Directorate of Studies 14 - Near Eastern Studies - African Studies - Tibetan Studies and Indology
Studierende von Studien, die von der Studienprogrammleitung Orientalistik betreut werden, erhalten pro Semester zusätzlich zu den 1000 Basispunkten, die allen Studierenden zur Verfügung stehen, 1000 Bonuspunkte. Die Plätze für die Lehrveranstaltung werden im Anmeldesystem auf Basis der Summe individuell gesetzter Basispunkte und errechneter Bonuspunkte vergeben.
14.01. African Studies
Bachelor Degree Programme in African Studies (642 - Version 2015)
Orientatation Period - Basics of African Studies
- EXAM STEOP: Modulprüfung Einführung in die afrikanische Geschichtswissenschaft
- EXAM STEOP: Modulprüfung Einführung in die afrikanische Literaturwissenschaft
- EXAM STEOP: Modulprüfung Einführung in die afrikanische Sprachwissenschaft
- 140109 VO+UE ( STEOP ) Introduction into African Linguistics
- 140123 VO+UE ( STEOP ) Introduction into African Literature
- 140133 VO+UE ( STEOP ) Introduction into African History
Linguistics - Alternative Required Modules
Basic Level - African Language
APM Bambara
- 140114 VO+UE Bambara: Tutorial 1
- 140209 VO+UE Bambara: Grammar 1
APM Hausa
- 140207 VO+UE Hausa: Grammar 1 / Hausa: Nahawu 1
- 140278 VO+UE Hausa: Tutorial 1 / Hausa: Ayyukan motsa k’wak‘walwa 1
APM Swahili
- 140204 VO+UE Swahili: Tutorial 1
- 140205 VO+UE Swahili: Grammar 1
Advanced Level - African Language
APM Bambara
- 140108 SK Bambara: Conversation 1
- 140210 SK Bambara: Texts 1
- 140216 SK Bambara: Grammar 3
APM Hausa
- 140146 SK [ en ] Hausa: Texts 1
- 140177 SK [ en ] Hausa: Conversation 1
- 140208 SK Hausa: Grammar 3 / Hausa: Nahawu 3
APM Swahili
- 140206 SK Swahili: Texts 1
- 140212 SK Swahili: Grammar 3 / Kiswahili Sarufi 3
- 140279 SK Swahili: Conversation 1 / Kiswahili cha mazungumzo 1
Specialisation - Alternative Groups of Required Modules
African History
- 140099 SE Bachelor Seminar African History and Society - societal developments in postcolonial Africa and its diaspora
- 140132 VO History of North Africa 1
- 140148 SE Bachelor Seminar: African History
- 140178 VO African Societies until the 16th Century
- 140218 VO History of West Africa 1
- 140224 PS Introductory Seminar: methodological approaches and current debates
- 140226 PS Africa's Involuntary Travellers - Migration, Flight, and Asylum in the 20th and 21st Century
African Literature
- 140137 VO [ en ] Language and Literature in their Social Contexts
- 140147 PS Introductory Seminar: Urban Stories. The novel and the city
- 140149 VO [ en ] African Women's Writing and African Feminism
- 140202 SE Bachelor Seminar: African Linguistics and Literature
- 140248 VO Writing and Publishing in Contemporary Africa
African Linguistics
- 140117 PS Introductory Seminar: African Linguistics
- 140198 VO Ritual Patterns in Verbal and Nonverbal Expressions: the Self-Conception of Communication
- 140202 SE Bachelor Seminar: African Linguistics and Literature
- 140223 VO Introduction to Phonology of African Languages
- 140238 VO [ en ] An African Language Structure: Kusaal
- 140242 VO [ en ] African and Chinese Migration to Austria
- 140293 VO [ en ] Fundamentals of Grammatical Analysis
- 150212 UE [ de en ] Applied Research Project: African and Chinese Migrants in Comparison (M6)
Master´s programme in African Studies (897 [2] - Version 2016)
Basic Module (28 ECTS)
- 140179 KU [ de en ] Methodological Foundations
- 140227 KU Scientific Texts: Writing and Editing
Specialisation: African Studies (58 ECTS)
SAS A Intermediate Module: Topics and Approaches (30 ECTS)
- 140100 VO Early Historic Languages and Populations in North Africa
- 140116 VO Pluricentric Languages in Africa - "Dominance, Power, and Politics"
- 140131 VO Language and History in Africa III: Bantu Languages and Sudan Languages
- 140184 KU Structure of a L 2/1 (Fulfulde)
SAS B Advanced Module: In-Depth Study and Research (28 ECTS)
Specialisation: African Literatures (58 ECTS)
SAL A Intermediate Module: Topics and Approaches (30 ECTS)
SAL B Advanced Module: In-Depth Study and Research (28 ECTS)
Specialisation: African History and Societies (58 ECTS)
SAG A Intermediate Module: Topics and Approaches (30 ECTS)
- 140075 VO VM5 / VM1 - Panafricanism - Grundlagen, Spielarten, Möglichkeiten und Grenzen
- 140076 SE "On Kings": Historical Anthropology, Anarchist Anthropology?
- 140077 KU Sports and Leisure in Africa
- 140119 VO The Empire of the Black Pharaohs: Gods and Temples of the Meroites
- 140138 SE "Africa" on the move - debates on "Mobility", "Transnationality" and "Diaspora"
- 140213 KU Political Intellectual History of Ghana
SAB B Advanced Module: In-Depth Study and Research (28 ECTS)
- 140076 SE "On Kings": Historical Anthropology, Anarchist Anthropology?
- 140077 KU Sports and Leisure in Africa
- 140119 VO The Empire of the Black Pharaohs: Gods and Temples of the Meroites
- 140138 SE "Africa" on the move - debates on "Mobility", "Transnationality" and "Diaspora"
- 140213 KU Political Intellectual History of Ghana
Master Degree Programme in African Studies
Basic Module - Required Module
- 140179 KU [ de en ] Methodological Foundations
- 140227 KU Scientific Texts: Writing and Editing
Specialisation - Alternative Groups of Required Modules
African Linguistics
- 140100 VO Early Historic Languages and Populations in North Africa
- 140116 VO Pluricentric Languages in Africa - "Dominance, Power, and Politics"
- 140131 VO Language and History in Africa III: Bantu Languages and Sudan Languages
- 140184 KU Structure of a L 2/1 (Fulfulde)
- 140231 VO Amharic I
- 140232 VO Amharic II
African History
- 140075 VO VM5 / VM1 - Panafricanism - Grundlagen, Spielarten, Möglichkeiten und Grenzen
- 140076 SE "On Kings": Historical Anthropology, Anarchist Anthropology?
- 140077 KU Sports and Leisure in Africa
- 140119 VO The Empire of the Black Pharaohs: Gods and Temples of the Meroites
- 140138 SE "Africa" on the move - debates on "Mobility", "Transnationality" and "Diaspora"
- 140213 KU Political Intellectual History of Ghana
EC Colonial and Post-Colonial Africa (148)
Compulsory Module (15 ECTS)
- 140132 VO History of North Africa 1
- 140137 VO [ en ] Language and Literature in their Social Contexts
- 140149 VO [ en ] African Women's Writing and African Feminism
- 140178 VO African Societies until the 16th Century
- 140218 VO History of West Africa 1
- 140248 VO Writing and Publishing in Contemporary Africa
14.02. Oriental Studies
A. Bachelor Degree Programme in Oriental Studies
1. Orientation Period
OR-1: Introduction to Oriental Studies - Required Module
- EXAM Introduction to Oriental Studies
- 140001 VO ( STEOP ) STEOP: Introduction to Oriental Studies
OR-2: Introduction to Oriental Languages - Group of Elective Modules
OR-2/AO-1: Introduction to Akkadian I
- EXAM OR2/AO1 Introduction to Akkadian I
- 140049 VO ( STEOP ) STEOP: Introduction to Akkadian I
OR-2/AR-1: Introduction to Arabic I
- EXAM OR2/AR1 Introduction to Arabic I
- 140270 VO ( STEOP ) STEOP: Arabic Language I
OR-2/TU-1: Introduction to Turkish I
- EXAM OR2/TU1 Introduction to Turkish I
- 140304 VO ( STEOP ) STEOP: Turkish Grammar I
2. Oriental Studies - Group of Required Modules
OR-3: Cultural and Economic Geography of the Near East and North Africa
OR-4: Religions and Institutions of the Near East
OR-5: Ancient Near East
- 140113 VO [ en ] Culture and History of South Arabia
OR-6: History of the Arabs in the Near East and North Africa in Islamic Times
- 140008 VO Political History of the Arab-Islamic Near East - from the beginnings of Islam to the present
OR-7: History of the Ottoman Empire and Turkey
3. Alternative Groups of Required Modules (APMG)
3.1. APMG Ancient Oriental Philology and Oriental Archaeology
AO-2: Akkadian II
AO-3: Akkadian III
AO-4: Sumerian I
AO-5: Sumerian II
- 140051 PS Sumerian II: Sumerian Reading I - Sumerian Votive Inscriptions
AO-6: Near Eastern Archaeology I
AO-7: Near Eastern Archaeology II
AO-8: Mesopotamian Cultural History
AO-9: Mesopotamian Literature: Reading
AO-10: Alternative Required Module
AO-11: Alternative Required Module
- 140030 SE Akkadian Seminar: Mesopotamian Wisdom Literature
- 140125 SE Sumerian Seminar: Mesopotamian administrative and legal documents from the 3rd millennium
- 140030 SE Akkadian Seminar: Mesopotamian Wisdom Literature
- 140125 SE Sumerian Seminar: Mesopotamian administrative and legal documents from the 3rd millennium
- 140170 EX Archaeological Excursion: Field Trip - Excavation in Quarayyah
AO-12: Group of Elective Modules
3.2. APMG Arabic Studies and Islamic Studies
AR-2: Language Module Arabic II
AR-3: Language Module Arabic III
- 140043 UE Arabic Language E / Practical Training
- 140055 UE Arabic Language E / Practical Training
- 140294 VO+UE Arabic Language D incl. Tutorial
AR-4: Language Module Arabic IV
AR-5: Language Module Arabic V
- 140039 UE Arabic Language I - Media
- 140118 UE Arabic H: Conversations and Translations
AR-6: Language Moduel Arabic VI
AR-7: Arabic Dialect: Basic Level
- 140024 UE Arabic Dialect B: Tunisian - Arabic
- 140292 VO Arabic Dialect A: Tunisian Arabic
AR-8: Arabic Dialect: Intermediate Level
- 140028 VO Arabic Dialect - Course C: Egyptian Arabic
- 140290 UE Arabic Dialect D: Egyptian Arabic
AR-9: Arabic Dialect: Advanced Level
- 140041 UE Arabic Dialect F: Conversations / Texts 2: Syrian Arabic
- 140057 UE Arabic Dialect - Course E: Moroccan Arabic
AR-10: Introduction to Selected Fields of Arabic Studies and Islamic Studies
- 140035 PS Introductory Seminar 1
- 140040 PS Introductory Seminar 1
AR-11: Selected Issues of Modern Oriental Research
- 140022 VO Gender Studies / Muslim World
- 140183 VO Modern Arabic Politics and Society (Modern Arab History 1)
AR-12: Seminar on Philology (incl. Bachelor's Paper)
- 140120 SE Philological Seminar (with BA-Thesis)
AR-13: Seminar on Islamic Studies (incl. Bachelor's Paper)
3.3. APMG Turkish Studies
TU-2: Turkish, Basic Level II
TU-3: Turkish, Intermediate Level I
- 140164 VO Turkish Grammar III
- 140168 UE Turkish Conversation Class III
TU-4: Turkish, Intermediate Level II
TU-5: Turkish, Advanced Level I
- 140150 UE Conversations, Advanced Level I
- 140151 UE Reading Subject-Specific Texts I
TU-6: Tukish, Advanced Level II
TU-7: Persian, Basic Level
- 140037 UE Persian Grammar I
TU-8: Persian, Intermediate Level
- 140036 UE Reading and Discussing Persian Texts I
TU-9: Ottoman Studies
- 140166 UE Ottoman I
TU-10: Linguistic or Literary Seminar (incl. Bachelor's Paper)
TU-11: Historical-Cultural Seminar (incl. Bachelor's Paper)
TU-12: Society and Culture of Modern Turkey
- 140053 VO History of the Republic of Turkey
B. Master Degree Programmes in Oriental Studies
Ancient Near Eastern Languages and Oriental Archaeology
a. Required Modules
1.1. Akkadian Seminars incl. Seminar Paper
1.2. Sumerological Seminars incl. Seminar Paper
1.3. Archaeological Seminar I incl. Seminar Paper
1.4. History and Cultural History of Mesopotamia
1.5. Advanced Module on Philology I
b. Alternative Required Module
APM Semitisitcs
- 140047 VO [ en ] Introduction into Epigraphic South Arabic I
APM Archaeology
c. Group of Elective Modules
WM Archaeological Seminar II incl. Seminar Paper
WM Advanced Module on Philology II
WM South Arabia, Past and Present
- 140009 VU [ en ] South Arabian History and Archaeology
WM Sabean Studies
d. Master-Module
- 140096 SE Master Coaching Seminar
The Arab World: Language and Society
GK-1 Methodik kultur- und sprachwissenschaftlicher Forschung
GK-2 Politik & Gesellschaft der modernen Arabischen Welt
Alternative Pflichtmodulgruppe - Schwerpunkt: Religion und Politik
RP-1 Islam in der Arabischen Welt und darüber hinaus
- 140192 VU Islam: Phenomena, Developments and Analyses I
- 140195 VU Islam: Phenomena, Developments and Analyses II
RP-2 Arabisch-islamisches Erbe
- 140196 SE Texts from Arab-Islamic Tradition
RP-3 Islamische und andere soziale und politische Bewegungen in der Arabischen Welt
RP-4 Die Arabische Welt und das Internet
- 140197 SE The Arab World Online
Alternative Pflichtmodulgruppe - Schwerpunkt: Arabische Sprache
AS-1 Arabische Dialektologie
- 140199 VU Arabic Dialects in Southwest Asia
AS-2 Ausgewählte Themen der modernen arabischen Schriftsprache
AS-3 Ausgewählte philologische Themen des Arabischen in diachroner Perspektive
- 140200 SE Arabic Philology - Translation Literature
AS-4 Die Arabische Welt und das Internet
- 140197 SE The Arab World Online
Alternative Pflichtmodulgruppe - Schwerpunkt: Sprache und Kultur Südarabiens
KS-1 Altsüdarabische Sprache
- 140047 VO [ en ] Introduction into Epigraphic South Arabic I
KS-2 Sabäistik
KS-3 Südarabien in Vergangenheit und Gegenwart
- 140009 VU [ en ] South Arabian History and Archaeology
KS-4 Modernes Südarabien
- 140090 SE [ en ] Seminar in Modern South Arabian Studies
WM-1 Arabische Populärkultur
- 140236 SE [ en ] Arabic Popular Culture: Dimensions, Analyses, and Sources
WM-2 Medien und Mediensprache in der Arabischen Welt
WM-3 Kulturgeschichte der Arabischen Welt
WM-4 Arabische Welt und nichtarabische Regionalmächte
WM-5 Sicherheitspolitik in der Arabischen Welt
WM-6 Die Arabische Welt im transnationalen Kontext
WM-7 Wirtschaft der Arabischen Welt
WM-8 Moderne arabische Schriftsprache: Konversation und Übersetzung
- 140235 UE Arabic Conversation
WM-9 Medienarabisch: Hörverständnis, Analyse
- 140250 UE [ ar en ] Listening Comprehension and Analysis of Current Media Texts in the Fields of Politics and Society
WM-10 Epigraphik, Paläographie und Kalligraphie
WM-11 Klassisch-Arabische Sprache
- 140016 UE Arabic National Grammar - Die philosophischen Reime des Sabzawari und die Alfiyya des Ibn Malik
WM-12 Afroasiatische Sprache (Amharisch, Aramäisch, Sabäisch usw.)
- 140231 VO Amharic I
- 140232 VO Amharic II
WM-13 Regionaler oder thematischer Schwerpunkt: Workshop oder Exkursion
WM-14 Minderheiten in der Arabischen Welt
WM-15 Kunst und Architektur in der Arabischen Welt
- 080099 SE Seminar: Palace Architecture in Islamic Countries - Forms and Functions from the Medieval to the Early Modern Periods
WM-16 Aktuelle Diskussionen in der Arabischen Welt
WM-17 Arabischer Dialekt
- 140024 UE Arabic Dialect B: Tunisian - Arabic
- 140028 VO Arabic Dialect - Course C: Egyptian Arabic
- 140290 UE Arabic Dialect D: Egyptian Arabic
- 140292 VO Arabic Dialect A: Tunisian Arabic
WM-18 Islam in der Arabischen Welt und darüber hinaus
- 140192 VU Islam: Phenomena, Developments and Analyses I
- 140195 VU Islam: Phenomena, Developments and Analyses II
WM-19 Arabisch-islamisches Erbe
- 140196 SE Texts from Arab-Islamic Tradition
WM-20 Islamische und andere soziale und politische Bewegungen in der Arabischen Welt
WM-21 Arabische Dialektologie
- 140199 VU Arabic Dialects in Southwest Asia
WM-22 Ausgewählte Themen der modernen arabischen Schriftsprache
WM-23 Ausgewählte philologische Themen des Arabischen in diachroner Perspektive
- 140200 SE Arabic Philology - Translation Literature
WM-24 Altsüdarabische Sprache
- 140047 VO [ en ] Introduction into Epigraphic South Arabic I
WM-25 Sabäistik
WM-26 Südarabien in Vergangenheit und Gegenwart
- 140009 VU [ en ] South Arabian History and Archaeology
WM-27 Modernes Südarabien
- 140090 SE [ en ] Seminar in Modern South Arabian Studies
- 140029 SE Master Coaching Seminar
Arabic Studies
a. Required Modules
1.1. History and Cultural History of the Arab World I
1.2. Arabic Language and Literature I
- 140200 SE Arabic Philology - Translation Literature
1.3. Dialectology
- 140199 VU Arabic Dialects in Southwest Asia
1.4. Classic Arabic Language
- 140016 UE Arabic National Grammar - Die philosophischen Reime des Sabzawari und die Alfiyya des Ibn Malik
b. Alternative Required Modules
APM Media or History of Arabic Script
- 140250 UE [ ar en ] Listening Comprehension and Analysis of Current Media Texts in the Fields of Politics and Society
APM Semitic Languages or Islam Religion
- 140231 VO Amharic I
- 140232 VO Amharic II
c. Language, Literatue and Media in the Arab World
1.1. Language and Institutions of Arab Media
- 140250 UE [ ar en ] Listening Comprehension and Analysis of Current Media Texts in the Fields of Politics and Society
1.2. Current Trends in Culture, Politics and Religion
- 140236 SE [ en ] Arabic Popular Culture: Dimensions, Analyses, and Sources
1.3. Group of Elective Modules
- 140200 SE Arabic Philology - Translation Literature
d. Language and Culture of South Arabia
1.1. Ancient South Arab Language
- 140047 VO [ en ] Introduction into Epigraphic South Arabic I
1.2. South Arabia, Past and Present
- 140009 VU [ en ] South Arabian History and Archaeology
1.3. Sabean Studies
1.4. Alternative Required Module
- 140090 SE [ en ] Seminar in Modern South Arabian Studies
e. Master-Module
- 140029 SE Master Coaching Seminar
Islamic Studies
a. Required Modules
1.1. History of Ideas
1.2. Islamic Law
1.3. Modern Islam I
- 140192 VU Islam: Phenomena, Developments and Analyses I
- 140195 VU Islam: Phenomena, Developments and Analyses II
1.4. Language and Institutions of Arab Media
- 140250 UE [ ar en ] Listening Comprehension and Analysis of Current Media Texts in the Fields of Politics and Society
1.5. Islam in the Non-Arab World
1.6. Older Islam I
- 140196 SE Texts from Arab-Islamic Tradition
1.7. Classic Arabic Language
- 140016 UE Arabic National Grammar - Die philosophischen Reime des Sabzawari und die Alfiyya des Ibn Malik
b. Alternative Required Module
APM Islam on the Internet
- 140250 UE [ ar en ] Listening Comprehension and Analysis of Current Media Texts in the Fields of Politics and Society
APM Media
- 140250 UE [ ar en ] Listening Comprehension and Analysis of Current Media Texts in the Fields of Politics and Society
c. Group of Elective Modules
WM Modern Islam II (8 ECTS)
WM Regional Specialisation (16 ECTS)
WM Older Islam II (8 ECTS)
- 140196 SE Texts from Arab-Islamic Tradition
d. Module of Interest
e. Master-Module
- 140029 SE Master Coaching Seminar
Turkish Studies
a. Required Modules
1.1. Ottoman Literature I
- 140007 VO History of Ottoman Literature
- 140173 UE Reading Ottoman Poetry I
1.2. Ottoman Literature II
1.3. Ottoman Palaeography and Diplomatics
- 140162 UE Ottoman Palaeography and Diplomatics I
1.4. Ottoman-Historical Module I
- 140160 VO Turkish Regional Studies I: Fiefs and Military Organization
- 140165 SE Ottoman-Historical Seminar
1.5. Ottoman-Historical Module II
1.6. Turkish and Turkic Languages, Past and Present
1.7. Modern Turkish, Literature and Language
- 140044 UE Reading difficult Texts
- 140416 SE Seminar on Turkish Linguistics
1.8. Theoretical and Methodological Advanced Studies
b. Master-Module
- 140402 SE Master Coaching Seminar
C. Extension Curricula Oriental Studies
Arabic Culture and Language (30 ECTS)
- 140008 VO Political History of the Arab-Islamic Near East - from the beginnings of Islam to the present
- 140022 VO Gender Studies / Muslim World
- 140050 VO Basic Course in Arabic 1
- 140183 VO Modern Arabic Politics and Society (Modern Arab History 1)
- 140312 VO Cultural and Economic Geography of the Near East and North Africa
Islam History and Religion (30 ECTS) (142)
- 140008 VO Political History of the Arab-Islamic Near East - from the beginnings of Islam to the present
- 140022 VO Gender Studies / Muslim World
- 140183 VO Modern Arabic Politics and Society (Modern Arab History 1)
Religion and Politics in the Middle East and North Africa (15 ECTS) (642)
RPAR-1 Ausgewählte Themen der modernen Orientforschung (6 ECTS)
- 140022 VO Gender Studies / Muslim World
RPAR-2 Studies of Religions
RPAR-2 Studies of Religions
Turkish History, Literature and Culture History (15 ECTS) (640)
EC-TU-1 PM Turkish cultural history within the framework of the civilisations of Asia Minor
- 140001 VO ( STEOP ) STEOP: Introduction to Oriental Studies
- 140312 VO Cultural and Economic Geography of the Near East and North Africa
EC-TU-2 PM Aspects of Turkish history past and present
- 140022 VO Gender Studies / Muslim World
- 140053 VO History of the Republic of Turkey
Language and Culture of the Arab World (15 ECTS) (643)
SKAR-1 Kultur- und Wirtschaftsgeographie des Vorderen Orients und Nordafrikas
SKAR-2 Geistes- und Kulturgeschichte
- 140008 VO Political History of the Arab-Islamic Near East - from the beginnings of Islam to the present
SKAR-3 Arabische Sprache
- 140050 VO Basic Course in Arabic 1
14.03. South Asian, Tibetan and Buddhist Studies
A. Bachelor Degree Programme - Languages and Culture of South Asia and Tibet
1. Orientation Period
- 140091 VO ( STEOP ) Introduction to Indology
- 140136 VO ( STEOP ) Introduction to Buddhist and Tibetan Studies
- 140344 VO ( STEOP ) Introduction to Modern South Asian Studies
M1: Introduction to the Degree Programme in "Languages and Culture of South Asia and Tibet"
- EXAM STEOP: Module examination Introduction to Tibetology and Buddhist Studies
- EXAM STEOP: Module examination Introduction to Modern South Asian Studies
- EXAM STEOP: Module Examination Introduction to Indology
2. Group of Required Modules - Fields of Work
M3: Introduction to Selected Fields of Indology
M4: Introduction to Selected Fields of Tibetology and Buddhist Studies
M5: Introduction to Selected Fields of Modern South Asian Studies
3. Required Module incl. Bachelor's Papers
M18: Advanced Module on Philology and Culture Studies of South Asia and Tibet
4. Alternative Groups of Required Modules
4.1. APMG - First Language
A1: APMG - Sanskrit as First Language
- 140095 UE Introduction to Classical Sanskrit I - Additional Practice
- 140376 VO+UE Introduction to Classical Sanskrit I
- 140094 VO+UE Classical Sanskrit for Advanced Students
B1: APMG - Classical Tibetan as First Language
- 140089 UE Introduction to Classical Tibetan I - Additional Practice
- 140329 VO+UE Introduction to Classical Tibetan I
- 140158 UE The Notes of the Vth Dalai Lama on the Samantabhadra-'Chams
- 140284 UE [ de en ] Commentaries on Dharmakirti’s Pramanavarttika: Selected readings
C1: APMG - Modern Indian Language as First Language
- 140257 UE Introduction to Hindi I - additional practice (parallel course)
- 140280 VO+UE Introduction to Hindi I
- 140366 UE Introduction to Hindi I - additional practice
- 140079 UE [ en ne ] Easy Nepali Readings
- 140171 UE [ de en ne ] Advanced Nepali Grammar
- 140103 UE [ en hi ] Hindi Literature in Indian TV Serials: R.K. Narayan and Malgudi Days
4.2. APMG - Second Language
A2: APMG - Sanskrit as Second Language
- 140095 UE Introduction to Classical Sanskrit I - Additional Practice
- 140376 VO+UE Introduction to Classical Sanskrit I
B2: APMG - Classical Tibetan as Second Language
- 140089 UE Introduction to Classical Tibetan I - Additional Practice
- 140329 VO+UE Introduction to Classical Tibetan I
C2: APMG - Modern Indian Language as Second Language
- 140257 UE Introduction to Hindi I - additional practice (parallel course)
- 140280 VO+UE Introduction to Hindi I
- 140366 UE Introduction to Hindi I - additional practice
D2: APMG - Modern Tibetan as Second Language
- 140078 VO+UE Introduction to Modern Tibetan I
- 140140 UE Introduction to Modern Tibetan I - Additional Practice
5. Group of Elective Modules - Cultural History
M9: Basics of Cultural History A
- 140194 VO [ en ] The Four Truths in Buddhist Thought
- 140201 VO The National Independence Movement of India
- 140263 VO [ en ] Tibet and the Non-Tibetan World
M10: Basics of Cultural History B
- 140345 PS What is the significance of dance in India?
- 140246 PS Student Movements in India
- 140153 PS Life Stories of Tibetan Masters
- 070024 PS BA-Proseminar - 19th Century in South Asia
M13: Culture - Language - Society A
M14: Culture - Language - Society B
6. Group of Elective Modules - Applied Cultural Studies
M15a: Field Trip
M15b: Regional Cultures
- 140307 UE Adivasis in India
- 080021 UE+EX B220 EX + UE Fields of Research: Indian Places of Worship in Vienna
M16a: Advanced Module on Classical Sanskrit as Second Language
- 140094 VO+UE Classical Sanskrit for Advanced Students
M16b: Advanced Module on Classical Tibetan as Second Language
- 140158 UE The Notes of the Vth Dalai Lama on the Samantabhadra-'Chams
- 140284 UE [ de en ] Commentaries on Dharmakirti’s Pramanavarttika: Selected readings
M16c: Advanced Module on a Modern Indian Language as Second Language
- 140079 UE [ en ne ] Easy Nepali Readings
- 140171 UE [ de en ne ] Advanced Nepali Grammar
M16d: Advanced Module on Modern Tibetan as Second Language
- 140156 UE [ bo ] Modern Tibetan for Advanced Students
- 140182 UE [ bo ] Modern Tibetan Texts
B. Master Degree Programmes in South Asian, Tibetan and Buddhist Studies
Culture and Society in Modern South Asia
PM 1 Gesellschaft des modernen Südasien
PM 2 Grundlagen der Kultur- und Geistesgeschichte des modernen Südasien
- 140201 VO The National Independence Movement of India
- 140234 UE Kashmir: History, Social Structures and Cultures
APM 3A Kulturwissenschaft des modernen Südasien in der Praxis
- 140181 UE Nehru's View of History
- 140093 UE Gateway India. German Speaking Exile in British India 1933-1947
- 080021 UE+EX B220 EX + UE Fields of Research: Indian Places of Worship in Vienna
APM 3B Neuindische Sprache in der Praxis
- 140079 UE [ en ne ] Easy Nepali Readings
- 140171 UE [ de en ne ] Advanced Nepali Grammar
PM 4 Geschichte des modernen Südasien
APM 5A Grundlagen der Gegenwartskulturen in Südasien
APM 5B Südasien in globalen Kontexten
PM 6 Sprachen des modernen Südasien in der Praxis
PM 7 Sprachliche Traditionen des modernen Südasien
PM 8 Masterkonversatorium
Culture and Society of Modern South Asia
a. Required Modules
M1: Modern South Asian Society
M2: Basics of the History of Culture and Ideas of Modern South Asia
- 140201 VO The National Independence Movement of India
- 140234 UE Kashmir: History, Social Structures and Cultures
M3: Modern South Asian Cultural Studies in practice
- 140171 UE [ de en ne ] Advanced Nepali Grammar
- 140079 UE [ en ne ] Easy Nepali Readings
- 140181 UE Nehru's View of History
- 140093 UE Gateway India. German Speaking Exile in British India 1933-1947
- 080021 UE+EX B220 EX + UE Fields of Research: Indian Places of Worship in Vienna
M4: Modern South Asian History
M7: Modern South Asian Languages in practice
M8: Linguistic Traditions of Modern South Asia
b. Alternatively Required Modules
APM5: Basics of Contemporary South Asian Cultures
APM6: Cultures of the Larger Cultural Area
c. Master-Module
M9: Master's Colloquium
M10: Master's Thesis
M11: Master's Examination
Languages and Cultures of South Asia
a. Required Modules
M1: Language, Literature, and Religion of the Vedic Cultural Period
M2: Aspects of the History of Language, Literature, Religion, and Philosophy in South Asia
- 140107 UE [ en ] Practice and theory of Sanskrit verses: the twelve most used metrical structures
- 140241 VO Indian Ideas of God
b. Alternatively Required Modules 3: Philology and Textual Hermeneutics
APM3a: Philology and Textual Hermeneutics in the Field of the Philosophical-Religious Traditions of South Asia I
- 140098 UE Selected Puranic Texts on Forest Hermits and Renouncers
- 140371 UE Concepts of the soul in Shaiva Tantra: a reading of Kiranatantra 1-3
APM3b: Ancient Indian Language Varieties and Literary Genres
c. Required Modules
M4: Language, Literature, Religion, and Philosophy of the non-Brahmanical Traditions of Premedieval South Asia
M5: Language, Literature, Religion, and Philosophy of the Classical and Medieval Cultural Periods of South Asia
d. Elective Module Group 6
M6 (PR): Philology, Textual Hermeneutics, and Cultural History for the Focus "Philosophies and Religions of South Asia" - M6a or M6c or M6d
M6 (SL): Philology, Textual Hermeneutics, and Cultural History for the Focus "Languages and Literatures of South Asia" - M6b or M6c or M6d
e. Required Module
M7: Language, Literature, Religion, and Philosophy of Modern South Asia
f. Master-Module
Alternative Required Module 8
Required Module
Tibetan and Buddhist Studies
a. Required Modules
M1: Philology and Methods
- 140245 UE "Empti[ness] of Other" (gzhan stong) in the Karma bKa 'brgyud Tradition
- 140305 UE Gos Lo tsa ba gZhon nu dpal's Mahamudra Interpretation of the Ratnagotravibhaga
M2: Textual Hermeneutics
b. Alternative Required Module 3
APM3a: Introduction to an Additional Language of the Cultural Area of Buddhism
- 140078 VO+UE Introduction to Modern Tibetan I
- 140140 UE Introduction to Modern Tibetan I - Additional Practice
- 140257 UE Introduction to Hindi I - additional practice (parallel course)
- 140280 VO+UE Introduction to Hindi I
- 140366 UE Introduction to Hindi I - additional practice
APM3b: Advanced Philology
- 140082 UE Historiographical accounts of eminent Buddhist scholars
- 140098 UE Selected Puranic Texts on Forest Hermits and Renouncers
- 140107 UE [ en ] Practice and theory of Sanskrit verses: the twelve most used metrical structures
- 140130 UE Introduction to scientific Sanskrit literature: Bhagavadgita with commentaries
- 140225 UE Introduction to Classical Chinese - The Lotus-Sutra
- 140243 UE Candrakirtis Madhyamakavatarabhasya: Philological Problems
- 140371 UE Concepts of the soul in Shaiva Tantra: a reading of Kiranatantra 1-3
c. Required Modules
M4: Special Lecture on Tibetan and Buddhist Studies
M5: Philosophical-Religious Traditions of Tibet and Buddhism I
M6: Literature, History, and Culture of Tibet and Buddhism
M7: Philosophical-Religious Traditions of Tibet and Buddhism II
- 140287 SE [ en ] Selected readings from the Mi-dbang rtogs-brjod
- 140311 SE The self understanding of Buddhist philosophy. - Selected passages from Kamalasila's Tattvasamgrahapanjika
d. Master-Module
M8: Master's Colloquium in Tibetan and Buddhist Studies
- 140085 SE PhD Seminar in Tibetan and Buddhist Studies
- 140259 KO [ en ] Colloquium in Tibetan and Buddhist Studies for Advanced Students
M9: Master's Thesis in Tibetan and Buddhist Studies
M10: Master's Examination in Tibetan and Buddhist Studies
D. Extension Curricula
Modern Indian Language (641)
M1 Modern Indian Language I
- 140257 UE Introduction to Hindi I - additional practice (parallel course)
- 140280 VO+UE Introduction to Hindi I
- 140366 UE Introduction to Hindi I - additional practice
M2 Modern Indian Language II
South Asian Studies, Tibetology and Buddhist Studies (145)
M1 Basics of Contemporary South Asian Cultures
M2 Basics of Philosophy, Religion and Culture of Tibet
M3 Basics of Philosophy, Religion and Culture of Buddhism
South Asian Studies (146)
M1 Introduction to South Asian Studies
- 140091 VO ( STEOP ) Introduction to Indology
- 140344 VO ( STEOP ) Introduction to Modern South Asian Studies
M2 Basics of Cultural History
Tibetology and Buddhist Studies (147)
M1 Introduction to Tibetology and Buddhist Studies
- 140136 VO ( STEOP ) Introduction to Buddhist and Tibetan Studies
M2 Basics of Cultural History
- 140194 VO [ en ] The Four Truths in Buddhist Thought
- 140263 VO [ en ] Tibet and the Non-Tibetan World
14.04. Development Studies
A. Bachelor Degree Programme in Development Studies
01. Orientation Period - StEOP
02. Module Introduction to Scientific Writing
03. Module Sociological Aspects of Development Studies
04. Module Political Aspects of Development Studies
- 140252 VO EC - KP1 - Introduction to Political Science from the Perspective of International Development
05. Module Introduction to Development Economics
06. Module Development Studies in Historical Context
07. Module Introduction to Development Studies
- 140325 AG EC - EF2 - Introduction to Development Studies
- 140326 AG EC - EF2 - Introduction to Development Studies
08. Module Introduction to Development Policy and Development Cooperation
09. Module Fields of Practice and Occupation
10. Module Regional Geographic / Thematic In-Depth Studies
- 140061 VO ( NR ) Global Commodity Chains
- 140064 VO [ de en ] ( SGU ) VM1 / VM2 - Degrowth - Between Utopia and Practice: Degrowth - Pulling out of the dead end?
- 140444 VO RTV / VM7 - One out of Five - Interdisciplinary lecture series focusing on Violence on Women and Children
- 240509 VO [ de en ] The Arctic and Subarctic from the Middle Ages to the Present (P3)
- 290032 RV Lecture Series: Globaler Wandel - Global Understanding
- 230035 VO The ecological crisis from an multidisciplinary perspective
11. Module Transdisciplinary Development Research
- 140288 VO EC - TEF A - Transdisciplinary Development Research - Problemformulierung, Problembearbeitung, Umsetzung
12. Bachelor Module
B. Master Degree Programme in Development Studies
01. Compulsory Module 1: Principles of Development Research
- 140369 VO GM1 - Principles of Development Research
- 140347 KU GM2 - Development Policy and Development Cooperation Architecture
- 140375 KU GM2 - Development Policy and Development Cooperation Architecture
- 140377 KU GM2 - Development Policy and Development Cooperation Architecture
- 140058 KU GM2 - Development Policy and Development Cooperation Architecture
- 140348 KU GM3 - Development Theories and Paradigms from a Transdisciplinary Perspective
- 140379 KU GM3 - Development Theories and Paradigms from a Transdisciplinary Perspective - Feminist theory in intercultural perspective
- 140380 KU [ de en ] GM3 - Development Theories and Paradigms from a Transdisciplinary Perspective
- 140059 KU [ de en ] GM3 - Development Theories and Paradigms from a Transdisciplinary Perspective
- 140364 VO GM4 - Theories of Science and Critique of Scientific Practices
02. Compulsory Module 2: Methods of Development Research
- 140349 UE MM1 - Methods of Quantitative Research
- 140351 UE MM1 - Methods of Quantitative Research
- 140381 UE MM1 - Methods of Quantitative Research
- 140062 UE MM1 - Methods of Quantitative Research
- 140063 UE [ de en ] MM2 - Methods of Qualitative Research
- 140352 UE MM2 - Methods of Qualitative Research
- 140353 UE MM2 - Methods of Qualitative Research - Practical guide for qualitative interviews, observation and ethnography
- 140358 UE MM2 - Methods of Qualitative Research - Introduction to choice of method, data generation and data analysis
03. Emphasis Transdisciplinary Development Research
Emphasis 1: Political aspects of development research (VM1)
- 140401 SE ( MOB ) VM1 / VM3 - Transnational Movements - Islamism and post-Islamism
- 140372 SE [ en ] ( SGU ) VM1 / VM7 - Gender as a governing code in and organising principle of World Politics
- 140360 SE VM1 / VM5 - New Right and Fascism - from a Global Perspective
- 140073 SE [ en ] ( SGU ) VM4 / VM1 - Rwanda's Development(s) Revisted
- 140139 SE ( SGU ) VM7 / VM1 - Decolonizing Gender - Queering Race - Postcolonial and queer perspectives on the intersectionalities of constructions of race, gender and sexuality
- 140384 SE [ en ] ( SGU ) VM7 / VM1 - Negotiating Multipolarity - Gender Politics in an International World
- 140362 SE [ en ] ( SGU ) VM8 / VM1 - Global Health and Development
- 010089 SE Living and learning from refugees - Practical-Theological reflections on Aid for refugees
- 140076 SE "On Kings": Historical Anthropology, Anarchist Anthropology?
- 420013 SE Dissertation SE / VM5 / VM1 - Indigeneity - rechtliche, historische und politische Aspekte eines erfolgreichen Konzepts
- 140411 VO+UE [ de en ] ( SGU ) VM7 / VM1 - Between Global Imperatives and Local Demands - Effecting Transnational Gender Politics
- 140365 VO+UE ( NR ) VM1 / VM2 - Commodities and Development - Sustainable resource-based development : debates, conflicts, strategies
- 140214 VO+UE ( NR ) VM3 / VM1 - Energy as global uneven society-nature relation
- 140064 VO [ de en ] ( SGU ) VM1 / VM2 - Degrowth - Between Utopia and Practice: Degrowth - Pulling out of the dead end?
- 140075 VO VM5 / VM1 - Panafricanism - Grundlagen, Spielarten, Möglichkeiten und Grenzen
- 140060 VO ( SGU ) Inequality - Questions, History, Cases
- 140061 VO ( NR ) Global Commodity Chains
- 290002 VO Environmental Problems, Use of Resources and Aspects of Sustainable Development in Asia
- 230035 VO The ecological crisis from an multidisciplinary perspective
Emphasis 2: Economic aspects of development research (VM2)
- 140152 SE ( NR ) VM2 / VM3 - The Sociology of mining in Africa - power, networks and institutions
- 140533 SE ( SGU ) VM2 / VM6 - Dependent Development, Capitalism, and Crises - Processes of Integration and Disintegration in Europe
- 140134 SE [ en ] ( SGU ) VM1/ VM2 - International Environment and Economic Development - Globalization and its implications, financial crises, trade liberalization, migration, foreign aid
- 140365 VO+UE ( NR ) VM1 / VM2 - Commodities and Development - Sustainable resource-based development : debates, conflicts, strategies
- 140256 VO+UE [ en ] VM2 / VM5 - Financialization - A Global Perspective
- 140064 VO [ de en ] ( SGU ) VM1 / VM2 - Degrowth - Between Utopia and Practice: Degrowth - Pulling out of the dead end?
- 140060 VO ( SGU ) Inequality - Questions, History, Cases
- 140061 VO ( NR ) Global Commodity Chains
- 290002 VO Environmental Problems, Use of Resources and Aspects of Sustainable Development in Asia
Emphasis 3: Sociological Aspects of Development Research
- 140065 SE ( MOB ) VM3 / VM2 - Approaches to and perspectives on 'ethnic' economy and migrant entrepreneurship
- 140401 SE ( MOB ) VM1 / VM3 - Transnational Movements - Islamism and post-Islamism
- 140152 SE ( NR ) VM2 / VM3 - The Sociology of mining in Africa - power, networks and institutions
- 140217 SE [ de en ] ( SGU ) VM6 / VM3 - Transnationalisation and Regionalisation - Social, Political, Economic and Cultural Dimensions in Europe
- 140244 SE VM3 / VM4 - Michel Foucault: Knowledge, Power, and Resistance I
- 140138 SE "Africa" on the move - debates on "Mobility", "Transnationality" and "Diaspora"
- 140410 VO+UE [ en ] ( MOB ) VM3 / VM4 - Knowledge production in social sciences perspectives on, from and in the Global South
- 140370 VO+UE ( MOB ) VM3 / VM4 - Flight and Empowerment: Reconstructions and Enlargements
- 140412 VO+UE ( MOB ) VM3 / VM7 - Asylum, Migration, Intersectionality
- 140249 VO+UE VM3 / VM4 - Responsible Behaviour in Science
- 140214 VO+UE ( NR ) VM3 / VM1 - Energy as global uneven society-nature relation
- 140077 KU Sports and Leisure in Africa
- 140226 PS Africa's Involuntary Travellers - Migration, Flight, and Asylum in the 20th and 21st Century
- 140061 VO ( NR ) Global Commodity Chains
- 140060 VO ( SGU ) Inequality - Questions, History, Cases
- 230035 VO The ecological crisis from an multidisciplinary perspective
Emphasis 4: Cultural Studies Aspects of Development Research
- 140373 SE ( SGU ) VM4 / VM7 - Postcolonialism and representation
- 140073 SE [ en ] ( SGU ) VM4 / VM1 - Rwanda's Development(s) Revisted
- 140244 SE VM3 / VM4 - Michel Foucault: Knowledge, Power, and Resistance I
- 010089 SE Living and learning from refugees - Practical-Theological reflections on Aid for refugees
- 140138 SE "Africa" on the move - debates on "Mobility", "Transnationality" and "Diaspora"
- 140370 VO+UE ( MOB ) VM3 / VM4 - Flight and Empowerment: Reconstructions and Enlargements
- 140410 VO+UE [ en ] ( MOB ) VM3 / VM4 - Knowledge production in social sciences perspectives on, from and in the Global South
- 140394 VO+UE [ en ] ( SGU ) VM6 / VM4 - Staging the pre-modern other in post-colonial tourist space - A critical exploration of ‘happy peasants’, ‘noble savages’ and imperial discourse in volunteering abroad
- 140249 VO+UE VM3 / VM4 - Responsible Behaviour in Science
- 140234 UE Kashmir: History, Social Structures and Cultures
- 140060 VO ( SGU ) Inequality - Questions, History, Cases
- 140061 VO ( NR ) Global Commodity Chains
- 140149 VO [ en ] African Women's Writing and African Feminism
Emphasis 5: Historical Aspects of Development Research
- 140360 SE VM1 / VM5 - New Right and Fascism - from a Global Perspective
- 140073 SE [ en ] ( SGU ) VM4 / VM1 - Rwanda's Development(s) Revisted
- 420013 SE Dissertation SE / VM5 / VM1 - Indigeneity - rechtliche, historische und politische Aspekte eines erfolgreichen Konzepts
- 140076 SE "On Kings": Historical Anthropology, Anarchist Anthropology?
- 140387 VO+UE [ de en ] ( NR ) VM5 / VM8 - Change through Negotiating - Understanding through Experience - simulating an international conference for sustainable development in all of its aspects
- 140256 VO+UE [ en ] VM2 / VM5 - Financialization - A Global Perspective
- 140077 KU Sports and Leisure in Africa
- 140075 VO VM5 / VM1 - Panafricanism - Grundlagen, Spielarten, Möglichkeiten und Grenzen
- 140061 VO ( NR ) Global Commodity Chains
- 140060 VO ( SGU ) Inequality - Questions, History, Cases
- 240509 VO [ de en ] The Arctic and Subarctic from the Middle Ages to the Present (P3)
- 150102 SE [ en ] The so-called ‚comfort women‘ of the Japanese Imperial Army (M3) - in Taiwan and China in and after World War II
Emphasis 6: Geographic and Regional Aspects of Development Research
- 140533 SE ( SGU ) VM2 / VM6 - Dependent Development, Capitalism, and Crises - Processes of Integration and Disintegration in Europe
- 140217 SE [ de en ] ( SGU ) VM6 / VM3 - Transnationalisation and Regionalisation - Social, Political, Economic and Cultural Dimensions in Europe
- 140253 SE [ en ] ( SGU ) VM6 / VM8 - Globalisation, Emerging and Re-Emerging infectious and zoonatic Diseases - Preparedness for, response and control of disease outbreaks, epidemics, and pandemics, in the context of climate change, globalization, and gaps in health systems
- 140394 VO+UE [ en ] ( SGU ) VM6 / VM4 - Staging the pre-modern other in post-colonial tourist space - A critical exploration of ‘happy peasants’, ‘noble savages’ and imperial discourse in volunteering abroad
- 140226 PS Africa's Involuntary Travellers - Migration, Flight, and Asylum in the 20th and 21st Century
- 150033 SE [ en ] Strategic Gaming (M3)
- 140234 UE Kashmir: History, Social Structures and Cultures
- 140061 VO ( NR ) Global Commodity Chains
- 140060 VO ( SGU ) Inequality - Questions, History, Cases
- 240509 VO [ de en ] The Arctic and Subarctic from the Middle Ages to the Present (P3)
- 290032 RV Lecture Series: Globaler Wandel - Global Understanding
Emphasis 7: Gender-specific Aspects of Development Research
- 140384 SE [ en ] ( SGU ) VM7 / VM1 - Negotiating Multipolarity - Gender Politics in an International World
- 140139 SE ( SGU ) VM7 / VM1 - Decolonizing Gender - Queering Race - Postcolonial and queer perspectives on the intersectionalities of constructions of race, gender and sexuality
- 140372 SE [ en ] ( SGU ) VM1 / VM7 - Gender as a governing code in and organising principle of World Politics
- 140373 SE ( SGU ) VM4 / VM7 - Postcolonialism and representation
- 140411 VO+UE [ de en ] ( SGU ) VM7 / VM1 - Between Global Imperatives and Local Demands - Effecting Transnational Gender Politics
- 140412 VO+UE ( MOB ) VM3 / VM7 - Asylum, Migration, Intersectionality
- 030504 KU Applied Social Psychology for Legal Experts
- 140060 VO ( SGU ) Inequality - Questions, History, Cases
- 140061 VO ( NR ) Global Commodity Chains
- 140444 VO RTV / VM7 - One out of Five - Interdisciplinary lecture series focusing on Violence on Women and Children
- 140149 VO [ en ] African Women's Writing and African Feminism
- 150102 SE [ en ] The so-called ‚comfort women‘ of the Japanese Imperial Army (M3) - in Taiwan and China in and after World War II
Emphasis 8: Areas of Practice and Applied Development Cooperation
- 140362 SE [ en ] ( SGU ) VM8 / VM1 - Global Health and Development
- 140253 SE [ en ] ( SGU ) VM6 / VM8 - Globalisation, Emerging and Re-Emerging infectious and zoonatic Diseases - Preparedness for, response and control of disease outbreaks, epidemics, and pandemics, in the context of climate change, globalization, and gaps in health systems
- 140395 VO+UE VM8 - How to draft project proposals
- 140135 VO+UE VM8 - Monitoring and Evaluation in International Development Co-operation
- 140387 VO+UE [ de en ] ( NR ) VM5 / VM8 - Change through Negotiating - Understanding through Experience - simulating an international conference for sustainable development in all of its aspects
- 230213 TR Project Management and Evaluation
- 140061 VO ( NR ) Global Commodity Chains
- 140060 VO ( SGU ) Inequality - Questions, History, Cases
Emphasis 9: Transdisciplinary free elected Modul
- 230210 KU Job Orientation I
- 230211 TR Communication Culture at Universities and at Work I
- 230212 UE Basics of Social Network Analysis I
04. Transdisciplinary Research Module
- 140161 FS ( SGU ) FM1 - Research Seminar (Part 1) - Research Design - Anti-Racism: Practices and Approaches
- 140066 FS ( MOB ) FM1 - Research Seminar (Part 1) - Research Design - Flight/Causes and Asylum/Policies
- 140071 FS ( MOB ) FM1 - Research Seminar (Part 1) - Research Design - After the flight. Research based theater beetween exit, arrival and recognition
- 140399 FS ( NR ) FM1 - Research Seminar (Part 1) - Research Design - Research Workshop Alternative (Regional) Development
- 140176 FS [ de en ] FM2 - Research Seminar (Part 2) - Realisation
- 140072 FS FM2 - Research Seminar (Part 2) - Realisation
- 140172 FS FM2 - Research Seminar (Part 2) - Realisation
- 140174 FS FM2 - Research Seminar (Part 2) - Realisation
05. Master Module
- 140406 MAKU Master Course
- 140405 MAKU Master Course
- 140403 MAKU Master Course
- 140404 KU Writing Seminar
C. Extension Curriculum: Internationale Development - Basics (149)
01. EC - EF1 - Introduction to International Development
02. EC - KS1 - Introduction to Development Sociology
03. EC - KP1 - Political Aspects of International Development
- 140252 VO EC - KP1 - Introduction to Political Science from the Perspective of International Development
04. EC - KW1 - Introduction to Development Economy
05. EC - KG1 - International Development in a Historical Context
D. Extension Curriculum: Internationale Development - Advanced (140)
01. EC - EZ1 - Development Policy and Development Cooperation
02. EC - TEF A - Transdisciplinary Development Research
- 140288 VO EC - TEF A - Transdisciplinary Development Research - Problemformulierung, Problembearbeitung, Umsetzung
02. EC - EF2 - Consortium: Introduction to International Development
- 140325 AG EC - EF2 - Introduction to Development Studies
- 140326 AG EC - EF2 - Introduction to Development Studies
E. Doctoral Program: Development Studies
- 140074 SE [ de en ] Dissertation Course
- 420013 SE Dissertation SE / VM5 / VM1 - Indigeneity - rechtliche, historische und politische Aspekte eines erfolgreichen Konzepts
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:40