41 - Doctoral Directorate of Studies Historical and Cultural Studies
Courses of Studies Programme 41
Interdisciplinary Courses
- 410002 SE Legacies - theoretical and methodological approaches to biographical material - Interdisciplinary Seminar for doctoral candidates
- 410003 SE Of things and people - Material culture in archaeological and art-historical contexts. Interdiscipinary seminar for doctoal candidates
- 410004 SE Norm, normality, normalism. Conceptual approaches to subjectivity, society, and culture. - Interdiscipinary seminar for doctoal candidates
- 410005 SE [ en ] Comparative Approaches to Urban, Spiritual, and Ethnic Communities - Asia aod Europe, 10th-15tb centuries
- 410006 FKO Colloquium - The Sciences in Historical, Philosophical and Cultural Contexts - Interdisciplinary seminar for doctoral candidates
- 410008 SE Kolloquium Feminist Theories. Interdisciplinary seminar for doctoral candidates - Interdisciplinary seminar for doctoral candidates
Seminars for DK-Students
- 410006 FKO Colloquium - The Sciences in Historical, Philosophical and Cultural Contexts - Interdisciplinary seminar for doctoral candidates
- 410007 SE Seminar DK Galizien
Courses of Studies Programme 6
Jewish Studies
- 060009 SE Dream in Rabbinic and modern literature and in Psychoanalysis
- 060011 SE Migration, Gender and Religon in contemporary israeli cinema
- 060015 SE Humor, Satire, Irony. From rabbinic texts to modern jokes - Privatissimum Rabbinische Texte
- 060021 SE Jewish Figures and Antisemitism in US-cinema from the 60ies - Master-preparation
- 060026 SE Early Christian Anti-Semitism
- 060027 SE Ancient Jewish Philosophie between Orient and Occident - The Sapiential Literature of Israel in its Context
- 060032 SE Jewish and Christian Biblical Interpretation in Antiquity, part 1
- 060041 SE Jewish counterculture in the USA
Prehistory and Historical Archaeology
- 060064 SE Seminar Theory and Methods of Prehistory and Historical Archaeology
- 060065 SE [ en ] Archaeological Prospection
- 060067 SE Continuity in Late Antiquity
- 060068 PV Privatissimum
- 060069 PV Privatissimum
- 060070 PV Privatissimum
- 060071 PV Privatissimum
- 060072 PV Privatissimum
- 060073 PV Privatissimum
- 060074 PV Privatissimum
- 060076 PV Privatissimum
- 060077 PV Privatissimum
- 060079 PV Privatissimum
- 060048 PV Seminar for Master and Doctoral Candidates, Privatissimum
- 060054 PV Seminar for Master and Doctoral Candidates, Privatissimum
Courses of Studies Programme 7
Courses of Studies Programme 8
European Ethnology
- 080010 IK M720 Colloquium:
- 080092 SE M210: Culture-History-Habitat: With Headphones on the Move
- 080123 VO+UE M120 Detailed Representations I:
- 080133 MK Master Course of Lectures - PhD Colloquium
Art History
- 080031 SE Research Seminar
- 080042 SE Research Seminar
- 080046 SE Research Seminar
- 080056 SE Research Seminar
- 080059 SE Research Seminar
- 080065 SE Research Seminar
- 080068 SE Research Seminar
- 080076 SE Research Seminar
- 080080 SE Research Seminar
- 080082 SE Research Seminar
- 080122 SE [ en ] Research Seminar
Courses of Studies Programme 9
Ancient History
Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies
Classical Archaeology
- 090078 PV Privatissimum
- 090108 SE Representing the divine: Images of divinities and their impact
courses of other faculties
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:40