Master Education (848)
Group of Compulsory Modules (30 ECTS)
M1 Education as an Academic Discipline (10 ECTS)
M1a Education as an Academic Discipline (lecture) (5 ECTS)
- 190126 VO Education as an Academic Discipline - Pedagogy - fundamental questions
M1b Education as an Academic Discipline (seminar) (5 ECTS)
- 190033 SE [ de en ] Education as an Academic Discipline - Policy Borrowing and Lending in Education: overview and new perspectives
- 190078 SE Education as an Academic Discipline - Pluralismus ja - Beliebigkeit nein.
- 190079 SE Education as an Academic Discipline - The constitution of the science of education in the light of the relation of theory and empiricism.
M2 Philosophy of Science and Educational Research Methods (10 ECTS)
M2a Philosophy of Sience and Educational Research Methods (lecture) (5 ECTS)
M2b Philosophy of Sience and Educational Research Methods (seminar) (5 ECTS)
- 190054 SE Philosophy of Science and Educational Research Methods
- 190064 SE Philosophy of Science and Educational Research Methods - Research Methods in Early Childhood Education. Qualitative and quantitative data analysis based on data from the project PluKi.
- 190127 SE Philosophy of Science and Educational Research Methods - Comparing ontological and epistemological foundations of theories and their methodological consequences
M3Theory of Educational Science (10 ECTS)
M3a Theory of Educational Science I: Education and Change (5 ECTS)
- 190099 SE Theory of Educational Science I: Education and Change - Philosophy of Teaching. About the constitution of a central notion in Educational Science.
M3b Theory of Educational Science II: Curriculum and Instructions (5 ECTS)
- 190028 SE Theory of Educational Science: Curriculum and Instructions - Reform Pedagogy
- 190114 SE Theory of Educational Science: Curriculum and Instructions - Schule und Natur: Ideen und Praktiken seit der Frühen Neuzeit
M3c Theory of Educational Science III: Special Needs and Inclusive Education (5 ECTS)
- 190015 SE Theory of Educational Science: Special Needs and Inclusive Education - Theories of inclusive education
- 190098 SE Theory of Educational Science: Special Needs and Inclusive Education - Theoretical attempts of the remedial educational theory
M3d Theory of Educational Science IV: Education, Counseling and Human Development (5 ECTS)
- 190096 SE Theory of Educational Science IV: Education, Counseling and Human Development - Die Bedeutung von Arbeit und Beruf für biographische Lern- und Bildungsprozesse
- 190117 SE Theory of Educational Science IV: Education, Counseling and Human Development - Theoretische und empirische Perspektiven auf Übergänge, Biographien und Soziale Ungleichheiten
Alternative Compulsory Modules (30 ECTS)
APM-M4 Education and Change (30 ECTS)
M4.1 Development and Change of Educational Theories (10 ECTS)
- 190101 SE Development and Change of Educational Theories - Bildung - Alles, was man wissen muss? - Vom Bildungsproblem zur Bildungstheorie
M4.2 Theories of Education and Learning in the Dynamic Worlds of Media (10 ECTS)
- 190021 SE [ de en ] Theories of Education and Learning in the Dynamic Worlds of Media - Der mechanische Mensch: Technokratische Bildungskonzepte und Stragetien.
M4.3 Concepts of Humans and Theories of Education (5 ECTS)
- 190071 SE Concepts of Humans and Theories of Education - Emotion and Feeling in the current Anthropological Discourse of Education
M4.4 Ethic Challenges in Education (5 ECTS)
- 190023 SE Ethic Challenges in Education - Menschen und Medien im ethischen Diskurs
APM-M5 Curriculum and Instructions (30 ECTS)
M5.1 School and Education Research (10 ECTS)
- 190012 SE [ de en ] School and Education Research - The end of schooling as we know it?
M5.2 Professionalisation and Professionalism in Pedagogical Professions (10 ECTS)
- 190107 SE Professionalisation and Professionalism in Pedagogical Professions - Professionalisierung und professionelles Handeln in pädagogischen Berufen: Maximen, Theorien, Evidenzen, Grenzen
- 490264 PS Teaching and Learning - Projekt Lernreise?
M5.3 Planning, Evaluation and Assessment in Education (5 ECTS)
M5.4 Historical and Social Conditions of Teaching and Learning (5 ECTS)
APM-M6 Special Needs and Inclusive Education (30 ECTS)
M6.1 Pedagogical Approaches to Cultural Diversity and Social Disadvantage (10 ECTS)
- 190041 SE [ de en ] Pedagogical Approaches to Cultural Diversity and Social Disadvantage - A critical Look at Disability and Inclusion from an International Perspective
"M6.2 Education and Training with Impaired Senses, Behaviour, Cognition, Language and Social-Emotional Development" (10 ECTS)
- 190020 SE Education and Training with Impaired Senses, Behav., Cogn., Language and Social-Emotional Developm. - Inclusion, Family and Educational-Decisions
M6.3 Diagnostics, Rehabilitation and Therapy with Focus on Special Educational Needs (10 ECTS)
- 190024 SE Diagnostics, Rehabilitation and Therapy with Focus on Special Educational Needs - Forschungen zu Bildungserfahrungen von Jugendlichen mit Behinderung und ihren Familien
APM-M7 Education, Counseling and Human Development (30 ECTS)
M7.1 Education, Biography and Age (10 ECTS)
- 190027 SE Education, Biography and Age - Theoretical foundations of biographical research
- 190097 SE Education, Biography and Age - "Relevante Andere" in biographischen Entwürfen - zur Rekonstruktion bedeutsamer Ereignisse und Personen in Lebensverläufen junger Erwachsener
- 190104 SE Education, Biography and Age - Biographie, Diktatur und Krieg
M7.2 Exclusion, Diversity and Social Inequality (10 ECTS)
- 190072 SE Exclusion, Diversity and Social Inequality - Bildungswissenschaftliche Perspektiven auf sprachliche Heterogenität in der Migrationsgesellschaft
- 190074 SE Exclusion, Diversity and Social Inequality - Diversität, Normalisierung und Ungleichheit im Kontext von Bildung und Sozialer Arbeit
- 190119 SE [ en ] Exclusion, Diversity and Social Inequality - Diversity, Social Inequalities, Equity in Education
M7.3 Processes of Development in Counseling and Psychotherapy (10 ECTS)
- 190121 SE Processes of Development in Counseling and Psychotherapy - Ansätze pädagogischer Beratung in der Migrationsgesellschaft
- 190123 SE Processes of Development in Counseling and Psychotherapy - Biographical processes of experience and reflection in psychosocial treatment. A reconstructive analysis of counseling conversations.
- 190278 SE Processes of Development in Counseling and Psychotherapy - Psychosocial councelling in institutional contexts
Elective Modules (30 ECTS)
WM-M8 Educational Theories in International and Historical Comparison (10 ECTS)
- 190029 SE Educational Theories in International and Historical Comparison - Konzepte zur Genese des Verhältnisses von Ich und Welt.
WM-M9 Didactics: Teaching and Learning with Media (10 ECTS)
- 190136 SE Didactics: Teaching and Learning with Media - Inclusive Media Pedagogy
WM-M10 Special Ethical Questions (5 ECTS)
- 190037 SE Special Ethical Questions - Euthanasia and assisted suicide
- 190111 SE Special Ethical Questions - Ethical challenges for education as exemplified by transhumanism
WM-M11 Anthropology and Pedagogy (5 ECTS)
- 190073 SE Anthropology and Education - Modern anthropologies and their educational implications
WM-M12 Education - Alterity - Cultur(alism) (10 ECTS)
- 190124 SE Education - Alterity - Cultur(alism) - 'Bildung' in demand of the Other - Postmodern challenges to a contemporary concept of 'Bildung'.
- 190131 SE [ en ] Education - Alterity - Cultur(alism) - The Anthropology of Education
WM-M13 Education, Socialisation and Society (5 ECTS)
- 190088 SE Education, Socialisation and Society - Space as an educational dimension.
- 190100 SE Education, Socialisation and Society - Politische Sozialisation
WM-M14 Education and Gender (5 ECTS)
- 190094 SE Education and Gender - Schönheit, Geschlecht und Körperbilder.
- 190198 SE [ en ] Education and Gender - Gendered Education: with an international perspective
WM-M15 Consultation and Consultation Research (10 ECTS)
- 190038 SE Counseling and Counseling Research - Beratung im Kontext pränataler Diagnostik
- 190129 SE Counseling and Counseling Research - Biographieforschung und Psychoanalyse
- 190134 SE Counseling and Counseling Research - Gesprächsführung, Beratung und Menschenbilder und deren bildungswissenschaftlichen Implikationen
WM-M16 Science Practicum (5 ECTS)
- 190120 PR M16 Science Practicum - Library placement - Students tutoring students
- 190128 PR M16 Science Practicum
Master's Thesis: Seminar (5 ECTS)
M17a Master's Thesis: Seminar (5 ECTS)
- 190025 SE Master's Thesis: Seminar - Master theses in the field of inclusive education
- 190058 SE Master's Thesis: Seminar - Master's Thesis in Philosophy of Education
- 190290 SE Master's Thesis: Seminar - Master's theses in the research area education and counselling in the life course
Last modified: Fr 28.06.2019 00:32
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