41 - Doctoral Directorate of Studies Historical and Cultural Studies
Interdisciplinary Courses
Interdisciplinary Courses
- 410001 SE On Concepts. - Approaches, Histories. Interdisciplinary Seminar for doctoral candidates
- 410002 SE [ de en ] Methodological Approaches to the Study of Europe and the Mediterranean (Late Antiquity, Middle Ages) - Interdisciplinary Seminar for Doctoral Candidates
- 410003 SE Doctoral College Galicia Doctoral Seminar
- 410004 SE [ de en ] People and Ideas of the Move: Interaction, Interconnection and Entanglement - Interdisciplinary Seminar for Doctoral Candidates
- 410005 FKO [ de en ] The Sciences in Historical, Philosophical and Cultural Contexts - Interdisciplinary colloquium for doctoral candidates
- 410007 SE [ de en ] Interdisciplinary Seminar: Bringing Order, Administrating, Organizing. - Interdisciplinary Approaches to a perpetual historical phenomenon
Seminars for DK-Students
- 410003 SE Doctoral College Galicia Doctoral Seminar
- 410005 FKO [ de en ] The Sciences in Historical, Philosophical and Cultural Contexts - Interdisciplinary colloquium for doctoral candidates
Prehistory and Historical Archaeology - Egyptology - Jewish Studies
Jewish Studies
- 060009 SE Texts about eating and drinking in rabbinic literature
- 060011 SE Gender, culture, politics and Judaism in recent Israeli tv-series
- 060018 SE Jewish Welcome - The Oral History of Jewish Migration and Remigration to Austria 1945 - 2017
- 060021 SE Film as Midrash - Master-preparation
- 060026 SE The Dead Sea Scrolls at the Parting of the Ways - From Ancient Judaism to Rabbinic Judaism and Early Christianity
- 060027 SE Tobiads Incorporated - An Ancient Multinational Company and Its Impact on Judaism - Privatissimum Antike Texte
- 060071 SE Jewish thought in the USA
Prehistory and Historical Archaeology
- 060080 SE [ en ] The Archaeology of Western Sicily
- 060083 SE [ en ] Introduction to World Prehistory: case studies
- 060084 SE German settlement forms in the roman empire
- 060085 SE Archaeology of the Modern Times
- 060102 SE Thesis Seminar
- 060103 SE Thesis Seminar
- 060104 SE Thesis Seminar
- 060105 SE Thesis Seminar
- 060106 SE Thesis Seminar
- 060107 SE Thesis Seminar
- 060108 SE Thesis Seminar
- 060109 SE Thesis Seminar
- 060110 SE Thesis Seminar
- 060111 SE Thesis Seminar
- 060112 SE Thesis Seminar
- 060113 SE Thesis Seminar
History of Art and Architecture - European Ethnology
Art History
- 080031 SE Research Seminar
- 080037 SE Research Seminar
- 080042 SE Research Seminar
- 080046 SE Research Seminar
- 080056 SE Research Seminar
- 080057 SE Research Seminar
- 080068 SE Research Seminar
- 080076 SE Research Seminar
- 080080 SE Research Seminar
- 080082 SE Research Seminar
- 080089 SE Research Seminar
- 080122 SE [ en ] Research Seminar
European Ethnology
- 080060 SE M410: Land use and economics: On theory, knowledge and practices of dealing with natural resources - Zu Theorie, Wissenbeständen und Praktiken des Umgangs mit natürlichen Ressourcen
- 080123 VO+UE [ en ] M120 Detailed Representations I: Religion and Rituality in Action: - 1) New Religious Practices in/and New Media; 2) Public Events and Festivals Case Studies from Europe
- 080132 VO+UE [ en ] M520 Representations II: The Anthropology of Museums and Cultural Heritage in Europe
Antiquity Sciences
Ancient History
Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies
Classical Archaeology
- 090043 VO Athens. Archaeology of the City in Antiquity
- 090045 SE The Greek Family. Concepts and Representations
- 090046 PV Colloquium for Students preparing or planning Theses
- 090054 SE [ en ] Two Models for a City: Rome and Constantinople in the 4th-7th Centuries
- 090056 SE Imperial palaces in Italy as residential, administrative and representational buildings
- 090057 PV Privatissimum
- 090060 VO [ en ] The christianization of the main centres of the Roman empire: a multidisciplinary approach
Courses of other Faculties
Last modified: Tu 12.06.2018 13:33