41 - Doctoral Directorate of Studies Historical and Cultural Studies
Courses of Studies Programme 41
Interdisciplinary Courses
- 410001 FKO [ de en ] Colloquium - The Sciences in Historical, Philosophical and Cultural Contexts - Interdisciplinary seminar for doctoral candidates
- 410003 SE Methods of Text, Discourse and Image Analysis for Doctoral Candidates - Interdisciplinary seminar
- 410004 SE Kolloquium Feminist Theories. Interdisciplinary seminar for doctoral candidates - Interdisciplinary seminar for doctoral candidates
- 410005 SE Reforms in christian churches (Rome and Byzance) in Later middle Ages and Reformation of 1517 - Interdisciplinary seminar for doctoral candidates
- 410006 SE [ de en ] Transformation: Theories and Concepts for a history of politics, society, and culture - Interdisciplinary Seminar for Doctoral Candidates
- 410007 SE Between Communication Research and Contemporary History - The Case Study of National Socialist Print Media in Austria 1918-1938: Interdisciplinary seminar for doctoral candidates
- 410008 SE [ en ] Dimensions of History: From micro history to global history and back again - Interdisciplinary seminar for doctoral students
Seminars for DK-Students
- 410001 FKO [ de en ] Colloquium - The Sciences in Historical, Philosophical and Cultural Contexts - Interdisciplinary seminar for doctoral candidates
Courses of Studies Programme 6
Jewish Studies
- 060004 SE Medieval Texts
- 060005 SE Quo vadis, Judaistik?
- 060008 SE Gershom Scholem - Zionism and Kabbalah
- 060011 SE "Great Moments" in the Bible: Time - history - reception - The meaning of history in the Bible and rabbinic tradition: Block
- 060013 SE Jewish-Christian and Muslim dialogue and the meaning of peace
- 060015 SE Jewish and Christian Biblical Interpretation in Antiquity, part 2
- 060040 SE Modern Jewish Thought - An Introduction
- 060071 SE Zohar
Prehistory and Historical Archaeology
- 060067 SE [ de en ] The Archaeology of Identity
- 060069 SE Seminar Theory and Methods: Gold in History, technology and economy - Seminar in theory and practice of gold
- 060070 SE SE Prehistory: Bulgaria in the Bronze Age - Elites, Specialists and Social Differentiation
- 060072 SE SE Battlefield archaeology - "Schlachtfeldrelikte" - einst und jetzt
- 060073 PV Privatissimum
- 060075 PV [ de en ] Privatissimum
- 060076 PV Privatissimum
- 060077 PV Privatissimum
- 060078 PV Privatissimum
- 060079 PV Privatissimum
- 060081 PV Privatissimum 2
- 060082 PV Privatissimum
- 060083 PV Privatissimum
- 060084 PV Privatissimum
- 060085 PV Privatissimum
- 060086 PV Privatissimum
Courses of Studies Programme 7
Courses of Studies Programme 8
- 080031 SE Research Seminar
- 080037 SE Research Seminar
- 080042 SE Research Seminar
- 080046 SE Research Seminar
- 080056 SE Research Seminar
- 080057 SE Research Seminar
- 080068 SE Research Seminar
- 080076 SE Research Seminar
- 080080 SE Research Seminar
- 080082 SE Research Seminar
- 080089 SE Research Seminar
- 080122 SE [ en ] Research Seminar
European Ethnology
- 080019 IK M720 Colloquium: "Economic activity - in cultural science and other disciplines."
- 080123 VO+UE M420 Science Studies - Ethnography: From Ethnology to Heritage
Art History
- 080031 SE Research Seminar
- 080037 SE Research Seminar
- 080042 SE Research Seminar
- 080046 SE Research Seminar
- 080056 SE Research Seminar
- 080068 SE Research Seminar
- 080076 SE Research Seminar
- 080080 SE Research Seminar
- 080082 SE Research Seminar
- 080089 SE Research Seminar
- 080122 SE [ en ] Research Seminar
Courses of Studies Programme 9
Ancient History
Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies
Classical Archaeology
- 090001 VO Archaeological Evidence of Economics in the Roman Empire
- 090002 VO Stones and Potsherds in the Countryside - Survey Archaeology of the Eastern Mediterranean
- 090043 SE Delos in Hellenistic Times
- 090066 SE Rome’s Civil Wars. An Archaeology of Crisis
courses of other faculties
Last modified: Tu 12.06.2018 13:33