1.04 Diploma Programme: Teacher Training Programme Catholic Religion
1st Stage of the Degree Programme (1.10.2011)
STEOP Module Introduction to the study of Theology
- EXAM STEOP Modulprüfung Einführung in das theologische Studium II Teil RW
- 010058 VO Introduction to Comparative Religion
- 010110 VO Introduction to Catholic Theology I
STEOP Introduction into Theory of Teacher Education
Christian Philosophy
Social Ethics
Studies of Religions
Old Testament Studies
- 010065 VO Basic Course Old Testament I
New Testament Studies
- 010008 VO Basic Course New Testament II
Church History
- 010006 VO Basic Course Church History I - The first christian millenium
- 010223 VO Basic Course Church History II - Von den Kreuzzügen zum interreligiösen Dialog
Foundations of Liturgical Studies
Subject Didactics
- 010037 SE Basics of religious didactics - (Methoden und Medien des RU)
Practical Training in Schools
1st Stage of the Degree Programme
Introduction to Theology
- 010110 VO Introduction to Catholic Theology I
Christian Philosophy
Social Ethics
Studies of Religions
Old Testament Studies
New Testament Studies
Church History
- 010006 VO Basic Course Church History I - The first christian millenium
- 010223 VO Basic Course Church History II - Von den Kreuzzügen zum interreligiösen Dialog
Foundations of Liturgical Studies
Pedagogic- Scientific Professional Training
Subject Didactics
- 010037 SE Basics of religious didactics - (Methoden und Medien des RU)
Practical Training in Schools
2nd Stage of the Degree Programme
Christian Philosophy
- 010085 VO Basic Course Philosophical Theology
- 010088 VO Advanced Course Philosophical Theology
Christian Social Ethics
Studies of Religons
- EXAM STEOP Modulprüfung Einführung in das theologische Studium II Teil RW
- 010058 VO Introduction to Comparative Religion
- 020045 VO Introduction to Islam
Old Testament Studies
- 010056 VO Theology of the Old Testament
New Testament Studies
- 010039 VO Biblical Theology: Johannine Christology
Fundamental Theology
Dogmatic Theology
- 010041 VO Eschatology
Ecumenical Theology
- 010045 VO ( KPH Krems ) Theologies and Churches of the Reformation
Moral Theology
Canon Law
Pastoral Theology
- 010067 VO Special Pastoral Theologies: Interreligious Dialogue as a practical-theological issue
- 010084 VU Practical-theological ecclesiology
Liturgical Studies and Sacramental Theology
Religious Pedagogics and Catechetics
Pedagogic- Scientific Professional Training
Subject Didactics
- 010004 SE Ethical Education
- 010014 SE ( KPH Krems ) Specific subject didactics III
- 010017 SE ( KPH Krems ) Bible didactics
- 010027 SE ( KPH Krems ) Subject didactics: didactics of religions
- 010040 SE Specific Subject Didactics: Teaching religion with contemporary art
- 010076 SE General subject didactics: Subject-didactical seminar accompanying the practical school training
- 010102 WE Specific Subject Didactics IV - learning religion through church interior and architecture
- 010182 SE ( KPH Krems ) Religious didactics in compulsory schools - General subject didactics
Practical Training in School
- 010009 FS Judith Butler: aesthetics - ethics - gender - Forschungsseminar zu Frauen-, Männer- und Geschlechterforschung
- 010013 FS Bonaventure (1217*): Philosophy, Theology and Spirituality
- 010038 SE Parables of Jesus - Former and Recent Approaches Compared
- 010043 SE [ en ] Thomas Aquinas: The life, work and world of a medieval master and monk
- 010051 FS Gilles Deleuze - The Fold
- 010053 FS Research Seminar for Graduands: Transformation of Religion - DiplomandInnen-, DissertantInnen und HabilitandInnenseminar
- 010060 SE Lectureship "Literature and Religion" - Die Anstößigkeit des Kreuzes in der modernen Literatur. Poetikdozentur "Literatur und Religion"
- 010063 SE Variety and Day-to-Day Consequences of Ecclesiastical Transformations in Europe from 1520 to 1580 - Von Katechismus und Leichenpredigt, geräumten Klöstern und neuen Orden
- 010064 FS The Problem of "Natural Theology"
- 010066 SE Romano Guardini A Modern Teacher of Spirituality
- 010071 FS Burning Questions in Society: What ethics commissions are discussing
- 010074 FS Current Research Questions in Liturgical Studies and Sacramental Theology
- 010079 SE Biblical Characters in patristic and rabbinic perspective: Women in the Hebrew Bible
- 010080 FS "In the beginning, God created ...". Interpretations of the biblical story of the Creation
- 010081 SE Reading and Discussion of recent "Theologies of the Old Testament"
- 010086 FS Canon law regarding universites and the formation of priests
- 010089 SE Spiritual and Political Care in the Context of Migration
- 010097 SE Legal protection in the Church
- 010104 SE [ en ] An Introduction to Christian Iconography
- 010105 SE 50 Years of Liturgical Studies and Sacramental Theology at the University of Vienna - Retrospects, Insights, and Prospects
- 010118 FS Current discourses in religious pedagogics
- 010123 FS Hegel’s Science of Logic: The Transition to the Subjective Logic
- 010128 SE Solidary Economics - New approaches to economic ethics
- 010320 SE Christianity in the Caucasus: In the Footsteps of St. Hripsime and St. Nino
- 040143 KU Solidary Economic (MA)
- 360012 FS Learning Ecumenism: Comparing the Catholic and Orthodox Tradition
Electives and Free Electives
- 010002 PS Basics and methods of theological research
- 010003 VO Advanced Course in Sacramental Celebrations
- 010005 VO Biblical Hebrew II
- 010010 PS Exegetical methods
- 010011 SE Concepts of Systematic Theology
- 010018 PR ( KPH Krems ) Religious education in compulsory schools
- 010023 VO Sacrificial Rites in Religions: Ritual Practice and Ritual Theory
- 010032 VO History of the matrimonial law of the Church
- 010044 EX Excursion to Armenia and Georgia
- 010046 PS Basic Texts: Anthropology and Ethics
- 010050 VO [ en ] "Killers of Christ" (Gregor of Nyssa) and "People of the Convenant" (John Paul II).
- 010052 VO Advanced Course in Liturgical Studies
- 010068 SE Learning ecumenism and ecumenical reconnaissances: Vienna
- 010079 SE Biblical Characters in patristic and rabbinic perspective: Women in the Hebrew Bible
- 010087 VO The Religious Assessment of Other Religions
- 010091 VO Hindu-Religions: An Introduction
- 010092 UE Personal Growth and Self-Experience III
- 010093 VO Buddhism. An Introduction
- 010095 VU Introduction to the Academic Study of Religious Texts
- 010100 SE Meditation in Buddhism and Christianity
- 010123 FS Hegel’s Science of Logic: The Transition to the Subjective Logic
- 010127 PR Contemporary challenges of pastoral care II
- 010210 VO Introduction to spiritual theology: Foundations of spiritual life - Grundvollzüge des geistlichen Lebens
- 040143 KU Solidary Economic (MA)
- 360012 FS Learning Ecumenism: Comparing the Catholic and Orthodox Tradition
Women Studies and Gender Studies
- 010009 FS Judith Butler: aesthetics - ethics - gender - Forschungsseminar zu Frauen-, Männer- und Geschlechterforschung
- 010079 SE Biblical Characters in patristic and rabbinic perspective: Women in the Hebrew Bible
Optional course
Last modified: Tu 12.06.2018 13:33
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