Universität Wien

Directorate of Studies 14 - Near Eastern Studies - African Studies - Tibetan Studies and Indology

Studierende von Studien, die von der Studienprogrammleitung Orientalistik betreut werden, erhalten pro Semester zusätzlich zu den 1000 Basispunkten, die allen Studierenden zur Verfügung stehen, 1000 Bonuspunkte. Die Plätze für die Lehrveranstaltung werden im Anmeldesystem auf Basis der Summe individuell gesetzter Basispunkte und errechneter Bonuspunkte vergeben.

14.01. African Studies

A. Bachelor Degree Programme in African Studies

1. Orientatation Period - Basics of African Studies

2. Linguistics - Alternative Required Modules

2.1. Basic Level - African Language
APM Bambara
APM Hausa
APM Swahili
2.2. Advanced Level - African Language
APM Bambara
APM Hausa
APM Swahili

3. Specialisation - Alternative Groups of Required Modules

3.1. African Linguistics
3.2. African Literature
3.3. African History

B. Master Degree Programme in African Studies

1. Basic Module - Required Module

2. Specialisation - Alternative Groups of Required Modules

2.1. African Linguistics
2.2. African History

C. Extension Curricula African Studies

1. EC Colonial and Post-Colonial Africa (15 ECTS)

14.02. Oriental Studies

A. Bachelor Degree Programme in Oriental Studies

1. Orientation Period

OR-1: Introduction to Oriental Studies - Required Module
OR-2: Introduction to Oriental Languages - Group of Elective Modules
OR-2/AO-1: Introduction to Akkadian I
OR-2/AR-1: Introduction to Arabic I
OR-2/TU-1: Introduction to Turkish I

2. Oriental Studies - Group of Required Modules

OR-3: Cultural and Economic Geography of the Near East and North Africa
OR-4: Religions and Institutions of the Near East
OR-5: Ancient Near East
OR-6: History of the Arabs in the Near East and North Africa in Islamic Times
OR-7: History of the Ottoman Empire and Turkey

3. Alternative Groups of Required Modules (APMG)

3.1. APMG Ancient Oriental Philology and Oriental Archaeology
AO-2: Akkadian II
AO-3: Akkadian III
AO-4: Sumerian I
AO-5: Sumerian II
AO-6: Near Eastern Archaeology I
AO-7: Near Eastern Archaeology II
AO-8: Mesopotamian Cultural History
AO-9: Mesopotamian Literature: Reading
AO-10: Alternative Required Module
AO-11: Alternative Required Module
AO-12: Group of Elective Modules
3.2. APMG Arabic Studies and Islamic Studies
AR-2: Language Module Arabic II
AR-3: Language Module Arabic III
AR-4: Language Module Arabic IV
AR-5: Language Module Arabic V
AR-6: Language Moduel Arabic VI
AR-7: Arabic Dialect: Basic Level
AR-8: Arabic Dialect: Intermediate Level
AR-9: Arabic Dialect: Advanced Level
AR-10: Introduction to Selected Fields of Arabic Studies and Islamic Studies
AR-11: Selected Issues of Modern Oriental Research
AR-12: Seminar on Philology (incl. Bachelor's Paper)
AR-13: Seminar on Islamic Studies (incl. Bachelor's Paper)
3.3. APMG Turkish Studies
TU-2: Turkish, Basic Level II
TU-3: Turkish, Intermediate Level I
TU-4: Turkish, Intermediate Level II
TU-5: Turkish, Advanced Level I
TU-6: Tukish, Advanced Level II
TU-7: Persian, Basic Level
TU-8: Persian, Intermediate Level
TU-9: Ottoman Studies
TU-10: Linguistic or Literary Seminar (incl. Bachelor's Paper)
TU-11: Historical-Cultural Seminar (incl. Bachelor's Paper)
TU-12: Society and Culture of Modern Turkey

B. Master Degree Programmes in Oriental Studies

Ancient Near Eastern Languages and Oriental Archaeology

a. Required Modules
1.1. Akkadian Seminars incl. Seminar Paper
1.2. Sumerological Seminars incl. Seminar Paper
1.3. Archaeological Seminar I incl. Seminar Paper
1.4. History and Cultural History of Mesopotamia
1.5. Advanced Module on Philology I
b. Alternative Required Module
APM Semitisitcs
APM Archaeology
c. Group of Elective Modules
WM Archaeological Seminar II incl. Seminar Paper
WM Advanced Module on Philology II
WM South Arabia, Past and Present
WM Sabean Studies
d. Master-Module

The Arab World: Language and Society

GK-1 Methodik kultur- und sprachwissenschaftlicher Forschung
GK-2 Politik & Gesellschaft der modernen Arabischen Welt
Alternative Pflichtmodulgruppe - Schwerpunkt: Religion und Politik
RP-1 Islam in der Arabischen Welt und darüber hinaus
RP-2 Arabisch-islamisches Erbe
RP-3 Islamische und andere soziale und politische Bewegungen in der Arabischen Welt
RP-4 Die Arabische Welt und das Internet
Alternative Pflichtmodulgruppe - Schwerpunkt: Arabische Sprache
AS-1 Arabische Dialektologie
AS-2 Ausgewählte Themen der modernen arabischen Schriftsprache
AS-3 Ausgewählte philologische Themen des Arabischen in diachroner Perspektive
AS-4 Die Arabische Welt und das Internet
Alternative Pflichtmodulgruppe - Schwerpunkt: Sprache und Kultur Südarabiens
KS-1 Altsüdarabische Sprache
KS-2 Sabäistik
KS-3 Südarabien in Vergangenheit und Gegenwart
KS-4 Modernes Südarabien
WM-1 Arabische Populärkultur
WM-2 Medien und Mediensprache in der Arabischen Welt
WM-3 Kulturgeschichte der Arabischen Welt
WM-4 Arabische Welt und nichtarabische Regionalmächte
WM-5 Sicherheitspolitik in der Arabischen Welt
WM-6 Die Arabische Welt im transnationalen Kontext
WM-7 Wirtschaft der Arabischen Welt
WM-8 Moderne arabische Schriftsprache: Konversation und Übersetzung
WM-9 Medienarabisch: Hörverständnis, Analyse
WM-10 Epigraphik, Paläographie und Kalligraphie
WM-11 Klassisch-Arabische Sprache
WM-12 Afroasiatische Sprache (Amharisch, Aramäisch, Sabäisch usw.)
WM-13 Regionaler oder thematischer Schwerpunkt: Workshop oder Exkursion
WM-14 Minderheiten in der Arabischen Welt
WM-15 Kunst und Architektur in der Arabischen Welt
WM-16 Aktuelle Diskussionen in der Arabischen Welt
WM-17 Arabischer Dialekt
WM-18 Islam in der Arabischen Welt und darüber hinaus
WM-19 Arabisch-islamisches Erbe
WM-20 Islamische und andere soziale und politische Bewegungen in der Arabischen Welt
WM-21 Arabische Dialektologie
WM-22 Ausgewählte Themen der modernen arabischen Schriftsprache
WM-23 Ausgewählte philologische Themen des Arabischen in diachroner Perspektive
WM-24 Altsüdarabische Sprache
WM-25 Sabäistik
WM-26 Südarabien in Vergangenheit und Gegenwart
WM-27 Modernes Südarabien

Arabic Studies

a. Required Modules
1.1. History and Cultural History of the Arab World I
1.2. Arabic Language and Literature I
1.3. Dialectology
1.4. Classic Arabic Language
b. Alternative Required Modules
APM Media or History of Arabic Script
APM Semitic Languages or Islam Religion
c. Language, Literatue and Media in the Arab World
1.1. Language and Institutions of Arab Media
1.2. Current Trends in Culture, Politics and Religion
1.3. Group of Elective Modules
d. Language and Culture of South Arabia
1.1. Ancient South Arab Language
1.2. South Arabia, Past and Present
1.3. Sabean Studies
1.4. Alternative Required Module
e. Master-Module

Islamic Studies

a. Required Modules
1.1. History of Ideas
1.2. Islamic Law
1.3. Modern Islam I
1.4. Language and Institutions of Arab Media
1.5. Islam in the Non-Arab World
1.6. Older Islam I
1.7. Classic Arabic Language
b. Alternative Required Module
APM Islam on the Internet
APM Media
c. Group of Elective Modules
WM Modern Islam II (8 ECTS)
WM Regional Specialisation (16 ECTS)
WM Older Islam II (8 ECTS)
d. Module of Interest
e. Master-Module

Turkish Studies

a. Required Modules
1.1. Ottoman Literature I
1.2. Ottoman Literature II
1.3. Ottoman Palaeography and Diplomatics
1.4. Ottoman-Historical Module I
1.5. Ottoman-Historical Module II
1.6. Turkish and Turkic Languages, Past and Present
1.7. Modern Turkish, Literature and Language
1.8. Theoretical and Methodological Advanced Studies
b. Master-Module

C. Extension Curricula Oriental Studies

Arabic Culture and Language (30 ECTS)

Islam History and Religion (30 ECTS)

Religion and Politics in the Middle East and North Africa (15 ECTS)

RPAR-1 Ausgewählte Themen der modernen Orientforschung
RPAR-2 Studies of Religions
RPAR-2 Studies of Religions

Turkish History, Literature and Culture History (15 ECTS)

EC-TU-1 PM Turkish cultural history within the framework of the civilisations of Asia Minor
EC-TU-2 PM Aspects of Turkish history past and present

Language and Culture of the Arab World (15 ECTS)

SKAR-1 Kultur- und Wirtschaftsgeographie des Vorderen Orients und Nordafrikas
SKAR-2 Geistes- und Kulturgeschichte
SKAR-3 Arabische Sprache

14.03. South Asian, Tibetan and Buddhist Studies

A. Bachelor Degree Programme - Languages and Culture of South Asia and Tibet

1. Orientation Period

M1: Introduction to the Degree Programme in "Languages and Culture of South Asia and Tibet"

2. Group of Required Modules - Fields of Work

M3: Introduction to Selected Fields of Indology
M4: Introduction to Selected Fields of Tibetology and Buddhist Studies
M5: Introduction to Selected Fields of Modern South Asian Studies

3. Required Module incl. Bachelor's Papers

M18: Advanced Module on Philology and Culture Studies of South Asia and Tibet

4. Alternative Groups of Required Modules

4.1. APMG - First Language
A1: APMG - Sanskrit as First Language
B1: APMG - Classical Tibetan as First Language
C1: APMG - Modern Indian Language as First Language
4.2. APMG - Second Language
A2: APMG - Sanskrit as Second Language
B2: APMG - Classical Tibetan as Second Language
C2: APMG - Modern Indian Language as Second Language
D2: APMG - Modern Tibetan as Second Language

5. Group of Elective Modules - Cultural History

M9: Basics of Cultural History A
M10: Basics of Cultural History B
M13: Culture - Language - Society A
M14: Culture - Language - Society B

6. Group of Elective Modules - Applied Cultural Studies

M15a: Field Trip
M15b: Regional Cultures
M16a: Advanced Module on Classical Sanskrit as Second Language
M16b: Advanced Module on Classical Tibetan as Second Language
M16c: Advanced Module on a Modern Indian Language as Second Language
M16d: Advanced Module on Modern Tibetan as Second Language

B. Master Degree Programmes in South Asian, Tibetan and Buddhist Studies

Culture and Society in Modern South Asia

PM 1 Gesellschaft des modernen Südasien
PM 2 Grundlagen der Kultur- und Geistesgeschichte des modernen Südasien
APM 3A Kulturwissenschaft des modernen Südasien in der Praxis
APM 3B Neuindische Sprache in der Praxis
PM 4 Geschichte des modernen Südasien
APM 5A Grundlagen der Gegenwartskulturen in Südasien
APM 5B Südasien in globalen Kontexten
PM 6 Sprachen des modernen Südasien in der Praxis
PM 7 Sprachliche Traditionen des modernen Südasien
PM 8 Masterkonversatorium

Culture and Society of Modern South Asia

a. Required Modules
M1: Modern South Asian Society
M2: Basics of the History of Culture and Ideas of Modern South Asia
M3: Modern South Asian Cultural Studies in practice
M4: Modern South Asian History
M7: Modern South Asian Languages in practice
M8: Linguistic Traditions of Modern South Asia
b. Alternatively Required Modules
APM5: Basics of Contemporary South Asian Cultures
APM6: Cultures of the Larger Cultural Area
c. Master-Module
M9: Master's Colloquium
M10: Master's Thesis
M11: Master's Examination

Languages and Cultures of South Asia

a. Required Modules
M1: Language, Literature, and Religion of the Vedic Cultural Period
M2: Aspects of the History of Language, Literature, Religion, and Philosophy in South Asia
b. Alternatively Required Modules 3: Philology and Textual Hermeneutics
APM3a: Philology and Textual Hermeneutics in the Field of the Philosophical-Religious Traditions of South Asia I
APM3b: Ancient Indian Language Varieties and Literary Genres
c. Required Modules
M4: Language, Literature, Religion, and Philosophy of the non-Brahmanical Traditions of Premedieval South Asia
M5: Language, Literature, Religion, and Philosophy of the Classical and Medieval Cultural Periods of South Asia
d. Elective Module Group 6
M6 (PR): Philology, Textual Hermeneutics, and Cultural History for the Focus "Philosophies and Religions of South Asia" - M6a or M6c or M6d
M6 (SL): Philology, Textual Hermeneutics, and Cultural History for the Focus "Languages and Literatures of South Asia" - M6b or M6c or M6d
e. Required Module
M7: Language, Literature, Religion, and Philosophy of Modern South Asia
f. Master-Module
Alternative Required Module 8
Required Module

Tibetan and Buddhist Studies

a. Required Modules
M1: Philology and Methods
M2: Textual Hermeneutics
b. Alternative Required Module 3
APM3a: Introduction to an Additional Language of the Cultural Area of Buddhism
APM3b: Advanced Philology
c. Required Modules
M4: Special Lecture on Tibetan and Buddhist Studies
M5: Philosophical-Religious Traditions of Tibet and Buddhism I
M6: Literature, History, and Culture of Tibet and Buddhism
M7: Philosophical-Religious Traditions of Tibet and Buddhism II
d. Master-Module
M8: Master's Colloquium in Tibetan and Buddhist Studies
M9: Master's Thesis in Tibetan and Buddhist Studies
M10: Master's Examination in Tibetan and Buddhist Studies

D. Extension Curricula

Modern Indian Language

M1 Modern Indian Language I
M2 Modern Indian Language II

South Asian Studies, Tibetology and Buddhist Studies

M1 Basics of Contemporary South Asian Cultures
M2 Basics of Philosophy, Religion and Culture of Tibet
M3 Basics of Philosophy, Religion and Culture of Buddhism

South Asian Studies

M1 Introduction to South Asian Studies
M2 Basics of Cultural History

Tibetology and Buddhist Studies

M1 Introduction to Tibetology and Buddhist Studies
M2 Basics of Cultural History

14.04. Development Studies

A. Bachelor Degree Programme in Development Studies

01. Orientation Period - StEOP

02. Module Introduction to Scientific Writing

03. Module Sociological Aspects of Development Studies

02. Module Political Aspects of Development Studies

05. Module Introduction to Development Economics

4. Module Development Studies in Historical Context

07. Module Introduction to Development Studies

08. Module Introduction to Development Policy and Development Cooperation

09. Module Fields of Practice and Occupation

10. Module Regional Geographic / Thematic In-Depth Studies

11. Module Transdisciplinary Development Research

12. Bachelor Module

B. Master Degree Programme in Development Studies

01. Compulsory Module 1: Principles of Development Research

02. Compulsory Module 2: Methods of Developmetn Research

03. Emphasis Transdisciplinary Developmetn Research

03. Emphasis 1: Political aspects of development research (VM1)

04. Emphasis 2: Economic aspects of development research (VM2)

05. Emphasis 3: Sociological Aspects of Development Research

06. Emphasis 4: Cultural Studies Aspects of Development Research

07. Emphasis 5: Historical Aspects of Development Research

08. Emphasis 6: Geographic and Regional Aspects of Development Research

09: Emphasis 7: Gender-specific Aspects of Development Research

10. Emphasis 8: Areas of Practice and Applied Development Cooperation

Second Stage of the Degree Programme

11. Transdisciplinary Research Module

12: Master Module

D. Extension Curriculum: Internationale Development - Basics (149)

01. EC - EF1 - Introduction to International Development

02. EC - KS1 - Introduction to Development Sociology

03. EC - KP1 - Political Aspects of International Development

04. EC - KW1 - Introduction to Development Economy

05. EC - KG1 - International Development in a Historical Context

E. Extension Curriculum: Internationale Development - Advanced (140)

01. EC - EZ1 - Development Policy and Development Cooperation

02. EC - TEFA - Transdisciplinary Development Research

02. EC - EF2 - Consortium: Introduction to International Development

E. Complementary Study Programm CSP: Internationale Development - Advanced (140)

Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:40