Directorate of Studies 27 - Chemistry
Anmeldefrist für die Lehrveranstaltungen des WS18 startet am 1. September 2018
Bachelor Chemistry (662 [4] - Version (2011)
Introductory and Orientation Period (17 ECTS)
BA CH 01 Basic Module I (6 ECTS)
- 270017 PR ( STEOP ) STEOP: Basic Chemistry Laboratory Course I - Introductory Lab Course
- 270026 PS ( OV STEOP ) STEOP: Basic Chemistry Laboratory Course I - Proseminar
BA CH 02 General Chemistry (8 ECTS)
- EXAM STEOP: Modulprüfung Allgemeine Chemie
- 270054 VO ( STEOP ) General Chemistry A - für Bachelor Lehramt Chemie
- 270058 VO ( STEOP ) General Chemistry B
BA CH 03 Mathematical Basics (3 ECTS)
- EXAM COMM Mathematics Basics
- 270152 VO ( STEOP ) Mathematics Basics - (STEOP nur für Bachelor Chemie, keine STEOP für Bachelor Lehramt Chemie)
Compulsory Modules (11 ECTS)
BA CH 04 Physics (7 ECTS)
- 270036 VO Physics for Chemists
BA CH 05 Mathematics (4 ECTS)
- 270231 VU Mathematics for Chemists
Further Compulsory Modules (137 ECTS)
BA CH 06a Preparative Chemistry (3 ECTS)
BA CH 06b Basic Module II (10 ECTS)
- 270062 UE Basic Laboratory Course II B
- 270077 PR Basic Laboratory Course II A
BA CH 07 Organic Chemistry I (6 ECTS)
BA CH 08 Analytical Chemistry I (5 ECTS)
BA CH 09 Physical Chemistry I (7 ECTS)
BA CH 10 Inorganic Chemistry I (5 ECTS)
BA CH 11a Organic Chemistry IIa (5 ECTS)
- 270085 VO Organic Chemistry II - Reactions and Syntheses
BA CH 11a Organic Chemistry IIb (12 ECTS)
- 270132 UE Advanced Laboratory Course in Organic Chemistry
- 270150 PS Proseminar in Organic Chemistry
BA CH 12a Analytical Chemistry IIa (4 ECTS)
- 270108 VO Analytical Chemistry II
BA CH 12b Analytical Chemistry IIb (10 ECTS)
- 270101 UE Practice in Analytical Chemistry
BA CH 13a Physical Chemistry IIa (9 ECTS)
- 270145 VO Physical Chemistry II - (Chemical and Electrochemical Kinetics)
BA CH 13b Physical Chemistry IIb (10 ECTS)
- 270140 PR Laboratory Course in Physical Chemistry - Laboratory practice in physical chemistry
BA CH 14a Inorganic Chemistry IIa (4 ECTS)
BA CH 14b Inorganic Chemistry IIb (10 ECTS)
- 270116 VO Laboratory Methods
- 270126 UE Inorganic chemistry lab course
BA CH 15 Biological Chemistry I (5 ECTS)
- 270008 VO Biological Chemistry I
BA CH 16 Biology (3 ECTS)
BA CH 17a Biological Chemistry IIa (3 ECTS)
BA CH 17b Biological Chemistry IIb (10 ECTS)
- 270042 UE Laboratory Course in Biological Chemistry
- 270175 UE Biochemistry Laboratory Course for Chemists - Basic Techniques
- 301135 UE [ de en ] Laboratory Course II - Biochemistry
BA CH 18a Theoretical Chemistry I (6 ECTS)
- 270059 VO Theoretical Chemistry
BA CH 18b Theoretical Chemistry and Molecular Spectroscopy (6 ECTS)
- 270066 VO+UE Molecular Spectroscopy
- 270146 UE Laboratory Course in Theoretical Chemistry
BA CH 19 Food Chemistry (4 ECTS)
- 270032 VO Food Chemistry - für Studierende im Bachelor (Chemiker und Lehramt / Unterrichtsfach Chemie)
Bachelor´s Module (15 ECTS)
BA CH 20 Bachelor´s Module (15 ECTS)
- 270011 SE Writing of the Bachelor´s Thesis - Organische / Bioanorganische / Biologische / Biophysikalische Chemie
- 270012 PR Elective Laboratory Course for Bachelor Module - Organic/Bioanorganic/Biological/Biophysical Chemistry
- 270013 SE Writing of the Bachelor´s Thesis - Analytische Chemie + Lebensmittelchemie
- 270018 SE Writing of the Bachelor´s Thesis - Physikalische Chemie / Materialchemie
- 270020 PR Bachelor Laboratory Course D - Theoretical Chemistry and Computational Biological Chemistry
- 270021 SE Writing of the Bachelor´s Thesis - Theoretische Chemie / Computergestützte Biologische Chemie
- 270024 SE Bachelor Seminar
- 270103 PR Bachelor Laboratory Course B - Analytical Chemistry and Food Chemistry
- 270105 PR Bachelor Laboratory Course C - Physical Chemistry and Materials Chemistry
Bachelor Teacher Training Programme: Chemistry (193 043, 198 404)
Introductory and Orientation Period (6 ECTS)
- 270017 PR ( STEOP ) STEOP: Basic Chemistry Laboratory Course I - Introductory Lab Course
- 270026 PS ( OV STEOP ) STEOP: Basic Chemistry Laboratory Course I - Proseminar
Topical Courses (64 ECTS)
- 270008 VO Biological Chemistry I
- 270029 PR STEOP: Basic Chemistry Laboratory Course I - Preparative Lab Course
- 270032 VO Food Chemistry - für Studierende im Bachelor (Chemiker und Lehramt / Unterrichtsfach Chemie)
- 270040 SE Accompanying Seminar for the lecture General Chemistry A
- 270044 VO physics for chemistry student teachers
- 270051 VO Chemistry for technical applications
- 270054 VO ( STEOP ) General Chemistry A - für Bachelor Lehramt Chemie
- 270062 UE Basic Laboratory Course II B
- 270077 PR Basic Laboratory Course II A
- 270138 UE Laboratory Course in Enviromental Chemistry - für Lehramt
Subject Specific Didactics (15 ECTS)
- 270005 VO History of chemistry
- 270039 SE ( PH-NÖ ) Engrossing Seminar Didactics of Chemistry
- 270141 UE [ de en ] ( PH-NÖ ) Class room Experiments in Chemistry Part B - Students Experiments
- 270162 SE Introduction into school routine - for students of "Chemistry Teacher programm"
- 270167 UE [ de en ] Class room Experiments in Chemistry Part A - Demonstration Experiments
- 270309 SE Einführung in die Didaktik der Chemie
Elective Area (0-10 ECTS)
- 270049 SE ( PH-NÖ ) Administrative tasks as administrator of the chemistry laboratory (poisons, disposal, security
- 270061 SE Stumbling blocks in chemistry teaching - Solution proposals for difficult topics in teaching chemistry
- 270148 SE Theory and practice for efficient chemistry teaching
- 270154 SE Arguing and experiment in modern chemistry teaching
- 270191 SE Chemiedidaktik für Schulpraktiker und LehrerInnenwissenschaftler
- 490239 SE ( PH-WIEN ) Motivation und Leistungsbeurteilung
Subject Related Training Placement at School (7 ECTS)
- 270047 SE SE Seminar for teaching practice at schools
- 270048 SE SE Seminar for teaching practice at schools II
Bachelor Module (5 ECTS)
- 270120 PR Practical Course for Bachelor Module of Chemistry Teacher Training
- 270139 SE Bachelorseminar Unterrichtsfach Chemie
Diploma Teacher Training Programme: Chemistry (423 [2] - Version 2011) - discontinued
Lectures of the Diploma Programme
- 270008 VO Biological Chemistry I
- 270014 VO Food Processing
- 270032 VO Food Chemistry - für Studierende im Bachelor (Chemiker und Lehramt / Unterrichtsfach Chemie)
- 270035 VO Mass Spectrometry
- 270039 SE ( PH-NÖ ) Engrossing Seminar Didactics of Chemistry
- 270050 VO Food Law - European and Austrian Basics
- 270056 SE ( PH-NÖ ) Special Didactics Chemistry - for Diploma and PhD students
- 270061 SE Stumbling blocks in chemistry teaching - Solution proposals for difficult topics in teaching chemistry
- 270106 VO Food Additives
- 270111 VO Electrophoresis
- 270114 VO Analysis methods for proteomics and lipidomics
- 270117 VO Food Chemistry I - für Studierende im Master
- 270125 VO GeoChemistry of the Elements (Sc, Y, La, SEE, Ac)
- 270148 SE Theory and practice for efficient chemistry teaching
- 270154 SE Arguing and experiment in modern chemistry teaching
- 270156 VO Recognition strategies in chemosensoric
- 270191 SE Chemiedidaktik für Schulpraktiker und LehrerInnenwissenschaftler
- 270221 VO Food Microbiology and Hygiene
- 270281 VO Immunoanalytical Methods
First Study Period
- 270026 PS ( OV STEOP ) STEOP: Basic Chemistry Laboratory Course I - Proseminar
- 270029 PR STEOP: Basic Chemistry Laboratory Course I - Preparative Lab Course
- 270044 VO physics for chemistry student teachers
- 270062 UE Basic Laboratory Course II B
- 270077 PR Basic Laboratory Course II A
- 270162 SE Introduction into school routine - for students of "Chemistry Teacher programm"
- 270309 SE Einführung in die Didaktik der Chemie
Second Study Period
- 270005 VO History of chemistry
- 270031 UE Laboratory Course in Enviromental Chemistry - Zusatzveranstaltung für Master und Lehramt Alt
- 270099 VO Food Analytics I
- 270108 VO Analytical Chemistry II
- 270138 UE Laboratory Course in Enviromental Chemistry - für Lehramt
- 270144 UE [ de en ] school laboratory - Students Experiments
- 270145 VO Physical Chemistry II - (Chemical and Electrochemical Kinetics)
- 270163 VO Spectroscopy for chemistry teachers
- 270167 UE [ de en ] Class room Experiments in Chemistry Part A - Demonstration Experiments
- 270169 SE Special Topics of general and inorganic chemistry - for teachers
- 270171 VO+UE Use of computers in chemistry classes
- 270172 PU Tutorial (Teacher accreditions programm)
- 270275 VO Chemometrics and Data Analysis in Multidimensional Analysis
- 270297 VO [ en ] Receptor-Ligand Interactions
Master Chemistry and Materials Technology (658)
Fundamentals and Harmonization (30 ECTS)
- 270159 VO Characterization of Materials
- 270164 VO Theoretical Chemistry of Materials - for Students of Chemistry and Technology of Materials
- 270176 VO Phase Diagrams - (Systematics and Experimental Methods)
Block of Restricted Elictive Modules (50 ECTS)
Elective Modules A: Characterization of Materials
- 270072 VO [ en ] Soft Matter Interfaces - Principles and Experimental Techniques
- 270084 PR Practice in Tunnelling Microscopy
- 270091 SE+UE [ en ] SE+UE Soft Matter Interfaces - Principles and Experimental Techniques
- 270104 SE Journal Club Analytical Chemistry - for Master and Diploma Studies
- 270109 VO [ en ] Colloid and Interface Science
- 270113 PR [ en ] Examples for research: Colloid and Interface Science
- 270121 VO Thermodynamic models and phase diagram optimization
- 270131 UE [ de en ] Laboratory course on the characterization of inorganic materials - thermal and thermodynamic methods
- 270149 UE Immunoanalytical Methods - Practical course - Immunanalytische Methoden (Wahlfach-PR)
- 270153 VO Preparation and thermodynamic characterization of inorganic materials
- 270156 VO Recognition strategies in chemosensoric
- 270265 SE [ de en ] Materials Science Seminar
- 270266 VO [ de en ] Modern methods for materials characterization
- 270267 PR [ de en ] Research Practice of Modern Methods in Materials Chemistry
- 270281 VO Immunoanalytical Methods
Elective Modules B: Functional and Structural Materials and their Applications
- 270064 UE Research Example Nanotechnology - Physikalische Chemie und Nanotechnologien der Grenzflächen
- 270070 SE [ de en ] Nanotechnology of Interfaces
- 270072 VO [ en ] Soft Matter Interfaces - Principles and Experimental Techniques
- 270091 SE+UE [ en ] SE+UE Soft Matter Interfaces - Principles and Experimental Techniques
- 270111 VO Electrophoresis
- 270263 SE+UE [ de en ] Modern methods for materials characterization
Elective Modules C: Material Classes and Synthesis
Elective Modules D: Theory and Fundamentals of Materials and their Properties
- 270072 VO [ en ] Soft Matter Interfaces - Principles and Experimental Techniques
- 270091 SE+UE [ en ] SE+UE Soft Matter Interfaces - Principles and Experimental Techniques
- 270109 VO [ en ] Colloid and Interface Science
- 270113 PR [ en ] Examples for research: Colloid and Interface Science
- 270174 VO [ de en ] Chemical Thermodynamics of Nonelectrolyte Mixtures
- 270250 VO+UE [ de en ] Use of Computers for Data Assessment in Chemistry - Personalcomputer (PCs) zur Messwerterfassung und Messdatenverarbeitung in der Chemie
Elective Modules E: Material Mechanics and Processing
Elective Module (10 ECTS)
- 233060 UE [ de en ] Science in Society Laboratories
- 270178 SE Lecture Series in Chemistry - Teil 2
Master Food Chemistry (659 [2] - Version 2018)
Alternative compulsory modules Harmonization phase (12 ECTS)
LMC A1 Principles of Analytical Chemistry (9 ECTS)
- 270108 VO Analytical Chemistry II
LMC A2 Basic Laboratory Course (3 ECTS)
- 270077 PR Basic Laboratory Course II A
LMC A3 Principles of Nutritional Sciences (12 ECTS)
- 270014 VO Food Processing
- 270050 VO Food Law - European and Austrian Basics
- 270221 VO Food Microbiology and Hygiene
Food Chemistry, Food Toxicology and Analytics in Food Chemistry (58 ECTS)
LMC B1 Principles of Food Chemistry (11 ECTS)
- 270117 VO Food Chemistry I - für Studierende im Master
LMC B2 Food Toxicology (8 ECTS)
- 270010 VO [ de en ] Food Toxicology I
LMC B3 Analytics in Food Chemistry I (20 ECTS)
- 270078 PR Practical Food Analysis Course I
- 270090 VO Applied Food Analytics
- 270119 PR Practical Food Analysis Course III
LMC B4 Analytics in Food Chemistry II (6 ECTS)
- 270099 VO Food Analytics I
LMC B5 Advanced Food Chemistry and Analytics (7 ECTS)
- 270035 VO Mass Spectrometry
- 270106 VO Food Additives
- 270118 VO [ de en ] Food Contaminants
LMC B6 Analytics in Food Chemistry III (6 ECTS)
- 270081 PR Practical Food Analysis Course IV
- 270082 SE Analysis and Interpretation of Analytical Data
Supplementary compulsory module (10 ECTS)
- 330074 VO Water and Food Quality
LMC C1 Subject Specialisation (10 ECTS)
- 270092 EX Study Trip Food Processing and Industry
- 270102 VO Analytical strategies in metabolomics - Vertiefung
- 270111 VO Electrophoresis
- 270114 VO Analysis methods for proteomics and lipidomics
- 270158 SE [ en ] Seminar series Current trends in food chemistry and food industry
- 270160 VO Basics of Molecular Sensory Science
- 270275 VO Chemometrics and Data Analysis in Multidimensional Analysis
- 270313 UE Practical Course in Food Hygiene and Food Microbiology
- 330037 VO Biofunctionality of Foods
Elective Module (10 ECTS)
LMC D1 Scientific Supplementary Subject in the Master’s programme in Food Chemistry (10 ECTS)
- 233060 UE [ de en ] Science in Society Laboratories
Master Food Chemistry (659 [1] - Version 2017) - discontinued
Alternative compulsory modules Harmonization phase (12 ECTS)
LMC-A1 Principles of Analytical Chemistry (12 ECTS)
- 270077 PR Basic Laboratory Course II A
- 270108 VO Analytical Chemistry II
LMC-A2 Principles of Nutritional Sciences (12 ECTS)
- 270014 VO Food Processing
- 270050 VO Food Law - European and Austrian Basics
- 270221 VO Food Microbiology and Hygiene
Food Chemistry, Food Toxicology and Analytics in Food Chemistry (58 ECTS)
LMC-B1 Principles of Food Chemistry (11 ECTS)
- 270117 VO Food Chemistry I - für Studierende im Master
LMC-B2 Food Toxicology (8 ECTS)
- 270010 VO [ de en ] Food Toxicology I
LMC-B3 Analytics in Food Chemistry I (11 ECTS)
- 270078 PR Practical Food Analysis Course I
- 270090 VO Applied Food Analytics
- 270099 VO Food Analytics I
LMC-B4 Analytics in Food Chemistry II (10 ECTS)
LMC-B5 Advanced Food Chemistry and Analytics (12 ECTS)
- 270035 VO Mass Spectrometry
- 270106 VO Food Additives
- 270118 VO [ de en ] Food Contaminants
- 270119 PR Practical Food Analysis Course III
LMC-B6 Analytics in Food Chemistry III (6 ECTS)
- 270081 PR Practical Food Analysis Course IV
- 270082 SE Analysis and Interpretation of Analytical Data
Supplementary compulsory module (10 ECTS)
- 330074 VO Water and Food Quality
LMC-C1 Subject Specialisation (10 ECTS)
- 270092 EX Study Trip Food Processing and Industry
- 270102 VO Analytical strategies in metabolomics - Vertiefung
- 270111 VO Electrophoresis
- 270114 VO Analysis methods for proteomics and lipidomics
- 270158 SE [ en ] Seminar series Current trends in food chemistry and food industry
- 270160 VO Basics of Molecular Sensory Science
- 270275 VO Chemometrics and Data Analysis in Multidimensional Analysis
- 270313 UE Practical Course in Food Hygiene and Food Microbiology
- 330037 VO Biofunctionality of Foods
Elective Module (10 ECTS)
LMC-D1 Scientific Supplementary Subject in the Master’s programme in Food Chemistry (10 ECTS)
- 233060 UE [ de en ] Science in Society Laboratories
Master Chemistry (862)
Freely Elective Modules (30 ECTS)
- 070292 VU Lecture Series and Exercises - Reduction of excessive nationalism and prejudices in society - Interdisziplinäre Beiträge der Universität Wien
- 233060 UE [ de en ] Science in Society Laboratories
- 270022 UE Examples for research in materials science
- 270034 VO+SE [ en ] Scientific Writing and Presentation
- 270045 SE Experience Chemistry
- 270057 SE [ en ] Molecular Modelling
- 270074 SE Seminar for modern Bioorganic Chemistry and Structure Determination - Teil 2
- 270075 SE [ en ] Seminar in Biological Chemistry for post-graduates - Teil 1
- 270123 SE [ en ] Bioanalysis and Translational Research
- 270125 VO GeoChemistry of the Elements (Sc, Y, La, SEE, Ac)
- 270151 SE Present development in RNA Bioinformatics
- 270157 SE Immunoanalytical and molecular biological methods
- 270165 SE Seminar on new methods in the total synthesis of natural products
- 270170 VO Scientific Protocolling with LaTeX
- 270177 VO+SE Ethics in Natural Sciences
- 270184 UE Typesetting Scientific Protocolls with LaTeX
- 270235 SE Seminar in Analytical Chemistry - Lecture and discussion forum of diverse topics in Analytical Chemistry
- 442702 SE [ en ] Artificial Recognition Strategies in Chemical Sensing
- 442704 VO Computer-assisted literature research - for natural scientists
- 442705 UE Practial exercises on literature research
- 442714 SE [ de en ] Quantum chemistry and chemical dynamics
Group of Elective Modules (60 ECTS)
Analytical Chemistry (10 ECTS)
- 270006 PR High Performance Chromatography
- 270025 UE Opt. Pract. Exercises: Proteinanalytics
- 270035 VO Mass Spectrometry
- 270084 PR Practice in Tunnelling Microscopy
- 270093 VO Sample Preparation Techniques
- 270099 VO Food Analytics I
- 270102 VO Analytical strategies in metabolomics - Vertiefung
- 270104 SE Journal Club Analytical Chemistry - for Master and Diploma Studies
- 270110 PR Laboratory Course: Analysis of Large Datasets of "omics"-type Experiments
- 270111 VO Electrophoresis
- 270114 VO Analysis methods for proteomics and lipidomics
- 270149 UE Immunoanalytical Methods - Practical course - Immunanalytische Methoden (Wahlfach-PR)
- 270156 VO Recognition strategies in chemosensoric
- 270246 PR Practice in Multidimensional Analytical Chemistry
- 270250 VO+UE [ de en ] Use of Computers for Data Assessment in Chemistry - Personalcomputer (PCs) zur Messwerterfassung und Messdatenverarbeitung in der Chemie
- 270275 VO Chemometrics and Data Analysis in Multidimensional Analysis
- 270281 VO Immunoanalytical Methods
- 270297 VO [ en ] Receptor-Ligand Interactions
Inorganic Chemistry (10 ECTS)
- 270007 SE Current Aspects of Environmental and Radio Chemistry
- 270023 UE Inorganic Chemistry Lab course D - Inorganic Chemistry Lab course IIID - Coordination chemistry
- 270031 UE Laboratory Course in Enviromental Chemistry - Zusatzveranstaltung für Master und Lehramt Alt
- 270038 SE Symposium Bioinorganic Chemistry - Seminar
- 270043 VO Bioinorganic Chemistry
- 270046 VO Radioactive Metals in Medicine
- 270076 SE Seminar Bioinorganic Chemistry
- 270100 UE Inorganic Chemistry Lab course A - Inorganic Chemistry Lab course III A - Bioinorganic Chemistry, coordination chemistry
- 270124 VO Coordination Chemistry
- 270128 SE [ de en ] Public recognition of environmental chemistry and ecotoxicology
- 270129 SE Coordination Chemistry
- 270173 VO Medicinal Radiochemistry I - Medicinal Radiochemistry I
- 270197 SE Current Aspects of Coordination Chemistry - for PhD Students
- 270252 VO Metals in Medicine
- 270270 VO Radio Chemistry 2
- 270271 VO Radio Chemistry 1
Biological Chemistry (10 ECTS)
- 270015 VO Posttranslational modifiations on proteins - Biologische Funktionen
- 270023 UE Inorganic Chemistry Lab course D - Inorganic Chemistry Lab course IIID - Coordination chemistry
- 270025 UE Opt. Pract. Exercises: Proteinanalytics
- 270030 VO NMR Spectroscopy of bio-molecules - Strukturbestimmung von freien und proteingebundenen Kohlehydraten
- 270035 VO Mass Spectrometry
- 270038 SE Symposium Bioinorganic Chemistry - Seminar
- 270043 VO Bioinorganic Chemistry
- 270052 SE [ en ] Chemical Biology
- 270053 VO Metalloproteins, Structure, Function, Spectroscopy
- 270071 VO [ de en ] Essentials in Pharmaceutical drug discovery & development
- 270076 SE Seminar Bioinorganic Chemistry
- 270095 VO Enzymes - Mechanisms and their Application
- 270100 UE Inorganic Chemistry Lab course A - Inorganic Chemistry Lab course III A - Bioinorganic Chemistry, coordination chemistry
- 270110 PR Laboratory Course: Analysis of Large Datasets of "omics"-type Experiments
- 270112 SE New Aspects of biophysical chemistry and protein biochemistry
- 270114 VO Analysis methods for proteomics and lipidomics
- 270127 VO Organic Chemical Methods - in Molecular Biology and Biochemistry
- 270133 UE Advanced laboratory course in organic chemistry - bioorganic chemistry
- 270137 PR Peptide and Protein Chemistry
- 270246 PR Practice in Multidimensional Analytical Chemistry
- 270252 VO Metals in Medicine
- 270256 UE Research example in Biophysical Chemistry
- 270257 SE Biophysical Chemical Colloquium
- 270275 VO Chemometrics and Data Analysis in Multidimensional Analysis
- 270297 VO [ en ] Receptor-Ligand Interactions
Food Chemistry (10 ECTS)
- 270010 VO [ de en ] Food Toxicology I
- 270014 VO Food Processing
- 270050 VO Food Law - European and Austrian Basics
- 270078 PR Practical Food Analysis Course I
- 270092 EX Study Trip Food Processing and Industry
- 270099 VO Food Analytics I
- 270106 VO Food Additives
- 270117 VO Food Chemistry I - für Studierende im Master
- 270221 VO Food Microbiology and Hygiene
- 270313 UE Practical Course in Food Hygiene and Food Microbiology
- 330037 VO Biofunctionality of Foods
Materials Chemistry (10 ECTS)
- 270027 VO [ de en ] Conducting molecules
- 270072 VO [ en ] Soft Matter Interfaces - Principles and Experimental Techniques
- 270091 SE+UE [ en ] SE+UE Soft Matter Interfaces - Principles and Experimental Techniques
- 270109 VO [ en ] Colloid and Interface Science
- 270113 PR [ en ] Examples for research: Colloid and Interface Science
- 270121 VO Thermodynamic models and phase diagram optimization
- 270131 UE [ de en ] Laboratory course on the characterization of inorganic materials - thermal and thermodynamic methods
- 270153 VO Preparation and thermodynamic characterization of inorganic materials
- 270174 VO [ de en ] Chemical Thermodynamics of Nonelectrolyte Mixtures
- 270265 SE [ de en ] Materials Science Seminar
- 270266 VO [ de en ] Modern methods for materials characterization
- 270267 PR [ de en ] Research Practice of Modern Methods in Materials Chemistry
Organic Chemistry (10 ECTS)
- 270003 UE+VO Structure-oriented searches in chemical databases - literature and facts
- 270030 VO NMR Spectroscopy of bio-molecules - Strukturbestimmung von freien und proteingebundenen Kohlehydraten
- 270033 SE+UE [ de en ] Vibrational Spectroscopy - measuerment and selected topics
- 270095 VO Enzymes - Mechanisms and their Application
- 270107 SE Structures from Spectra - Interpretation of Spectra and Structure Determination (UVIS, IR, MS, NMR)
- 270127 VO Organic Chemical Methods - in Molecular Biology and Biochemistry
- 270130 UE Practical spectroscopy - UV/VIS, IR/Ra, NMR
- 270133 UE Advanced laboratory course in organic chemistry - bioorganic chemistry
- 270134 UE Advanced laboratory course in organic chemistry - module OC-1 - synthetic organic chemistry
- 270135 UE Advanced laboratory course of organic chemistry - OC-2 - Reaction mechanisms and structure - Function Relationships
- 270143 SE Seminar about Catalytic Synthesis Methods
- 270155 VO Physical Organic Chemistry
- 270161 VO Organometallic Catalysis I
- 270187 SE Advanced seminar in organic chemistry
- 270224 VO Heterocyclic Chemistry and Drug Synthesis
Physical Chemistry (10 ECTS)
- 270027 VO [ de en ] Conducting molecules
- 270064 UE Research Example Nanotechnology - Physikalische Chemie und Nanotechnologien der Grenzflächen
- 270070 SE [ de en ] Nanotechnology of Interfaces
- 270072 VO [ en ] Soft Matter Interfaces - Principles and Experimental Techniques
- 270091 SE+UE [ en ] SE+UE Soft Matter Interfaces - Principles and Experimental Techniques
- 270109 VO [ en ] Colloid and Interface Science
- 270113 PR [ en ] Examples for research: Colloid and Interface Science
- 270174 VO [ de en ] Chemical Thermodynamics of Nonelectrolyte Mixtures
- 270250 VO+UE [ de en ] Use of Computers for Data Assessment in Chemistry - Personalcomputer (PCs) zur Messwerterfassung und Messdatenverarbeitung in der Chemie
- 270263 SE+UE [ de en ] Modern methods for materials characterization
Theoretical Chemistry and Spectroscopy (10 ECTS)
- 270019 VO Spectroscopy of nuclear motion II
- 270028 VO+UE [ en ] Symmetry in Chemistry
- 270030 VO NMR Spectroscopy of bio-molecules - Strukturbestimmung von freien und proteingebundenen Kohlehydraten
- 270033 SE+UE [ de en ] Vibrational Spectroscopy - measuerment and selected topics
- 270037 UE Laboratory Course: Computer Graphics and Molecular Modelling
- 270068 VO Molecular Modeling and Drug Design
- 270073 VO Computer Graphics and Molecular Modelling
- 270089 UE [ de en ] Research Examples from Theoretical Chemistry
- 270107 SE Structures from Spectra - Interpretation of Spectra and Structure Determination (UVIS, IR, MS, NMR)
- 270130 UE Practical spectroscopy - UV/VIS, IR/Ra, NMR
- 270142 VO+UE [ de en ] Simulation of Chemical Dynamics
- 270182 UE Guided Research in Computational Biological Chemistry
Master Biological Chemistry (863)
Harmonization Phase (30 ECTS)
- 270004 UE Computational Course for Biol.Chemists
- 270066 VO+UE Molecular Spectroscopy
- 270069 VO Basics of Informatics for Chemistry and Biology
- 270130 UE Practical spectroscopy - UV/VIS, IR/Ra, NMR
- 270190 UE Laboratory Course: Molecular Biology Techniques
- 270194 VO Molecular Cell Biology - for Chemistry Students
- 270195 SE Seminar: Molecular Biology Techniques
- 270222 UE Laboratory Course - Specialized synthetical chemistry
Elective Modules In-Depth Studies (50 ECTS)
In-Depth Studies Chemical Biology (50 ECTS)
Block of Elective Modules Chemistry (30 ECTS)
- 270009 VO Biomolecular Nanotechnology
- 270015 VO Posttranslational modifiations on proteins - Biologische Funktionen
- 270016 VO Advanced NMR Spectroscopy - Methods in NMR Spectroscopy
- 270019 VO Spectroscopy of nuclear motion II
- 270023 UE Inorganic Chemistry Lab course D - Inorganic Chemistry Lab course IIID - Coordination chemistry
- 270025 UE Opt. Pract. Exercises: Proteinanalytics
- 270030 VO NMR Spectroscopy of bio-molecules - Strukturbestimmung von freien und proteingebundenen Kohlehydraten
- 270035 VO Mass Spectrometry
- 270037 UE Laboratory Course: Computer Graphics and Molecular Modelling
- 270038 SE Symposium Bioinorganic Chemistry - Seminar
- 270041 UE Structure and Dynamics of Biopolymers A - Laboratory Course: Structure and Dynamics of Biopolymers A
- 270043 VO Bioinorganic Chemistry
- 270052 SE [ en ] Chemical Biology
- 270053 VO Metalloproteins, Structure, Function, Spectroscopy
- 270065 UE Computer course for bioinformatic problems in chemistry and biology
- 270071 VO [ de en ] Essentials in Pharmaceutical drug discovery & development
- 270073 VO Computer Graphics and Molecular Modelling
- 270076 SE Seminar Bioinorganic Chemistry
- 270086 UE Guided Research in Chem- and Bioinformatics
- 270087 VO Structure and Dynamics of Biopolymers
- 270093 VO Sample Preparation Techniques
- 270095 VO Enzymes - Mechanisms and their Application
- 270100 UE Inorganic Chemistry Lab course A - Inorganic Chemistry Lab course III A - Bioinorganic Chemistry, coordination chemistry
- 270104 SE Journal Club Analytical Chemistry - for Master and Diploma Studies
- 270110 PR Laboratory Course: Analysis of Large Datasets of "omics"-type Experiments
- 270112 SE New Aspects of biophysical chemistry and protein biochemistry
- 270114 VO Analysis methods for proteomics and lipidomics
- 270127 VO Organic Chemical Methods - in Molecular Biology and Biochemistry
- 270133 UE Advanced laboratory course in organic chemistry - bioorganic chemistry
- 270137 PR Peptide and Protein Chemistry
- 270182 UE Guided Research in Computational Biological Chemistry
- 270187 SE Advanced seminar in organic chemistry
- 270246 PR Practice in Multidimensional Analytical Chemistry
- 270252 VO Metals in Medicine
- 270256 UE Research example in Biophysical Chemistry
- 270257 SE Biophysical Chemical Colloquium
- 270275 VO Chemometrics and Data Analysis in Multidimensional Analysis
- 270297 VO [ en ] Receptor-Ligand Interactions
Block of Elective Modules Molecular Biology (20 ECTS)
- 270015 VO Posttranslational modifiations on proteins - Biologische Funktionen
- 270052 SE [ en ] Chemical Biology
- 270194 VO Molecular Cell Biology - for Chemistry Students
In Depth-Studies Food Chemistry (50 ECTS)
Block of Elective Modules Chemistry (30 ECTS)
- 270015 VO Posttranslational modifiations on proteins - Biologische Funktionen
- 270093 VO Sample Preparation Techniques
- 270112 SE New Aspects of biophysical chemistry and protein biochemistry
- 270297 VO [ en ] Receptor-Ligand Interactions
Block of Elective Modules Food Chemistry (20 ECTS)
- 270010 VO [ de en ] Food Toxicology I
- 270014 VO Food Processing
- 270050 VO Food Law - European and Austrian Basics
- 270078 PR Practical Food Analysis Course I
- 270092 EX Study Trip Food Processing and Industry
- 270099 VO Food Analytics I
- 270106 VO Food Additives
- 270117 VO Food Chemistry I - für Studierende im Master
- 270221 VO Food Microbiology and Hygiene
- 270313 UE Practical Course in Food Hygiene and Food Microbiology
- 330037 VO Biofunctionality of Foods
Freely Elective Module (10 ECTS)
- 070292 VU Lecture Series and Exercises - Reduction of excessive nationalism and prejudices in society - Interdisziplinäre Beiträge der Universität Wien
- 233060 UE [ de en ] Science in Society Laboratories
- 270034 VO+SE [ en ] Scientific Writing and Presentation
- 270074 SE Seminar for modern Bioorganic Chemistry and Structure Determination - Teil 2
- 270075 SE [ en ] Seminar in Biological Chemistry for post-graduates - Teil 1
- 270235 SE Seminar in Analytical Chemistry - Lecture and discussion forum of diverse topics in Analytical Chemistry
Master Teacher Training Programme: Chemistry (199 504)
Basic Principles (5 ECTS)
UF MA CH 01 Extension of Basic Principles (5 ECTS)
- 270058 VO ( STEOP ) General Chemistry B
In Depth-Studies (10 ECTS)
UF MA CH 02a Analytical Chemistry (5 ECTS)
- 270108 VO Analytical Chemistry II
- 270156 VO Recognition strategies in chemosensoric
UF MA CH 02b Inorganic Chemistry (5 ECTS)
- 270031 UE Laboratory Course in Enviromental Chemistry - Zusatzveranstaltung für Master und Lehramt Alt
- 270043 VO Bioinorganic Chemistry
- 270076 SE Seminar Bioinorganic Chemistry
- 270173 VO Medicinal Radiochemistry I - Medicinal Radiochemistry I
UF MA CH 02c Biological Chemistry (5 ECTS)
- 270052 SE [ en ] Chemical Biology
- 270071 VO [ de en ] Essentials in Pharmaceutical drug discovery & development
UF MA CH 02d Food Chemistry (5 ECTS)
- 270010 VO [ de en ] Food Toxicology I
- 270099 VO Food Analytics I
UF MA CH 02e Materials Chemistry (5 ECTS)
- 270072 VO [ en ] Soft Matter Interfaces - Principles and Experimental Techniques
- 270091 SE+UE [ en ] SE+UE Soft Matter Interfaces - Principles and Experimental Techniques
- 270153 VO Preparation and thermodynamic characterization of inorganic materials
- 270176 VO Phase Diagrams - (Systematics and Experimental Methods)
- 270266 VO [ de en ] Modern methods for materials characterization
UF MA CH 02f Organic Chemistry (5 ECTS)
- 270003 UE+VO Structure-oriented searches in chemical databases - literature and facts
- 270095 VO Enzymes - Mechanisms and their Application
UF MA CH 02g Physical Chemistry (5 ECTS)
- 270070 SE [ de en ] Nanotechnology of Interfaces
- 270072 VO [ en ] Soft Matter Interfaces - Principles and Experimental Techniques
- 270091 SE+UE [ en ] SE+UE Soft Matter Interfaces - Principles and Experimental Techniques
- 270145 VO Physical Chemistry II - (Chemical and Electrochemical Kinetics)
UF MA CH 02h Theoretical Chemistry and Spectroscopy (5 ECTS)
Practice Module (4 ECTS)
UF MA CH 03 Didactic Supervision of Teaching Practice (4 ECTS)
Subject Specific Didactics (7 ECTS)
UF MA CH 04 Handling Diversity in Chemistry Classes (4 ECTS)
- 270096 SE ( PH-NÖ ) SE Inquiry Learning in school
UF MA CH 05 Teaching and Learning in Chemistry Classes (3 ECTS)
Thesis Module (30 ECTS)
Master’s Thesis Seminar (4 ECTS)
Last modified: Fr 11.01.2019 00:31