paradigms from a Transdisciplinary Perspective
- 140364 VO GM4 - Theories of Science and Critique of Scientific Practices
02. Compulsory Module 2: Methods of Developmetn Research
- 140349 UE [ de en ] MM1 - Methods of Quantitative Research
- 140381 UE MM1 - Methods of Quantitative Research
- 140351 UE MM1 - Methods of Quantitative Research
- 140358 UE MM2 - Methods of Qualitative Research - Introduction to choice of method, data generation and data analysis
- 140352 UE MM2 - Methods of Qualitative Research - Sprache als Feld: Diskursanalyse und Narrativanalyse in der Entwicklungsforschung
- 140353 UE MM2 - Methods of Qualitative Research - Practical guide for qualitative interviews, observation and ethnography
03. Emphasis Transdisciplinary Developmetn Research
03. Emphasis 1: Political aspects of development research (VM1)
- 140372 SE VM1 / VM2 - From decolonization to rebellion - Crisis and war in the Arab world
- 140401 SE VM1 / VM2 - Indigeneity - Discourses on decolonization and resource justice
- 140134 SE VM1 / VM6 - Transnational spaces of water resources management - Consequences for social, ecological and individual security
- 140151 SE VM1/VM7 Feminization of labor, social reproduction and border regime - Postcolonial Theory and International Political Economy
- 140152 SE [ en ] VM1 / VM8 - Operationalize the integration of human rights - Within the work of the United Nations
- 140533 SE VM1 / VM5 - History of Humanitarian Aid - Altruism versus Business
- 140393 SE [ en ] VM1 / VM6 - State-led Development and Developmental State in Asia and Africa
- 140214 VO+UE VM1 / VM3 - Internet, democracy & development
- 140365 VO+UE [ en ] VM1 / VM3 - Social Protection and Social Policy in the Global South
- 140368 VO [ de en ] Questioning Migration Management: Logics of Differentiation
- 140366 VO Colonialism - Questions, History, Cases
- 140131 VO RTV - VM1 / VM5 - Resource conflicts - Current developments in a historical context
04. Emphasis 2: Economic aspects of development research (VM2)
- 140401 SE VM1 / VM2 - Indigeneity - Discourses on decolonization and resource justice
- 140372 SE VM1 / VM2 - From decolonization to rebellion - Crisis and war in the Arab world
- 140373 SE VM2 / VM3 - The Social Life of Raw Materials - Socioeconomic Approaches to Mining in Africa
- 140370 SE [ en ] VM2 / VM6 - Water and irrigation in international development
- 140391 SE [ de en ] VM2 / VM7 - Gender, economics and postcolonial critique
- 140410 VO+UE ( MOB ) VM2 / VM3 - A global view on Research, Technology and Development (,Technoglobalisation’)
- 140368 VO [ de en ] Questioning Migration Management: Logics of Differentiation
- 140366 VO Colonialism - Questions, History, Cases
- 040040 FK KFK ORPE: Solidary Economic
- 040108 VO Overindebtedness of sovereign States and economic development (MA)
05. Emphasis 3: Sociological Aspects of Development Research
- 140362 SE VM3 / VM7 - Perspectives of Development Sociology - Local and global analysis for a just world with a special reference to North-South and gender relations
- 140373 SE VM2 / VM3 - The Social Life of Raw Materials - Socioeconomic Approaches to Mining in Africa
- 140360 SE VM3 / VM4 - Coloniality and Geopolitics of Knowledge
- 140139 SE VM3 / VM6 - Conceptualizing nature, use of ressources and political agency in the West - Deep Ecology and Transition Towns as new narratives?
- 140144 SE VM3 / VM7 - Gender and Empowerment
- 140214 VO+UE VM1 / VM3 - Internet, democracy & development
- 140410 VO+UE ( MOB ) VM2 / VM3 - A global view on Research, Technology and Development (,Technoglobalisation’)
- 140387 VO+UE VM3 / VM4 - Everything for everyone! Zapatism as paradigm
- 140365 VO+UE [ en ] VM1 / VM3 - Social Protection and Social Policy in the Global South
- 140368 VO [ de en ] Questioning Migration Management: Logics of Differentiation
- 140366 VO Colonialism - Questions, History, Cases
- 230182 VO Society and Environment
- 230165 KU Basics of Social Network Analysis II
- 140400 VO+UE VM3 / VM6 - Return of the World? Nature in urban landscapes
06. Emphasis 4: Cultural Studies Aspects of Development Research
- 140360 SE VM3 / VM4 - Coloniality and Geopolitics of Knowledge
- 140217 SE VM4 / VM8 - Racism and development
- 140387 VO+UE VM3 / VM4 - Everything for everyone! Zapatism as paradigm
- 140411 VO+UE VM4 / VM7 - Violence of pictures, pictures of violence - 'The horror of what is shown in the photographs cannot be separated from the horror that the photographs were taken' (S. Sontag)
- 140412 VO+UE VM4 / VM5 - Forms of intercultural encounters in the context of European expansion overseas
- 140394 VO+UE [ en ] VM4 / VM6 - Staging the pre-modern other in post-colonial tourist space - A critical exploration of ‘happy peasants’, ‘noble savages’ and imperial discourse in volunteering abroad
- 140368 VO [ de en ] Questioning Migration Management: Logics of Differentiation
- 140366 VO Colonialism - Questions, History, Cases
- 010003 VO Intercultural Philosophy - Cross-cultural Philosophy: decolonization, cultural self-assertion, human rights
- 140227 KU Historical, Anthropological, and Cultural Perspectives: A Reading Course
- 140251 VO Plurilingualism Research: Approaching linguistic practices through an everyday life perspective
07. Emphasis 5: Historical Aspects of Development Research
- 140384 SE VM5 / VM6 - Critical Historiography of Power - George Padmore (1903-1959), Africa and the World
- 140533 SE VM1 / VM5 - History of Humanitarian Aid - Altruism versus Business
- 140392 SE [ en ] VM5 / VM6 - Understanding Central America - From Precolonial Times to Globalization
- 140412 VO+UE VM4 / VM5 - Forms of intercultural encounters in the context of European expansion overseas
- 140368 VO [ de en ] Questioning Migration Management: Logics of Differentiation
- 140366 VO Colonialism - Questions, History, Cases
- 140131 VO RTV - VM1 / VM5 - Resource conflicts - Current developments in a historical context
- 070155 VO Lecture (PM4) - Europa und die Welt
- 070232 VO Lecture (PM4) - "Asyl und Asylgesetzgebung in Österreich seit dem Ersten Weltkrieg"
- 070266 SE [ en ] Seminar (PM4) - Austrian Africa-Policy from the Era of Kreisky (1970-1983) until today: Coexistence, Policy of Neutrality, Third World (Nonaligned Countries), Development Cooperation
08. Emphasis 6: Geographic and Regional Aspects of Development Research
- 140370 SE [ en ] VM2 / VM6 - Water and irrigation in international development
- 140134 SE VM1 / VM6 - Transnational spaces of water resources management - Consequences for social, ecological and individual security
- 140139 SE VM3 / VM6 - Conceptualizing nature, use of ressources and political agency in the West - Deep Ecology and Transition Towns as new narratives?
- 140384 SE VM5 / VM6 - Critical Historiography of Power - George Padmore (1903-1959), Africa and the World
- 140392 SE [ en ] VM5 / VM6 - Understanding Central America - From Precolonial Times to Globalization
- 140393 SE [ en ] VM1 / VM6 - State-led Development and Developmental State in Asia and Africa
- 140394 VO+UE [ en ] VM4 / VM6 - Staging the pre-modern other in post-colonial tourist space - A critical exploration of ‘happy peasants’, ‘noble savages’ and imperial discourse in volunteering abroad
- 140400 VO+UE VM3 / VM6 - Return of the World? Nature in urban landscapes
- 140366 VO Colonialism - Questions, History, Cases
- 140368 VO [ de en ] Questioning Migration Management: Logics of Differentiation
- 290122 RV Lecture Series: Borders
09: Emphasis 7: Gender-specific Aspects of Development Research
- 140391 SE [ de en ] VM2 / VM7 - Gender, economics and postcolonial critique
- 140362 SE VM3 / VM7 - Perspectives of Development Sociology - Local and global analysis for a just world with a special reference to North-South and gender relations
- 140144 SE VM3 / VM7 - Gender and Empowerment
- 140151 SE VM1/VM7 Feminization of labor, social reproduction and border regime - Postcolonial Theory and International Political Economy
- 140209 SE [ en ] VM7 - Gender Violence und Human Rights
- 140411 VO+UE VM4 / VM7 - Violence of pictures, pictures of violence - 'The horror of what is shown in the photographs cannot be separated from the horror that the photographs were taken' (S. Sontag)
- 140366 VO Colonialism - Questions, History, Cases
- 140368 VO [ de en ] Questioning Migration Management: Logics of Differentiation
- 030226 KU Applied Social Psychology for Legal Experts
- 140284 VO Gender in Africa
- 240236 VU VU topics - Lecture Series & Workshops
10. Emphasis 8: Areas of Practice and Applied Development Cooperation
- 140152 SE [ en ] VM1 / VM8 - Operationalize the integration of human rights - Within the work of the United Nations
- 140217 SE VM4 / VM8 - Racism and development
- 140135 VO+UE VM8 - Evaluation in International Development Co-operation
- 140395 VO+UE VM8 - How to draft project proposals
- 140366 VO Colonialism - Questions, History, Cases
- 140368 VO [ de en ] Questioning Migration Management: Logics of Differentiation
- 140383 KU Academic Presentations: Preparation and Performance
Second Stage of the Degree Programme
- 230163 TR Project Management and Evaluation
- 230164 TR Communication Culture at Universities and at Work II
- 230165 KU Basics of Social Network Analysis II
- 230166 KU Job Orientation II
11. Transdisciplinary Research Module
- 140161 FS FM1 - Research Seminar (Part 1) - Research Design - International Development in Vienna - an area of Global Learning
- 140162 FS FM1 - Research Seminar (Part 1) - Research Design
- 140164 FS [ de en ] FM1 - Research Seminar (Part 1) - Research Design - Qualitative methods in development research, and research lab in South- East Africa
- 140399 FS FM1 - Research Seminar (Part 1) - Research Design - Austrian Development Aid / Cooperation: Actors and Concepts
- 140176 FS FM2 - Research Seminar (Part 2) - Realisation - Change! Transdisciplinary research seminar (part 2) scenic research
- 140166 FS FM2 - Research Seminar (Part 2) - Realisation
- 140172 FS FM2 - Research Seminar (Part 2) - Realisation
- 140174 FS FM2 - Research Seminar (Part 2) - Realisation - A comparative history of development policies ‘West’ and ‘East’ (1960-1990) in a Global History perspective: encounters, interactions, transfers, entanglements ‘West’, ‘East’ and ‘South’
12: Master Module
- 140404 KU Writing Seminar
- 140405 MAKU Master Course
- 140403 MAKU Master Course
- 140406 MAKU Master Course
D. Extension Curriculum: Internationale Development - Basics (149)
01. EC - EF1 - Introduction to International Development
02. EC - KS1 - Introduction to Development Sociology
03. EC - KP1 - Political Aspects of International Development
04. EC - KW1 - Introduction to Development Economy
05. EC - KG1 - International Development in a Historical Context
E. Extension Curriculum: Internationale Development - Advanced (140)
01. EC - EZ1 - Development Policy and Development Cooperation
02. EC - TEFA - Transdisciplinary Development Research
- 140288 VO TEF A - Transdisciplinary Development Research - Problemformulierung, Problembearbeitung, Umsetzung
02. EC - EF2 - Consortium: Introduction to International Development
- 140325 AG EF2 - Introduction to Development Studies
- 140326 AG EF2 - Introduction to Development Studies
E. Complementary Study Programm CSP: Internationale Development - Advanced (140)
- 140402 SE Dissertation Course
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:40