Directorate of Studies 25 - Mathematics
Bachelor Mathematics (621 [3] - Version 2014)
GHM Introductory and Orientation Period (15 ECTS)
- EXAM Introduction to mathematical methodology / school mathematics
- 250015 VO STEOP: Introduction to mathematical methodology
- 250016 UE STEOP: Introduction to computer infrastructure
EHM Introduction to university level mathematics (18 ECTS)
- 250011 VO Introduction to analysis
- 250012 UE Tutorials "Introduction to analysis"
- 250013 VO Introduction to linear algebra and geometry
- 250014 UE Tutorials "Introduction to linear algebra and geometry"
ANA Analysis (11 ECTS)
LAG Linear algebra and analytical geometry (12 ECTS)
- 250037 VO Linear algebra and geometry 2
ZTH Number theory (5 ECTS)
PRO Programming (5 ECTS)
HAN Advanced analysis (10 ECTS)
- 250017 VO Advanced analysis and elementary differential geometry
- 250018 UE Tutorials on advanced analysis and differential geometry
NUM Numerical analysis (10 ECTS)
- 250023 VO Numeric mathematics 1
- 250024 UE Tutorials for "Numeric mathematics 1"
KAN Complex analysis (5 ECTS)
- 250019 VO Complex analysis
- 250020 UE Tutorials on complex analysis
PTS Probability and statistics (10 ECTS)
DMA Discrete mathematics (5 ECTS)
DGL Differential equations (14 ECTS)
- 250009 VO [ en ] Partial differential equations
- 250010 UE Tutorials on partial differential equations
ALG Algebra (14 ECTS)
- 250003 VO Algebra 2
- 250002 UE Tutorials for "Algebra 2"
MIK Mathematics in the sciences and society (3 ECTS)
- 250021 VO History of mathematics and logics
- 250022 KO The art of problem solving
TFA Topology and functional analysis (12 ECTS)
- 250025 VO Introduction to topology
- 250026 UE Tutorials "Introduction to topology"
BAS Bachelor seminar with thesis (10 ECTS)
- 250004 SE Bachelor seminar
- 250125 SE Bachelor seminar (BEd/Math) for secondary school teacher accreditation programme
WLO Mathematical logic (optional module) (7 ECTS)
- 250061 VO Basic concepts of mathematical logic
- 250067 UE Tutorials "Introduction to basics concepts of mathematical logic"
WFM Applied mathematics: finance (optional module) (7 ECTS)
- 250006 VO Financial mathematics
- 250005 UE Tutorials on financial mathematics
WST Stochastics (optional module) (7 ECTS)
WAS Applied mathematics: statistics (optional module) (7 ECTS)
- 250058 VU Applied statistics
WGO Applied mathematics: graph theory and discrete optimization (optional module) (7 ECTS)
WBS Applied mathematics: biomathematics and game theory (optional module) (7 ECTS)
- 250059 VU Biomathematics and game theory
WDG Classical differential geometry (optional module) (7 ECTS)
WCG Applied mathematics: algorithmic geometry (optional module) (7 ECTS)
WOP Applied mathematics: optimization (optional module) (7 ECTS)
WKR Applied mathematics: cryptography (optional module) (7 ECTS)
WMO Applied mathematics: modelling (optional module) (7 ECTS)
WND Applied mathematics: numerical methods for differential equations (optional module) (7 ECTS)
Additional Optional module (7 ECTS)
Non curricula lecture
- 250001 KO Previor Lecture 0 ECTS
Bachelor Teacher Training Programme: Mathematics (193 057, 198 420)
UFMA01 Introductory and Orientation Period ( 7 ECTS)
- EXAM STEOP: Introduction to mathematics
- 250032 VO STEOP: Introduction to mathematics
- 250056 PUE ( KPH Krems PH-NÖ PH-WIEN ) Problem sessions and tutorial for introduction to mathematics
- 250169 OL ( OV ) Infoveranstaltung für Erstsemestrige des Lehramst Mathematik
UFMA02 Aspects of Mathematics (3 ECTS)
- 250033 VO ( PH-WIEN ) Aspects of mathematics
UFMA03 Geometry (16 ECTS)
- 250034 VO School mathematics elementary geometrie and vector analysis
- 250052 UE ( PH-WIEN ) UE Tutorial: elementary geometry and vector analysis
UFMA04 Analysis (16 ECTS)
- 250030 VO ( PH-NÖ ) School mathematics analysis
- 250050 UE ( PH-NÖ PH-WIEN ) UE Tutorial: School mathematics analysis
UFMA05 Stochastics (14 ECTS)
- 250127 VO ( PH-NÖ ) Stochastics for secondary school teacher accreditation programme
- 250134 UE ( PH-NÖ PH-WIEN ) UE Tutorial: Stochastics for secondary school teacher accreditation programme
UFMA06 Applied mathematics (12 ECTS)
UFMA07 Teaching Methodology (10 ECTS)
- 250035 VO Indroduction to didactics
- 250051 SE ( KPH Krems PH-NÖ PH-WIEN ) Seminar on lesson planning
- 250053 PR ( KPH Krems PH-WIEN ) Practicum on using ICT in teaching mathematics
UFMA08 Arithmetic and algebra for secondary schools (4 ECTS)
- 250036 VO School mathematics arithmetics and algebra
- 250054 UE ( KPH Krems PH-WIEN ) UE Tutorial: School mathematics arithmetics and algebra
UFMA09 Electives Teacher Training Programme (0-10 ECTS)
- 250021 VO History of mathematics and logics
- 250072 SE ( KPH Krems ) Aspekte des Unterrichtsgegenstandes Geometrisch Zeichnen - Aspekte des Unterrichtsgegenstandes Geometrisch Zeichnen
- 250077 SE ( KPH Krems ) Aufgaben im Mathematikunterricht - Aufgaben im Mathematikunterricht
- 250079 SE ( PH-NÖ ) Mathematikunterricht differenziert und individuell
- 250083 SE ( PH-NÖ ) Meine Schüler/innen verstehen mich nicht - Sprachsensibler Mathematikunterricht
- 250114 KO Wahlbereichs - Konversatorium
UFMA10 Subject-based Practicum - Mathematics (7 ECTS)
- 250055 SE ( PH-NÖ PH-WIEN ) Begleitendes Seminar zum fachbezogenen Schulpraktikum
UFMA11 Bachelormodul (8 ECTS)
- 250004 SE Bachelor seminar
- 250125 SE Bachelor seminar (BEd/Math) for secondary school teacher accreditation programme
Non curricula lectures
- 250001 KO Previor Lecture 0 ECTS
Bachelor Teacher Training Programme Descriptive Geometry (193 044, 198 405)
Diploma Teacher Training Programme: Mathematics (406 [2] - Version 2011 ) - discontinued
Second stage
2.4 Mathematics
- 250021 VO History of mathematics and logics
2.5. Didactics of mathematics
- 250041 SE Seminar on mathematics education
- 250080 PS Problem solving
- 250083 SE ( PH-NÖ ) Meine Schüler/innen verstehen mich nicht - Sprachsensibler Mathematikunterricht
- 250114 KO Wahlbereichs - Konversatorium
2.6. Elective courses (second stage)
- 250083 SE ( PH-NÖ ) Meine Schüler/innen verstehen mich nicht - Sprachsensibler Mathematikunterricht
- 250114 KO Wahlbereichs - Konversatorium
Master Mathematics (821 [2] - Version 2016)
Elective Modules (75 ECTS)
Specialization "Algebra, number theory and dicrete mathematics" (51 ECTS)
Basic courses, specialization "Algebra"
- 250007 SE [ en ] Seminar (Algebra)
- 250008 SE [ en ] Seminar: Advanced number theory
- 250060 VO [ en ] Algebraic number theory
- 250082 SE [ en ] Project seminar (Algebra)
- 250141 SE [ en ] Combinatorics Seminar
- 442504 PJ+SE [ en ] Seminar (Bernstein-Sato polynomials and D-modules)
Advanced courses, specialization "Algebra"
- 250029 PS [ en ] PS Cohomology of groups and algebras
- 250031 PS [ en ] PS Commutative algebra
- 250038 VO [ en ] Algebraic Geometry
- 250040 PS [ en ] PS Algebraic Geometry
- 250042 VO [ en ] Introduction to category theory 1.5
- 250081 PS [ en ] Introduction to category theory 1.5
- 250105 VO [ en ] Cohomology of groups and algebras
- 250107 VO [ en ] Topics in Algebra: Cryptography
- 250108 VO [ en ] Commutative algebra
- 250110 VO [ en ] Group Schemes
- 250143 VO [ en ] Numerical Linear Algebra
- 442506 SE [ en ] Number Theory Seminar
Specialization "Analysis" (51 ECTS)
Basic courses, specialization "Analysis"
- 250045 SE [ en ] Seminar (Analysis): Generalized functions
- 250064 VO [ en ] Advanced complex analysis
- 250065 PS [ en ] PS Advanced complex analysis
- 250066 VO [ en ] Advanced partial differential equations
- 250091 SE [ en ] Seminar (Functional analysis)
- 250093 SE [ en ] Seminar (Analysis)
- 250094 SE [ en ] Seminar (Complex analysis)
- 250095 SE [ en ] Seminar (Harmonic Analysis)
- 250147 SE [ en ] Seminar (Applied Partial Differential Equations)
- 250148 PS [ en ] PS Advanced partial differential equations
- 442501 VO [ en ] DK-Seminar: Dissipation and dispersion in nonlinear partial differentail equations
Advanced courses, specialization "Analysis"
- 250046 VO [ en ] Topics in Analysis
- 250047 VO [ en ] Topics in analysis: fluid mechanics
- 250048 VO [ en ] Numerics of Partial Differential Equations
- 250115 VO [ en ] Topics Course Analysis
- 250144 VO [ en ] Stochastic Partial Differential Equations
- 442505 VU [ en ] The Plateau problem in the Calculus of Variations
Specialization "Applied mathematics and scientific computing" (51 ECTS)
Basic courses, specialization "AMaSciCo"
- 250044 SE [ en ] Seminar on Frame Theory and its Application
- 250062 VO [ en ] Applied analysis
- 250063 VO [ en ] Nonlinear optimization
- 250086 SE [ en ] CSC Seminar
- 250087 SE [ en ] Seminar (Optimization)
- 250095 SE [ en ] Seminar (Harmonic Analysis)
- 250147 SE [ en ] Seminar (Applied Partial Differential Equations)
- 442501 VO [ en ] DK-Seminar: Dissipation and dispersion in nonlinear partial differentail equations
Advanced courses, specialization "AMaSciCo"
- 250048 VO [ en ] Numerics of Partial Differential Equations
- 250084 VO [ en ] Advanced Topics in Finite Element Methods
- 250143 VO [ en ] Numerical Linear Algebra
- 250144 VO [ en ] Stochastic Partial Differential Equations
- 250160 VU [ en ] Kinetic theory applied to biology
- 442505 VU [ en ] The Plateau problem in the Calculus of Variations
Specialization "Biomathematics" (51 ECTS)
Basic courses, specialization "Biomathematics"
- 250049 VO [ en ] Mathematical Ecology
- 250068 VO [ en ] Stochastic processes
- 250096 SE [ en ] AG Biomathematics
- 250097 SE [ en ] Seminar (Mathematical Population Genetics)
- 250151 PS [ en ] PS Mathematical ecology
Advanced courses, specialization "Biomathematics"
- 250160 VU [ en ] Kinetic theory applied to biology
Specialization "Geometry and Topology" (51 ECTS)
Basic courses, specialization "Geometry"
- 250045 SE [ en ] Seminar (Analysis): Generalized functions
- 250070 VO [ en ] Riemannian geometry
- 250071 VO [ en ] Lie groups
- 250154 PS [ en ] PS Lie groups
- 250166 SE [ en ] Metric Geometry
Advanced courses, specialization "Geometry"
- 250038 VO [ en ] Algebraic Geometry
- 250040 PS [ en ] PS Algebraic Geometry
- 250042 VO [ en ] Introduction to category theory 1.5
- 250081 PS [ en ] Introduction to category theory 1.5
Specialization "Mathematical logic and theoretical informatics" (51 ECTS)
Basic courses, specialization "Logic"
- 250074 VO [ en ] Introduction to theoretical computer science
- 250098 SE [ en ] Research seminar in mathematical logic
- 250099 SE [ en ] Seminar in mathematical logic
Advanced courses, specialization "Logic"
- 250121 VO [ en ] Advanced topics in mathematical logic
Specialization "Stochastics and dynamical systems" (51 ECTS)
Basic courses, speicialization "Stochastics"
- 250068 VO [ en ] Stochastic processes
- 250069 PS [ en ] PS Measure and integration theory
- 250076 VO [ en ] Measure and integration theory
- 250100 SE [ en ] Seminar (Stochastics and dynamical systems)
- 250101 SE [ en ] Vienna Seminar in Mathematical Finance and Probability
- 250102 SE [ en ] AG Ergodic Theory
- 250152 PS [ en ] PS Stochastic processes
Advanced courses, specialization "Stochastics"
- 250057 PS [ en ] Stochastic Analysis
- 250144 VO [ en ] Stochastic Partial Differential Equations
- 250157 VO [ en ] Stochastic Analysis
- 250158 VO [ en ] Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems I
Further Electives (15 ECTS)
- 250062 VO [ en ] Applied analysis
Master Teacher Training Programme: Mathematics (196 057, 199 520)
UFMAMA01 Mathematics in Rn (12 ECTS)
- 250135 VO Linear Algebra and analysis in several variables for SSTAP
- 250136 UE ( PH-NÖ PH-WIEN ) Linear Algebra and analysis in several variables for SSTAP
UFMAMA02 Advanced mathematics (3 ECTS)
- 250019 VO Complex analysis
UFMAMA03 Application-orientation for mathematic class (4 ECTS)
UFMAMA04 Optional Courses Teaching Methodology (3 ECTS)
- 250041 SE Seminar on mathematics education
- 250080 PS Problem solving
UFMAMA05 Practice Module (Didactic Supervision) (4 ECTS)
Master Teacher Training Programme: Descriptive Geometry (196 505)
Last modified: Fr 11.01.2019 00:31 and
of the "StudienServiceCenter" and faculty of mathematics.